I meant no disrespect towards you.
If you are aware of this site, then I'm sure you know that there is intellectual baiting at times, as well, friendly challenges.
It's very hard through a message board to always 'feel intent', or something akin.
If you have experienced what you originally stated, you seem very well spoken and I am sorry for any negative feeling.
I tend to be an eccentric person on many levels so my over active mind has to play out all scenerios - which at times may seem that I miss a/the point entirely, which is not the case necessarily, it's just the choice of expression vs. effective communication.
So to readdress what you've asked, I think anything is possible, and I know here that many skeptics draw a breath stating such, however if you can imagine it, you can calculate it - eventually. Relevance? questionable at times, I'm learning to curb the imagination towards practicality - which is sad in some regards because it means letting go of some possibility.
Quantum mechanics to me is a Holy Grail of sorts. Why?
As children we imagine anything is possible, science inevitably slowly closes the door on this. QM is not only a key, but a series of fabulous and wonderous doors waiting to be opened, though caution is certainly to be had.
What's possible? What's irrational?
When I visualize all these things I digest and dream, I don't tend to form a bias (that includes conspiracies), rather I pose the wonderment of conjecture to myself in the form of what can be held onto rationaly, and what must be let go from the process of not only deduction, but more recently proven logic.
For me, it's not an ego trip, but more importantly a chance to visualize the fantastic.
So - back to your question, sorry - I told you I ramble /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I've wondered if we each have our 'own' parallel reality many times. It would give sense and meaning more towards the 'I think therefore I am' aspect.
Though just as in synchronicity of 'shared time' - in that context, I imagine you'd be speaking of individual perception divergence? Something perceived that goes outside the norms of majority consensus on an event, or something paticular in the environment?
That goes back to (not color blindness) but individual perception.
How do we not know the colors we take for granted are not different hues to each of us, but yet appear normal for we agree what we both see is "green" or "blue" etc.
All we'd need is the complete range of frequencies to seperate the prism into it's respective measurements.
As long as that occurs and 'shading' is correct then the rest is personal perception.
IE; your "Red" could be my "Blue" etc, but for all intensive purposes of perception, language, and communication that wouldn't matter. It would be something only each of us can know. Unless you can look through another's eyes ^^.
(I realize that there may be ways to analyze that further, but it's an example of personal perception vs. shared for comparison value).
It's interesting. Once again, I apologize.