<<Gone is the humbelness that the early Hebrew races had with God and the Angelic heiarchies.
Now even the angelic heiarchies do not understand man, as he once was some two thousand years ago and they have stated this.
It should be mentioned that the early Hebrew race, was one of God's special projects.>>
I see your point Daniel. And it concerns me too how much we have changed over time as well.
However, can knowing this about humanity justify turning your back on it, and everything it’s willing to stand for (which may or may not be a good thing)?
There has to be some things you are proud of the human race?
Any accomplishment or discovery?
You greatly admire their literature obviously

But it’s all just take and no give for you, isn’t it?
If you see the need for change, why don‘t you take a stand and do something about it?
It’s like the classic ploy in getting high schoolers interested in politics and to vote. Only when a large enough group votes, can change really begin.
And if you do nothing, you are merely accepting it and adding to the decline.
Other then that, I understand and can sympathize with your viewpoint. But I will not accept the fate of this world to lower it’s self and do nothing like many are willing to allow.
How can you sleep at night knowing you have the power to change something for the better?
All you do with it, is exploit it and peep into woman’s lives with it. Can’t you put it to good use and help the TTA turn this world around
It’s for a good cause