Temporal Novice
Fiction is rife with tales involving time travel, usually being a major factor in the story in question. However, not all uses of time travel in fiction are equal and some cases are downright silly and incredulous to some degree. What do you think are particularly silly uses of time travel in fiction?
1978's Superman: The Movie comes immediately to my mind. Don't get me wrong: it's a truly fantastic film, a classic, and a benchmark in movies in general and superhero movies in particular--but I always cringe whenever we get to its rather (in)famous climax...
That's right, Superman flew around the Earth so quickly that he forced it to rotate backwards--which in turn made time itself turn backwards as well! As if time were a VCR tape and the Earth were the spindle unwinding the tape! Even if we assume that Superman were able to reverse the Earth's rotation, which is exceedingly silly itself: doing so wouldn't reverse the flow of time as such! (He has the cause and effect backwards here!) All it would do is create an even greater disaster on the surface! The Silver-Bronze Age method of Superman travelling through time by merely flying at superluminal speed (as The Flash can still do in the modern age, albeit sans the flight part) may have made Einstein shake his head, but it was at least considerably less silly of a concept!
1978's Superman: The Movie comes immediately to my mind. Don't get me wrong: it's a truly fantastic film, a classic, and a benchmark in movies in general and superhero movies in particular--but I always cringe whenever we get to its rather (in)famous climax...
That's right, Superman flew around the Earth so quickly that he forced it to rotate backwards--which in turn made time itself turn backwards as well! As if time were a VCR tape and the Earth were the spindle unwinding the tape! Even if we assume that Superman were able to reverse the Earth's rotation, which is exceedingly silly itself: doing so wouldn't reverse the flow of time as such! (He has the cause and effect backwards here!) All it would do is create an even greater disaster on the surface! The Silver-Bronze Age method of Superman travelling through time by merely flying at superluminal speed (as The Flash can still do in the modern age, albeit sans the flight part) may have made Einstein shake his head, but it was at least considerably less silly of a concept!