Patriot Act at Library


Chrono Cadet
Hello one and all,

This posting could probably be considered one of a more political nature. But I think it is appropriate here, because it involves government control over citizens seeking answers and asking questions, and how availabe information is to them.

I go to the public library a couple times a week. I live in a progressive community where our library is treasured and used. I believe I have heard statistics saying that our public library is used more per capata than most libraries in the nation. It is always a busy, bustling place.

The library is in the process of construction to nearly double its size, and we as a community are very pleased.

Now to the nitty grity part.

Each time I go to my library, while waiting in line to check out materials, on a pillar nearby is a laminated statement which reads:

<font color="blue"> ATTN
Under the section 215 of the United States Patriot Act (Public Law 107-56) records of all books and materials you borrow from this library, and of internet sites you visit on library computers, may be obtained by Federal Agents. This law prohibits librarians from informing you if Federal Agents have obtained records. [/COLOR]

Everytime I read this, which is everytime I go to the library, I am very bothered by this. Not the fact that the library has this posting, but that the law under the Patriot Act exists.

I think of Benjamin Franklin, who began the institution of public libraries. I think, this feels like facism or at least a police state. I think, by the nature of calling these laws "The Patriot Act" anyone who opposes the nature of the laws can be called by defactum a "Non-Patriot".

Of course, it is not that I have anything to hide. But it makes me feel guilty until proven innocent, that "big brother" has to look over my shoulders and determine what information is deemed propper by their terms.

Point blank, it bothers me.

Has anyone else who visits their public library seen such a notice I am wondering?

What do you think of this?

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
I understand exactly how "big brother" would make you feel uncomfortable. After all, the government obviously doesn't tell us everything that goes on. This law you mentioned is a form of control that they have. After all the government doesn't want you knowing too much about strange and unusual occurences, does it? And it certainly wants to know which individuals are the most curious or informed. Although this is the case, too many citizens are apathetic and choose not to question why federal agents should have the right to see what you are choosing to look at or read. This may or may not be relevant, but think of Fahrenheit 451. Ring a bell?
I got an idea for ya. Maybe not for you specifically, but for one you know that doesn't fear the government, or is really stupid.

check out books like the Koran (no offense, im not making stereotypes), Fight Club, 1984, ect

send yourself an email full of spook words ( here ) i sent one once and never recieved the letter.

Go and look up various sites that involves nuclear weapons development, then print out this url, it's got a step-by-step instructions on how to make a nuclear weapon. nuke instructions

totse is full of fun stuff, really.

after youve checked out some select dark reading material, going to that webpage and printing it, then sending an email with that like and full of spook words, just wait for the large dark-windowed vans accross the streets, I wouldn't be surprised.

no, i'm not crazy /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Dear Relativity,

What a riot.

My favorite was "Bubba the Love Sponge" and "&amp;". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
what about c, a, b, and d?

bubba the love sponge, that's a great one. I think I saw CNN on there.

what did you think of the instructions for a hydrogen bomb?
Hi Relativity,

CNN was probably on there I don't recall.

Yes I remember "c,a,b,and d," and I wondered why it wasn't "a,b,c,and d"?

Nope, I didn't open the instructions for making a hydrogen bomb, but I emailed the spook words to myself and they arrived. Maybe they would not have had I looked at the bomb stuff.

The sight was a delight. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
well, when you read through the bomb stuff, you notice that it's suprisingly, and scarily, simple compared to many many otherthings. bottom line is that if one had the inclinations, and the wealth, it could be done.

scary stuff out there.

when I sent the spook words letter, I wrote mine in an instruction-like method, setting up some twisted plot to destroy something people cherish. God knows that I would never do such a thing, but oddly ehough, that letter was never recieved. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

by the way, you can just call me Rob
Hi again Relativity/Rob,

I went back to the site and I copied the H-Bomb instructions, and emailed them, like the spook words, but I didn't frame it within a hoaxed plot, so I guess that is why mine went through okay.

You have more "cohones" than me! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Some of the words on the spook list are so benign? I wonder how it all works.

I will check the site out some more in a while.

Best Regards,

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong

Misspelled CAJONES. :eek: I know better.

Going to the library today....I'll see what spooky stuff I can find and check it out just because!

(Really, did you have vans with dark windows following you around after your self-incriminating hoax?) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
in reality, no. They wouldn't make themselves that present. they'd watch from very far away. We make soundwaves as we speak, they could point a laser at my window from a sat in orbit and have a nother satelite recieve the bounced back laser, decode it, and they are listening to what we're saying.

the black vans are just a symbol for the whole big brother thing.

the stuff im writing in my screenplay would be considered dangerous to the govt if they are working of human performance enhancement, especially if i'm on the right track, hallucinogens. I made my brother swear that if I was mysteriously killed, he's carry on the legacy for me. Then, our compouter was trashed by computer viruses (coincidence? I THINK NOT! Thank God, I have a single printed copy, which I keep locked away) so, who knows, maybe I am a threat /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif. To them, not the people.

btw, what shall I call you?
Dear Relativity,

Yea, I know. I was just joking around. Wondered what he'd say! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I have 2 books that talk about that stuff "Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A." and "Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control in America", both by Alex Constatine, that address these sorts of technologies in eaves dropping. Actually, "Psychic Dictatorship" is more about that stuff. I should read these again! And I recommend any Alex Constatine book to one and all that seek the truth. Interesting stuff.

