participatory anthropic principle


Temporal Novice
Persephone, a different take...

Quantum theory states that any physical system remains in a superposed state of all possibilities until it interacts with the mind of an observer. Both quantum theory and Buddhist teachings on sunyata suggest that as soon as an observer's mind makes contact with a superposed system, all the numerous possibilities collapse into one actuality. At some instant one of these possible alternative universes produced an observing lifeform - an animal with a nervous system which was sufficiently evolved to form a symbiotic association with a primordial mind. The first act of observation by this mind caused the entire superposed multiverse to collapse immediately into one of its numerous alternatives.

That one alternative version of the multiverse was not just the first configuration to be inhabitable by mind. The fact that it was the first configuration also guaranteed that it was the only configuration. All uninhabited alternative universes, ranging from the nearly-but-not-quite habitable few, to the anarchic and unstructured vast majority, were instantly excluded from potential existence. According to the participatory anthopic principle the evolving multiverse was thus always destined to resolve itself into a sufficiently ordered state to allow itself to be observed.

The early multiverse can perhaps be thought of as a massively parallel quantum computer which explored all of possibility-space until it was able to generate a living body, which became the habitation of an observing, sentient being. At that moment the multiverse collapsed into the actuality of that one alternative cosmology. This theory is known as the Participatory Anthropic Principle and was first put forward by the physicist John A.Wheeler in 1983.

But where did the observing mind come from? Buddhist philosophers claim that minds are primordial and exist before entering their physical environment. In the early stages of its evolution the universe was, of course, uninhabitable for animals and humans.

But according to B. Alan Wallace, highly advanced Buddhist and Hindu contemplatives speak of experiencing other realms, or dimensions of existence that transcend this gross sensual realm which they call kamadhatu. They report the existence of rupadhatu, a form realm that is unperturbed by many of the changes in the gross physical cosmos. And beyond this is the arupyadhatu, a formless realm that is completely unaffected by the stages of cosmic evolution. All three of these realms are said to be inhabited by sentient beings. When the gross physical dimension of a cosmos is uninhabitable, sentient beings reside in the rupadhatu and arupyadhatu or in other inhabitable cosmoses. Humans cannot dwell in the rupadhatu and arupyadhatu, though these realms are accessible to a human mind that has been highly refined through meditation.

The bottom line of the participatory anthropic principle is that minds can exist independently of matter, and they create their actual environments from the potentialities around them. But isn't this all just pure metaphysical speculation? Well maybe not. The participatory anthropic principle makes potentially verifiable statements about the early history of the universe, the speed of evolution and the occurrence of extremely unlikely evolutionary steps, including the first appearance of life itself.

Of course, this theory is a variant of the Deutch model that indicates a vast trans-universal structure across an infinite and "simutaneous" multiverse.

You have referred to one of my favorite scientists, John Wheeler. Recently, he has publicly stated that the rest of his life will be dedicated to the why of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle rather than to the what of it. He is a remarkable individual and I am in awe of his intellect. He is on record as stating his belief in an intelligent design because of the experiments showing that simply intelligently observing light at galactic distances, we somehow affect its properties-even at light-year distances! I want to respond to some of your ideas, but at this particular moment I would like to copy a couple of quotations from John Wheeler, Alan Sandage, and Timothy Ferris that have narrowed my focus on this particular understanding of how everything works the way it does. To not make this post too long, I will simply leave it here and join in on your discussion of this participatory anthropic principle in a later post. I believe it is central to our understanding!

John Wheeler
To my mind, at the bottom of it all must be—not an utterly beautiful equation, but an utterly simple idea—and to me that idea when we finally discover it will be so compelling, so inevitable, so beautiful, that we will say to each other—how could it have been otherwise.

Alan Sandage
The trouble we’re in now—this standard model—this standard picture, is very elegant and very powerful. But it’s not complete. It’s incomplete and has some flaws. One of its greatest flaws is one which is hard to explain. It’s an aesthetic flaw. It’s too complicated, and has too many arbitrary parameters—too many fluctuating limits. We don’t really see the creator twiddling twenty knobs and twenty parameters in the universe as we know it. That’s too many. Ever since the Greeks started us on this road to understanding the atom, the fundamental building blocks of the universe, we’ve had this predjudice that there’s something simple underneath all of this. Now 6 quarks and 6 leptons and all their antiparticles and their coming in different colors and charges is too complicated., and there’s a deep feeling the picture is not beautiful.; and that drive for beauty, simplicity and symmetry has been an unfailing drive as to how to go in physics.

