Nicest table of elements I've ever seen, virtual or not. It's doesn't have an open source license, but he appears to let anyone use the site for educational use and runs on donations alone. Interesting to me is the provide an RSS feed (aka live bookmark) so that when new elements are discovered, you hear about them right away without having to visit the site again.
Nicest table of elements I've ever seen, virtual or not. It's doesn't have an open source license, but he appears to let anyone use the site for educational use and runs on donations alone. Interesting to me is the provide an RSS feed (aka live bookmark) so that when new elements are discovered, you hear about them right away without having to visit the site again.
What makes this periodic table different?
* All XHTML. No images. No Flash. This gives all the scalability and accessibility of a normal web page while looking as good as any image or Flash out there. Highlight and copy data, print, and resize to suit your vision, just like you would with any web page. Your browser's View, Text Size scales the table up or down as you prefer.
* Instantly swap layouts. Use the check boxes at the top of the page to dynamically switch between simple, with names, with electron configuration, and inline rare earth metals. View as much or as little information as you'd like.
* Realtime data view. Move your mouse over any element to instantly update a dozen properties as well as a detailed view of that element.
* Instantly swap data. Only want to see one piece of data at a time, like electronegativity? Whatever you choose appears in place of atomic mass while symbol and atomic number stay visible. Or, maximize and select names and/or electron configs to accompany the dataset you choose.
* Visualize trends. Does atomic radius go up or down by group? Select it and the color of all elements will change in proportion to their values.
* Reliable source data. Our data doesn't come from secondary sources like other web sites. When important values disagree with WebElements, which also uses primary sources, we discuss who might be wrong and why, perhaps even leaving our data mismatched so you get the chance to make your own analysis.
* State of matter slider. In the Series view, drag the slider above the nonmetals and see the state of matter each element is in at that temperature.
* Time machine. After selecting discovery year, use the slider to go back in time and display only the elements discovered by that year.
* Data subsets. Once you've selected a dataset, the slider reveals related properties. Sliding after selecting radius, for example, reveals covalent, empirical, and calculated radii. All told, the slider exposes another 11 properties in addition to the 12 shown, not including the first 30 ionization energies, allowing efficiency functioning on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions.
* Orbitals. Complete orbital readout for each element's ground state along with diagrams following Hund's rules and valence numbers. Hover over each electron pair for a 3-D view of that particular orbital.
* Isotopes. Click an element in the isotope view to overlay all known isotopes with atomic masses. Hover over to fan through like a deck of cards. Borders indicate primary decay mode.
* Dozens of languages. Element names in dozens of languages, even Asian scripts. If your browser sends a compatible language header, you'll be automatically served the site in the language you prefer. Force a certain language using the drop down box.
* Wikipedia integration. Click any element to pop up a window with its Wikipedia page…in any language!
* Instant search. Can't seem to find an element? Type its name, symbol, or atomic number into the box below the alkalis and it will instantly be highlighted.
* Ajax data retrieval. Detailed data is retrieved using Ajax only when you request it.
* Never reloads. Whether you're changing layouts, visualizing data, boiling and freezing elements, searching, or browsing Wikipedia, the site will never interrupt your session by reloading, opening new windows, or resizing your window.
* Printable. The navigation bar at the top offers links to PDFs in American and European paper sizes as well as a large image.
* Latest new elements The day a new element is discovered or synthesized, we'll have the details for you. We even keep up with new, more precise relative atomic masses as IUPAC publishes them.
* Keyboard accessible. Can't or don't want to use the mouse? Your keyboard's tab and arrow keys expose the full functionality of the site. Enter and Escape open and close the Wikipedia window, just like you'd expect. The up/down arrows also manipulate the slider when inside its input box.