Edit: (After thumbing through the books I mentioned here, I must ad a caveat that Alex Constatine books tend to find conspiracy everywhere, even in you breakfest cereal. Still they are a fun read, and to use a line from Oliver Stone's movie JFK, uttered by the character Newman "There's somke there, but there is some fire". I do not credit all of his postulations as true or valid or even nearing a semblance of common sense. But a lot of what he talks about has happened, no matter how he couches it. Okay.)

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Hi Relativity,

Yea, I think I know what you are talking about. Like the CIA (or was it the FBI) office being built so there is an outside facade that has no connection to the inside facade, so that dohicky listening devices can not be pointed at a window and pick up what is being discussed inside.

A few years ago, my computer was stolen at my business. They left behind cash in the register, which wasn't locked, an amp that is worth $1,000, various other things like a mini disc recorder, a good camera, a whole store full of merchandise, stereo equipment. The whole thing was strange. But, maybe it was just a robbery by someone who was incompetant?

And the window that was broken was too small for a the computer monitor to fit through? We couldn't figure out how they got it out?

Weird huh?

There wasn't anything on the computer that could be deemed subversive or dangerous?

What do you think?

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
I was listening to NPR the other day and this lady came on repeating the phrase "Criminals are stupid, that's why they're criminals" so the guy interviwing her said "So, I don't want to put words in your mouth but, you're saying that criminals are stupid?' ... fairly good laugh.

If you can ever find it, I the first time I took Psychology we watched some films by Philip Zimbardo (who looks like the devil) and there was one on Schitzofrenia... this guy was a paranoid schitzophrenic and ended up dead in the east river a couple months later, but what he said was so bizarre... like how someone stole a book from him, but it had important stuff in it, only he would know what was in it, no one would know unless they were following him... he was really insane, refused to be institutionalized cause he thought they'd "get him there too."
On a side point, I was watching Law and Order: SVU where a paranoid schitzophrenic said that someone was out to kill him, no one believed him, but in the end it was true... imagine, not having anyone believe you when the truth is right there.

I think you're safe. "Big brother" wouldnt do a job that sloppy. CIA maybe, but not these folks. They would have torched the building, after leaving a false computer in it's place, then make it look like an accident, or kids.

Im not a conspiracy expert, but I don't think "they" had anything to do this one. It was probably a drunk.

Im pretty sure you're safe, unless someone at your business was taking part in self-incriminating activities
Dear TheSadOne,

I heard a good one on NPR as well. Though your's make me crack up. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif This woman folk singer was talking in between songs, and told how her mother lived through the great depression. When her mother had passed away and the family was cleaning out her house, she found a small box in the attic that was marked "string too small to save".

I love that story.

I agree, how can people really know when someone is truly paranoid for sane reasons, or afflicted with the disabilitating disease schizophrenia. How awful to not be believed under any circumstances.

I find one of the most interesting schizophrenia cases to be Nobel Laureate John Nash (Russell Crow played him the movie, but the book "A Beautiful Mind" was more complete and I think gave a better characterization).

Dr. Nancy Andreasan, the leading psychiatrist in the research field of schizophrenia, works at the university hospital in the town of which I live. I have seen her on public television shows on mental disorders. I'd find it interesting to go to the medical library here and see what recent findings she has written about.

Also the Julia Roberts/Mel Gibson movie entitled "Conspiracy Theory" sure captures that scenario. But my favorite is still "The Manchurian Candidate" with Frank Sinatra and Angela Lansbury. What a classic.

Seems to me, if they know what can cause someone to present symptoms of schizophrenia, from microwaves etc., if they know how that effects the brain, then they should be able to use that knowledge (not in future test cases of course) but that knowledge could be used to help understand schizophrenia. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

I am unfamiliar with the films you brought up, the Philip Zimbardo films. I will see if I can find a tape of them to watch. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Persephone, if you want a schizophrenia film, watch Fight Club /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Dear Relativity,

I really liked "Fight Club" with Brad Pitt. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Good mind bender!

Another good one is "Vanilla Sky" with mister GQ himself, Tom Cruise.

Another good one, and one of my favorite movies, is "Twelve Monkies" with Bruce Willis and again Brad Pitt (his character in this is especially tastey).

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
bein a dude, I don't judge the guys.

vanilla sky was great. I want to see 12 monkeys. Lemme guess, in Monkeys, pitt gets the crap beaten out of him, and bleeds from the face at least once. alsmost every movie ive seen him in, he gets beaten to hell and back.

I also liked Donnie Darko. kinda sad, but a good show IMO. I like messed up movies