Timothy Ferris
In the Judeo/Christian tradition, creation involved order from chaos and light from darkness. Religion and Science have sometimes been depicted as opponents, but science owes a great deal to religion. Modern Science began with the renaissance of the old Greek idea that nature is rationally intelligible. But Science from the beginning incorporated another idea that the universe really is a universe.—ruled by a single set of laws and science got that idea from the Judeo/Christian belief in one God. Now the men that discovered many of the laws of nature—the founders of modern science like Kepler, Copernicus, and Isaac Newton and Gallileo(with all his troubles with the church) were profoundly religious men. In the modern scientific research, especially unified theory, testifies to the triumph of the old idea that the universe may be ruled by a single and elegantly beautiful principle

That single and elegantly beautiful principle is within our reach! Just when the world reaches what seems to be a breaking point, I believe that it will be revealed and will change all of our lives. Thank you for your great posts. I really enjoyed the thought that went into them.
Robin, DA, Persephone, and for Transient,

There is something going on called the Global Consciousness Project to measure the effects of focused global consciousness on random events.

This experiment involves the use of 37 computers located around the world using random number generators to flip virtual coins. The experiment has been going on since 1998. Each computer flips 200 virtual coins at a time and the results of all computers are compared. The results are usually completely random with the virtual coin tosses come up heads or tails 50% of the time. However, when a global event takes place that focuses the attention of billions of people, the randomness of the coin tosses CHANGES AND THEY TEND TO GO SIGNIFICANTLY MORE ONE WAY THAN ANOTHER! In other words they become MORE COHERENT OF NON RANDOM! This took place on September 11 when so many people worldwide were focused on the events of the World Trade Center disaster. This produced the strongest effect so far, but other events have coincided with changes in randomness too, including: each New Years Eve, the papal visti to Israel, the first hour of NATO bombing in Yugoslavia, a variety of global meditations, several major earthquakes, the funeral for Princess Diana and THE Sinking of Russia's Kursk submarine. THIS SEEMS TO INDICATE THAT CONSCIOUSNESS HAS AN EFFECT ON OTHER WISE RANDOM EVENTS!

This is an important indication that a paradym shift is taking place which will usher in the age of consciousness! Any scientific method that demonstrates a measureable connection between the mind and events in the physical world is revolutionary in nature and worthy of further study. These stages consists of levels of flowing waves, with much overlaping and interweaving resulting in a meshwork or dynamic spiral of consciousness unfolding THE GREAT MERKABA...AND UNLEASHING THE PREDICTIONS OF THE BIBLE!

My conciousness tell me that we are all a part limited in time and space. Experiencing thoughts and feeling as something separate from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison! restricting our personal decisions and to affection for a few persons nearest us. The task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle...

Beyond all else, it is a story of the future, of something trying to happen, of centuries year old rattling in its deathbed as another struggles to be born! A transformation of consciousness, culture, society...Which leads me to believe that the whole world has to be crying for us to know we are one!

Very nicely put CAT. You almost had me forget about the means by which this end result will inevitably happen. ~Time Travel.

Not that I am attacking you on your knowledge of your research and of the Merkaba, I think you know it quite well. Far better then me anyways
. But I do think I know a thing or two more about actual reality, manipulation, and motives then you. And it is with my 2 cents (critical view), that both sides to this is seen, and adds to the ultimate understanding of the discussion.

For you see CAT, by the very design of obtaining this state and "<<usher in the age of consciousness>>", there first has to be manipulation and exploited freewill, sheer random acts alone cannot bring up these results.

But these "random" acts (as we see them) and with their synchronization of events to bring global consciousness together, really cannot occur with only our human will at the helm. But by an out side force, assisting to bring it all together. In that when it's done it's very own creation, is creating a hypocrisy of the very thing it needs to want to unite to resolve it's corporal 3rd dimensional "prison," as you so stated it's like /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<The task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle...>>

I look for the cause to the effect that interest you so much. For the justification for this unification of human consciousness is done by that. After pealing away of the layers of how beautiful and lovely it can all be. What we are basically looking at here is Time Travel, plain and simple.

The moral aspect of it however is another story, and for another thread. Until then, this is the basic common denominator to bring all things together again.

