Chrono Cadet
Hello one and all,
This posting could probably be considered one of a more political nature. But I think it is appropriate here, because it involves government control over citizens seeking answers and asking questions, and how availabe information is to them.
I go to the public library a couple times a week. I live in a progressive community where our library is treasured and used. I believe I have heard statistics saying that our public library is used more per capata than most libraries in the nation. It is always a busy, bustling place.
The library is in the process of construction to nearly double its size, and we as a community are very pleased.
Now to the nitty grity part.
Each time I go to my library, while waiting in line to check out materials, on a pillar nearby is a laminated statement which reads:
<font color="blue"> ATTN
Under the section 215 of the United States Patriot Act (Public Law 107-56) records of all books and materials you borrow from this library, and of internet sites you visit on library computers, may be obtained by Federal Agents. This law prohibits librarians from informing you if Federal Agents have obtained records. [/COLOR]
Everytime I read this, which is everytime I go to the library, I am very bothered by this. Not the fact that the library has this posting, but that the law under the Patriot Act exists.
I think of Benjamin Franklin, who began the institution of public libraries. I think, this feels like facism or at least a police state. I think, by the nature of calling these laws "The Patriot Act" anyone who opposes the nature of the laws can be called by defactum a "Non-Patriot".
Of course, it is not that I have anything to hide. But it makes me feel guilty until proven innocent, that "big brother" has to look over my shoulders and determine what information is deemed propper by their terms.
Point blank, it bothers me.
Has anyone else who visits their public library seen such a notice I am wondering?
What do you think of this?
The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding
"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
This posting could probably be considered one of a more political nature. But I think it is appropriate here, because it involves government control over citizens seeking answers and asking questions, and how availabe information is to them.
I go to the public library a couple times a week. I live in a progressive community where our library is treasured and used. I believe I have heard statistics saying that our public library is used more per capata than most libraries in the nation. It is always a busy, bustling place.
The library is in the process of construction to nearly double its size, and we as a community are very pleased.
Now to the nitty grity part.
Each time I go to my library, while waiting in line to check out materials, on a pillar nearby is a laminated statement which reads:
<font color="blue"> ATTN
Under the section 215 of the United States Patriot Act (Public Law 107-56) records of all books and materials you borrow from this library, and of internet sites you visit on library computers, may be obtained by Federal Agents. This law prohibits librarians from informing you if Federal Agents have obtained records. [/COLOR]
Everytime I read this, which is everytime I go to the library, I am very bothered by this. Not the fact that the library has this posting, but that the law under the Patriot Act exists.
I think of Benjamin Franklin, who began the institution of public libraries. I think, this feels like facism or at least a police state. I think, by the nature of calling these laws "The Patriot Act" anyone who opposes the nature of the laws can be called by defactum a "Non-Patriot".
Of course, it is not that I have anything to hide. But it makes me feel guilty until proven innocent, that "big brother" has to look over my shoulders and determine what information is deemed propper by their terms.
Point blank, it bothers me.
Has anyone else who visits their public library seen such a notice I am wondering?
What do you think of this?
The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding
"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong