

Quantum Scribe
Friends of EarthTR125.0121

This one is more of a philosophical question than anything else, but let us ask anyways.

What would you do if you travel back in time and discover that some time travelers are conspiring to introduce a major paradox to your timeline. When you manage to stop them you will find that you have one of two choices.

One: Allow the paradox to happen and cause the destruction of a major city that never ocurred in your original timeline

Two: Allow for a smaller paradox to happen that will inadvertly affect your family line and erase you from all history.

Let us ponder about this, shall we!

Until later becomes now.
Talking about time travel in a meaningful way takes a lot of effort and thought. It appears that most people would rather get caught up in playing the fantasy, rather then making the event happen in reality.

Thats why all this Titor nonsense crops up every other post. All the while unscrupulous individuals use the forum (aswell as many others) to forge there own reality intentions. Those who wonder what could be, are often the easiests targets.

Anyway to your thought provoking question;

Two: Allow for a smaller paradox to happen that will inadvertly affect your family line and erase you from all history.

Its sort of like the question old masters would ask themselves, Would they scarifice their life to contribute to the larger plan.

Then the question would be - regardless of initial 'numbers in death', Which is the best paradox for the timeline as a whole and everyone within it. Which one is most in keeping with the 'plan'.

A whole city sounds disasterous, however an individual from a family line has the 'potential' to contribute more to a timelines intention and purpose then a whole city of people. Theres a much greater risk then would first appear. I can think of people that have contributed to history behind the public scenes. If that (or those) had not done so, far more death and decay would have occured.

For this, one would surely need to develop the senses and ability to look into the consciousness of the timeline itself. Looking into the potential of the timeline whilst scanning the results from both senarios. Otherwise you are being reckless to choose with no solid basis.

I dont know many people that have this ability perhaps only one. And there is no other way to make an educated guess without getting outside help. Maybe commandeer the aid of watchers. Without the ability to understand the greater picture, Its like asking someone to bet on either heads or tails...

This is my answer. Perhaps non committal, but this is the reality of the senario posed.

Kindest regards,
Friend Olly

Your answer is certainly most interesting.

You also bring about the subject of being able to peruse the consciousness of a specific timeline in order to decide. This is a most interesting point, for one who is capable of doing so would be considered a creature of time itself.

It would be like being able to read the ebbs and quatum fluctuations of time as one would read a map, not at all difficult if one has a timeshifting device. Remember that time, for a timeshifter has already taken place and all things are "there" for inspection.

It is also fascinating that one could decide over an individual instead of saving a city. Take for example not saving Rene Descartes. Indubitably, some else would have come up with the scientific method, however the precise "when" and "where" would have profound effects upon the entire timeline. So you might be right.

Then again, we might not, so anyone out there with a sensible theory feel free to commune with us.

Until later becomes now.
But wouldn't the question itself present an odd paradox? As anyone able to travel in time and willing to sacrifice him/herself for the greater good... wouldn't that person be of equal value to a large yet unknown city?

Even so, I would choose the city over the individual... merely because the city has the potential of harboring more important individuals.
Friend Transient,

When you say"paradox" what do you mean? Can you give an example? The definition that you use can help in answering the question (duh
Friend Darby of EarthTR125.0121

Excume for bieng so "tardy" in my response, I have been away for a while doing some "home chores".

But yes I should go on and explain what a paradox is. From a simple perspective a paradox is the introduction of a variable that wasn't previously in the scope of observable facts. This introduction leading to the reconstitution of events of a given timeline. This could be as simple as crushing a plant to the celebrated grandfather paradox.

Until later becomes now.
Transient 001: You are beginning to sound quite a bit like a previous hoaxer who posed as Zeshua (not the Zeshua hoaxer, but the hoaxer claiming to be the Zeshua hoaxer). /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Friend Packerbacker of EarthTR125.0121

I am no hoax, nor I am claiming to be anything else, Ive never done so. I am simply an observer who comes and goes as he pleases, pondering on the yonder years and the things that had been. Still waiting for that particular scientific commentary that would make me remember the times of true analisys.

Until later becomes now.
Really, you're asking a moral judgement from most people.

A) Wipe out a city
B) Wipe out yourself

Now, if people think hard enough, this is actually a false, and trick, question, but thats only if you think of a singular, and linear timestate. EG...

You wipe out yourself stopping the ending of the paradox which means you never actually kill yourself.

However, time splits into various realities. What you would get instead is:
A timeline where you fail in your task
A timeline where the timetravellers fail in their task
A timeline where you and your family do not exist
A timeline where a city has been wiped out

Now, I've never met a paradox that can openly destroy stuff (maybe it has suicidal tendencies and a position on self-harm), but I have met a Paradox that can force stuff into a loop.

In reality (like I said it's a trick question) you actually have no choice over the events. They are already determined based on what timeline you exist in. What you morally value has no real worth in time travel, I assure you.