For as you said your self CAT in another thread:


As it is so, the reason why it exists is because of it's very use in the first place. As all things come through it's gates, are altered by it. Inevitably united.


<<In that when it's done it's very own creation, is creating a hypocrisy of the very thing it needs to want to unite to resolve it's corporal 3rd dimensional "prison," as you so stated it's like .>>

Let me correct you in proper theoretical thought in that this dimensional prison is likened unto a veil that has been placed upon us because of our (Biblical) recorded dimensional fall that stricken us into mortal pain feeling form and striped us of our light bodies.

This hellish prison that we are in was CAUSED BY SIN ITSELF! This is a lesson we must learn about and its deceptiveness from which we fell, and finally OVERCOME IT! We should be looking to escape this dimensional delusional veil MERELY BY UNDERSTANDING ITS DECEPTIVE STRUCTURE BY TUNING INTO CONSCIOUSNESS!

<<global consciousness together, really cannot occur with only our human will at the helm. But by an out side force, assisting to bring it all together.>>

Nobody really understand and knows exactly what this consciousness is? But I am prompt to think that it is man YEARNING, LEARNING and reaching for its CREATOR!

Enoch's Merkaba is simply the way to do that. I am merely thinking that this is a gift given for passage between dimensions and star systems. This could have come from the future as well as the past, but the one important thing to know is that it is TIMELESS! meaning whatever powers reside there is ULTIMATE!

Perhaps maybe when we have consciously matured and mastered our reality in breaking through the veil of deception we will finally know true freedom!

Sure this knowledge can be abused! But to note that it ITSELF is not the enemy! It is the TEACHER!

It merely depends on how each one of us look at it. And as I've said above that the sway of consciousness is the voter. lf we go around brain washing and implanting thoughts that humanity is being betrayed than maybe 20% of the population might actually believe that and if one publishes a book or is in direct connection with the public, consciousness is weighted in the negative. But if one affirms and leans towards positive and good thoughts rather than loath in deception, who is to say what the amount of coins will register, or what impact this will have on all habitation? But odds are its powerful enough to move mountains!!!

It is not logical for me to think that this consciousness in the future is a conglomerate of thoughts created and set up by man and by a means of TIME TRAVEL sending it back into the PAST to be portrayed as G-D! The fact cannot be ignored that to have a THOUGHT out of no where, a SINGLE SENTIENT THOUGHT had to be present there to begin with. It would be out of a NEGATIVE DARK FORCE that would want to cover and conceal this GREAT TRUTH! which would be the DEATH OF OUR CONSCIOUS SOULS! It would be like a game of chess where we would never have the honor of being kinged or queened!

So by NO MEANS is the collaboration of this consciousness G-D! He is a individual and different entity all together! At least this is what I tend to believe and feel AND WOULD WANT TO BE! I have made my conscious vote along with more than 90% of the Earth inhabitants...

<<This hellish prison that we are in was CAUSED BY SIN ITSELF! This is a lesson we must learn about and its deceptiveness from which we fell, and finally OVERCOME IT! We should be looking to escape this dimensional delusional veil MERELY BY UNDERSTANDING ITS DECEPTIVE STRUCTURE BY TUNING INTO CONSCIOUSNESS!>>

Yes I understand that part. By which ever means that is by that we achieve this state however; by Time Travel is what I was referring to.

<<lf we go around brain washing and implanting thoughts that humanity is being betrayed than maybe 20% of the population might actually believe that and if one publishes a book or is in direct connection with the public, consciousness is weighted in the negative.>>

Exposing the truth is never a negative CAT. Exposing corrupted politicians or crooked cops will not weight our society and consciousness down. But elevate it. From being in the dark to the light.

<<But if one affirms and leans towards positive and good thoughts rather than loath in deception, who is to say what the amount of coins will register, or what impact this will have on all habitation?>>

I have a pretty good idea that God and his angel's loath deception. And so does the TTA. Keeping it around and accepting it for an end result by it's hands is the very hypocrisy I am talking about.

<<So by NO MEANS is the collaboration of this consciousness G-D! He is a individual and different entity all together! At least this is what I tend to believe and feel AND WOULD WANT TO BE! I have made my conscious vote along with more than 90% of the Earth inhabitants...>>

Now this is different then what was said a few days ago. First the Merkaba the word of God himself is the key to everything, to now you agreeing with me and saying that it's mankind exploiting it.

The great vote is what I have been speaking about since day 1 here. Who would have known that, but me that many would come to this conclusion someday? 90% is a lot to allow Time Travel from happening to achieve this end result. But like you said, it's not God. And the changes and coincidences that occur to bring all things into the light is by man's manipulation of the past alone.

Have you truly made your conscious decision to give up on your human rights, your freedom of choice, independence if you have no say of where you will be put, and who and when someone dies? It's not God as you said... so why should you?

Would not instead true divinity be achieved when all deception is uncovered and exposed and done so by the over whelming vote of man, not coerced and tainted by Time Travel?

Think of it as playing a video game, you have the codes to give you infinite lives and invisibility right from the start, to cheat basically... Do you use it to give you an edge throughout the game, or is there more meaning to playing it without it? (Hence global consciousness collaboration through Time Travel).


You posted: <<I have a pretty good idea that God and his angel's loath deception.>>

Once again you have used your perversion to sway the truth. Looks like things are never going to change with you. So much for your "transitional changes" that you so eagerly promised in your personal inbox message to me the other day? I plainly do not wish to play your game anymore!

My conscience is far stretching and strong and very influential to the totality of humanity. By contemplated and wasting valuable energy on you, I am diminishing what I can share on this forum and contribute to humanity...

Good bye Activist, I wish you good luck on your journey and may you someday see the idiosyncrasy of your human brain...

Here we go again,
<<Once again you have used your perversion to sway the truth. Looks like things are never going to change with you. So much for your "transitional changes" that you so eagerly promised in your personal inbox message to me the other day? I plainly do not wish to play your game anymore!>>

You know CAT, the discussion was going so well until you allowed your righteousness of your heritage pride take over simply because there was a difference in opinion.

Please try and relax, and realize that what I said to you through personal e-mail was the truth. But as the TTA, I will always see 2-sides to this issue; one of Temporal Manipulation and another as Divine. Whether you like it or anyone else likes it, I will always speak of them both. For that is the only way to ever understand anything.

As for you playing a game... Well, at the very least I don't wish to cheat this one. That is my "conscious decision," and I believe we all know what yours is.

<<My conscience is far stretching and strong and very influential to the totality of humanity.>>

A little to much flattery, and way to little proof. Show us again your consciences totality to humanity when you heartlessly sell out a friend and forward personal e-mails to others who hate him, and expect forgiveness only to do it again? Yes, it's really obvious what your consciousness has to offer humanity. I'm sure adding your distinctiveness to it will greatly elevate it to true consciousness in no time.

<<By contemplated and wasting valuable energy on you, I am diminishing what I can share on this forum and contribute to humanity...>>

You've hassled me at times for assuming this responsibility of being the TTA and doing it for humanity, now look at you. I know what humanity is, and deceiving them is not going to get them anywhere.

If all you want is to keep a 1-sided debate and have only your side heard, then I see every reason why I am such a threat to you and why you feel that your energy is being diminished.

Cause I don't see a good reason to keep humanity ignorant of all possibilities, even those of deception for unification.

Your need to control and name call anyone who has an opposing opinion is evident in your need to "contribute to humanity." Nice example.

<<Good bye Activist, I wish you good luck on your journey and may you someday see the idiosyncrasy of your human brain...>>

The only one that has a peculiar mind here is you CAT; you just can't stand someone showing you the reality of the situation. Can't you try a better way of making your point to me then name-calling? How about refuting what I said, since you believe I swayed the truth with perversion? Show me, and discuss it with me. Is that not the most civilized way? Was that not my way?


P.S. MOP, please have patience with some of these posters pride. It would be a shame if the forum gets deleted and ruins it for all of us because of their unwillingness to be adults when engaging in a 2-sided discussion.
Here we go again

