Personal Matters


Quantum Scribe
Isn't the option of starting a conversation versus a thread
so that interpersonal matters can politely remain between
those whom it concerns? Am I alone in not wanting to be
included in couples' affairs? Letting people post details
that are best kept private too much encourages abuses, e.g.
libel and fraud.
I agree with what you say. But what you propose would require a level of awareness that some people just do not possess.

Different customs and preferences about what would be considered personal details might be a area of dispute.

I think it boils down to a persons world view. I tend to look at my fellow man as being equal. So naturally I tend to think everyone probably thinks as I do. But in the world we live in, that is not the norm.

I'm glad we both love our neighbors enough to encourage peace
between them and ourselves, which is my point:

Societies tend to frown upon persons airing their dirty laundry
in public. Why? Considerate persons settle their grievances in
private so as not to unduly humiliate each other and, thereby,
risk more alienating themselves from one another.

Moreover, intolerance of such practices at forums discourages
impostors from contriving against unsuspecting members.
People rise to others' expectations.
So, why not have high standards?
Why not be uplifting,
and not drag people down dead ends?

Some people would like to think "anything goes,"
but, most of the time, just anything won't do.
To be reasonably happy and successful,
certain attitudes and behaviors are helpful.
We are here to serve our fellow kind.
With that objective, some forums' standards
dictate that threads appear in fitting sections.
If they don't fit where posted, they're either
moved to the appropriate section
or deleted for being altogether inappropriate.
Members either get the idea
as to what is the purpose of the forum
or they're urged to seek more suitable company.
Isn't the option of starting a conversation versus a thread
so that interpersonal matters can politely remain between
those whom it concerns? Am I alone in not wanting to be
included in couples' affairs? Letting people post details
that are best kept private too much encourages abuses, e.g.
libel and fraud.

Isn't the option of starting a thread instead of a conversation designed to allow the OP to offer some context to the readers of topic at hand so they have a clue about WTF the OP is talking about?

Does this rambling post have some nexus with another thread on the forum or is it a general bitch about the world as it is but an otherwise non sequitur relative to the forum?

Anyway, who gets to decide what "details...are best kept private", "set new standards" or which "certain attitudes and behaviors are helpful"? The FNG on the forum or the TOS?
It is senseless in this case to make an example of someone in particular, Darby.

This is about couples’ discussing intimate details of their relationships on a forum,
though much of it applies to relationships in general. Who needs either emotional
blackmail by a loved one or detraction by some anonymous poser? The reason few,
if any, forums encourage such discussion is to avoid gossip, unfounded rumors, false
allegations, fights, free-for-alls, law suits ...&c. Qualified help best be sought to soonest
settle any such disputes.

People are free to read scandal sheets, but members here didn’t join TTI to read tabloids.
TTI members often disagree and argue with one another. Sometimes they rightfully take
exception to offensive behaviors. "Attack the behavior, not the person."

I didn’t suggest “new" standards* be set. My assertion that certain attitudes and behaviors
are helpful was meant in a way consistent with the old adage, It's easier to attract bees
with honey than with vinegar.” That is to say, while you or anyone else may be sour, I have
my standards and caustic isn’t characteristic of those whom I care to abide.

*Standards were mentioned in regard to people's rising to meet others' expectations,
something for which I am only thankful.