The subject of this thread is participatory anthropic principle. It doesn't sound to me like an invitation to personal vendettas. I'd like to see this thread stay viable so that we who are interested in the subject can continue to discuss it? Too many threads have petered out because, as Robin so poignantly noted, it gets reduced to chaos. I admit that I got involved in it myself. I welcomed mop's very direct warning for it to stop. If you have anything to say about the subject matter, by all means please join in whether your ideas are positive or negative. When it gets down to personal attacks and hurt feelings, it detracts from the subject matter. If all would make an attempt to stay on subject, at least peripherally, maybe we could make some progress on understanding the ideas involved. If not, I could only assume that there is a purposeful attempt to be destructive to the thread itself. I have seen many threads get destroyed in this way. I hope that this one can get to continue without further personal attacks on the intelligence of the person or persons who have put a lot of thought into their responses. I've watched this interesting forum for a long time, and I have seen lots of people leave and never post again. That takes away from all of us and must leave a lot of people who would like to participate feeling frustrated and angry. I hope that such interesting posters such as Robin, Persephone, Shadow, Transient, Cat, Creedo, Frog, Xavier and many others can post fully expecting that there will be divergent views without getting personally attacked. With that said, I would like to see more views about the subject at hand: Participatory Anthropic Principle.
Ok, all must say something. To TTA: TTA, I do not think that Time Travel will be discovered at all, least I hope not! But anyway if it's discovered you do know that people responsible they have created a infinity loop meaning that because of them messing with causality they have created two time lines that forever alternate which would mean that there is a point in the future that time (cause and effect) stop completely and forever repeat the same actions over and over.

In other words destroying time so that there is no future beyond the point when the first Time Traveler went into the past. If that is true than the we are truly pre-destined.

BTW, TTA if you can prove that you have paranormal powers, James Randi will pay you $1 millon look at the info at

To CAT: CAT I don't believe in the whole Merkaba=Time Travel thing, because why would God want fallen man to have such power?

On the topic: I think that participatory anthropic principle isn't very logical because inanimate objects can observe just as well as any human and plus that would mean you could create something just by thinking it's there and it would be there.


You Posted: <<To CAT: CAT I don't believe in the whole Merkaba=Time Travel thing, because why would God want fallen man to have such power?>>

It is by this means that we can unite with G-D. When we die, or have a NDE, or through Meditation this is what we see. It is the tunnel/worm hole with the super intense light in the distance. It is programmed into our very brains (which are fractal) and take the form of the Merkaba/Tree of Life.

It has revealed and shown its form through out 7,000 centuries. It is in the Hebrew Bible, Kabalah, Dead Sea Scrolls, Apocryphal, Sefira and even mentioned at the very last book in the Christian Bible in Revelations 22 as being the New Jerusalem. And throughout all Indian history exhibiting its form throughout many Mandelas.

It was even discovered by Euclid studying the Hebrew Bible and is the basis of all Geometry today. It also was known to Archimedes, Pythagoras, Merlin and Alexander the Great. And is prevelant in the study of atomic stucture today...IT IS THE VERY STUCTURE OF THE ATOM!


Can you explain that Tracker?


CAT, DA, Robin and Persephone

Remember that yes there were Minds on the beginning, and each mind took off for a separate corner of the vast void, and there these Minds gave form to the formless. These were the many minds of God. The Universe was created by the use of Eight Principles.
The Principle of Mentalism, Correspondences, Vibration, Polarity, Cause and Effect, Generation and Rythm. To the vast mayority of mankind these firts seven principles were taught. But how could you properly use them with out anyone knowing of the Eight. The one that should be the First, the Principle of Unity. The one that explains that everything is composed of lesser parts that are in itself a whole. For example a mountain is a mountain by the gathering of stones, earth and grass. Without these the mountain would not be. A door, is a combination of wood and metal hinges. The universe is a combination of many realities that only put together give form to a greater scene. Humanity, it is a combination of many souls that put together give form to the essence of GOd, for we were one in the beginning, we are one now, and that shall we be in the future.

Until later becomes now.
Wow, it's everywhere. It's the basis of everything we hold dear. Even the atom... how extraordinary.

Now for my question:

What does exploiting it do for us?

And is accepting it, which is what your agenda is; really the right thing for humanity?

Is it worth the risks? To lie and deceive a race for millenniums in order to bring all of this together? And still expect it to believe to have a choice in the matter.

Does the ends really justify the means?

Well that depends CAT, Is it YOU or is it God or do you have the mind of God with a fallen nature?
Or is it just demons tricking you?
No I can't explain it past that those facts are created by God, but I can not go so far as to say that geometric properties give us the right to use such power (if it really exists and is not a illusion created by demons) for what ever you want, but like I said it depends: is it YOU or God or the mind of God plus yourself that has these powers?

If it's yourself than that has such power than I fear for the human race, if it is God than you shouldn't need the power in the first place, if it's the mind of God plus yourself than you should automatically be able to do the right thing with no problem.

I do not think meditation on such things is good, because like it or not CAT, it does leave you open to demonic activity.

It's good to hear that not everyone is rolling over...
but questioning instead.

One can say that he is doing God's will and serving him, but it is only by example that we see if this is true or not.

Man is basically capable of sensing who is divine and willing to serve man, and who comes off devlish and deceptive towards it.

It's like the old adage goes; "If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck."

Distinguishing who's really deceptive and what their motives for humanity are, are what will bring ultimate truth.

But not by playing this game and thinking of cheating it. Consider what is at risk and what your giving up, is it really worth it?

I have found something out very interesting about the Global Consciousness Project. I had emailed the Director, Roger D. Nelson at Princeton University and this is what he explained to me, how the collection of conciencness is measured by the coin calculating machines:

<<In all cases, the design begins with white noise, for example in the PEAR Portable REG, a flat spectrum +/- 1 db from 1100 Hz to 30 KHz. A low end cutoff at 1000 Hz eliminates frequencies at and below the data-sampling rate. This filtering, together with appropriate amplification and clipping, produces an approximate square wave with unpredictable temporal variation. Sampling at a constant 1 KHz rate is typical, although special sources have been constructed allowing higher rates (up to 2 MHz). Analog and digital processes are completely isolated by alternating these operations to exclude contamination of the analog noise train by digital pulses. To eliminate biases of the mean that might arise from such environmental stresses as temperature change or component aging, an exclusive or (XOR) mask is applied to the digital data stream. This is either an alternating 1/0 pattern or a more complex mask comprising an array of all bytes with equal occurrence of 1/0. Both exclude bias of the mean, in principle, and the latter also excludes all short-lag bit-to-bit and byte-to-byte autocorrelations. Finally, data for the PEAR experiments are recorded as "trials" that are the sum of N samples (e. g., 200 bits) from the primary sequence, thus further mitigating any residual short-lag autocorrelations. The result is a data sequence that conforms to the appropriate theoretical binomial distribution and to its normal approximation.>>

<<In simpler terms: Electronic white noise is just a tiny voltage whose level is varying at high speed (high frequency). You can hear white noise in the hiss of static between stations on a radio. The exact voltage level is always unpredictable, so you can't know before a measurement is made if it is high or low compared to its average. So if you make a measurement (take a sample) the result will be equally likely to be high or low, and can be translated into 1 and 0 to become "bits" in a random sequence like 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 ..... This sequence can be summed over any number of samples, which is like flipping a coin at high speed and counting the heads.>>

I found it very interesting to note that sound is the main benefactor.


I am not telling anyone to accept these principles, they are in itself self-sustaining, just look at your enveloping creation. Every single principle reflects in every single thing. However, it is not for us to exploit it, it is for us to learn from them, to make them part of our very natures and that, provided we as a race choose the right path, shall take us to greater heights.

You see, ever since I came here, to this forum, All I have said is that mankind should work together. That is the only way we would ever achieve something greater than ourselves. Why do I say this? Look around a war is looming over our shoulders, we might have great technologies but we forgot ages ago how to be kind and sensible to each other. I dastardly refuse a horrible future for our race, we as the people of this country can make a difference, we can change things for the better.

About the lies, no do not be so foolish as to think that we have been lied to. It is not like that. Remember when you where in 6thd grade and they told you that after Zero there was nothing. And then the following year they told you that yes, there were negative numbers before Zero, well some things are kept hidden until we are ready to learn them, to reveal them sooner might invite an unwise choice to the equation.

And humanity must be very well acquainted with several topics before new ones are uncovered. And please do not go thinking that some illuminati is revealing away these secrets, no humans are the ones doing the discoveries. But as far as I am concerned we will not be making any more of such discoveries for the coming years, humanity has been taking the wrong choices for a while now. And when people come to your aid, you reject them, they keep coming at you but people like you who really think that know better, keep rejecting them.

Ah and the other thing, Friend Tracker, the world is pretty full with people saying things about under dark monstruosities and other such fallen devas. Please I assure you that as TTA says we are quite aware of wether something is hellish or not. So I beg you stop the demonic talk in this forum, you might reffer to it, because it is a public domain, but be wiser than that if you do know what you are talking about.

Until later becomes now.