Pamela More\'s and Time 02112\'s collosal question, on time realites:
There was a question posed a while back by Pamela More as well as by Time 02112's concerning folding and or portable realites.
It was supposed as a phylosphic idea, that since some aspects of the Montauk Expierments were done by transplanted Arryians from Germanic responces.
This is said that their follow down subjects, the CIA, might be trying to develope portable realites, that they could hide within?
This is a big chunk of phylosophical thought, as if one makes a branch sub-reality, off any one main timeline.
Then by the laws of how certain realites are governed within the design of the cosmose, then that manufactured reality, should gradually fade into nothingness, with time.
However' what if there is a device made or placed into this manufactured reality, so that this artifically manufactured reality, can be made stable, and exist as its own country, so to speak?
Since any well qualified time travel ship, does uasually make its own event bubble, what is to prevent a very powerfull agency,. from coppying a major reality, say even an entire state and then take that reality over and place this reality, wherever they want to put it?
I do have some natural knowlege of magic and can make objects move at a distance as well as defend myself by magic.
Time 02112 somehow had found out that I am lauded by the etherical coucil of the Zoe Astrians, which is the etheric witches and wizzards council.
I am not a prominant magican, however when the need is there can be quite formatable.
Time 02112 had proposed that I could seal up the holes in the aether made in the cosmose, by brute magic.
To this proposal, I said, that the tear made by the Destroyer Eldrige, which was the test ship of the Philedephia Expietment and so seal time and space back to normal.
I had said to Gary, :NO!' Gary, I certainly can't do this, as your talking the major skills of a very well expierenced and polished Wizzard, who has extensive expiernece in the field of doing this type of power casting".
I seemed to let the wind of of Gary's sails, as he was counting on me to be able to do some form of magical feat.
The utility problem is, now-a-days, there are no major wizzards magical shops, that I know of.
There is also not a tutoring wizzard, that I could go to, as one get golf lessions from a pro, in order to inprove their own personal game.
So this is the other side of the coin that everyone has not looked at, using vast powers of magic, plus a staff with a top held gem, to seal this supposed tears within the aether.
This type of chore, channels about the same power as that of the power going through the Grand Coolie Dam, for about fifteen minutes.
This means the Wizzard doing the power cast, must completely seperate his entity within an event shell, which controlling gigga joules of vast untold power, so sealing the tear.
In all of my reading on wizzards, I have never heard of or even concieved of a qualifed wizzard handeling this much power.
This would be similar to takeing a shuttle launch and controlling it like a paper airplane, so makeing it do loops.
I want to bring these two toppics, to you others, as both of the formentioned pontentals do and have existed, so by rights of property, these concepts are yours also.
At one time, within the history of man elsewhere, ther were indeed wizzards who could do such feats.
Doloris Cannon within her books the UFO alien crash in ancient Alaska, tells of a man who had an extra organ within abdomen, which would allow him to phase change to other realities.
This feat was accomplished by this hunter, so as to put food on the table for his fellow villagers.This man did this chore to held preserve life and did this phase dimensionmal jump, in an unselfish way.
So logic further dictates, that there are also wizzards born, who have the power to cast tremendous powers, through time and space, with the use of both their hands and staffs.
There has also been tellings of female witches, who have done the same.
NPR REPORT ON MEXICAN RURAL BASED WITCHES:Within some of the smaller villages there are women who the locals refer to as witches, that the locals take their sick to.
There is at times, some competetivness and even witches who are foolish enough to use darker magical arts, where other witches advise not to.
Some of these healers are reviered and thought of highly.
The interview with one of these witches had resulted in the realied opinion given by such a witch;"We do not think of ourselfs as what other people know and call witch, but people who know how to heal, in old held arts, which we refer to as medical healings arts.
Yes'I think it is unwise and foolish to dable in black arts, and this is why my healing abilites, are based in other ways.
Those who use these arts, one day do pay a toll.
SEGEMNTS INTERVIEW, BY NPR, WITCHES OF RURAL MEXICO.**All rights reserved, NPR public broadcasting company.
Check www.npr.org, or NPR.com, for both source and data file, on this recient story.
Thank you Creedo 299
There was a question posed a while back by Pamela More as well as by Time 02112's concerning folding and or portable realites.
It was supposed as a phylosphic idea, that since some aspects of the Montauk Expierments were done by transplanted Arryians from Germanic responces.
This is said that their follow down subjects, the CIA, might be trying to develope portable realites, that they could hide within?
This is a big chunk of phylosophical thought, as if one makes a branch sub-reality, off any one main timeline.
Then by the laws of how certain realites are governed within the design of the cosmose, then that manufactured reality, should gradually fade into nothingness, with time.
However' what if there is a device made or placed into this manufactured reality, so that this artifically manufactured reality, can be made stable, and exist as its own country, so to speak?
Since any well qualified time travel ship, does uasually make its own event bubble, what is to prevent a very powerfull agency,. from coppying a major reality, say even an entire state and then take that reality over and place this reality, wherever they want to put it?
I do have some natural knowlege of magic and can make objects move at a distance as well as defend myself by magic.
Time 02112 somehow had found out that I am lauded by the etherical coucil of the Zoe Astrians, which is the etheric witches and wizzards council.
I am not a prominant magican, however when the need is there can be quite formatable.
Time 02112 had proposed that I could seal up the holes in the aether made in the cosmose, by brute magic.
To this proposal, I said, that the tear made by the Destroyer Eldrige, which was the test ship of the Philedephia Expietment and so seal time and space back to normal.
I had said to Gary, :NO!' Gary, I certainly can't do this, as your talking the major skills of a very well expierenced and polished Wizzard, who has extensive expiernece in the field of doing this type of power casting".
I seemed to let the wind of of Gary's sails, as he was counting on me to be able to do some form of magical feat.
The utility problem is, now-a-days, there are no major wizzards magical shops, that I know of.
There is also not a tutoring wizzard, that I could go to, as one get golf lessions from a pro, in order to inprove their own personal game.
So this is the other side of the coin that everyone has not looked at, using vast powers of magic, plus a staff with a top held gem, to seal this supposed tears within the aether.
This type of chore, channels about the same power as that of the power going through the Grand Coolie Dam, for about fifteen minutes.
This means the Wizzard doing the power cast, must completely seperate his entity within an event shell, which controlling gigga joules of vast untold power, so sealing the tear.
In all of my reading on wizzards, I have never heard of or even concieved of a qualifed wizzard handeling this much power.
This would be similar to takeing a shuttle launch and controlling it like a paper airplane, so makeing it do loops.
I want to bring these two toppics, to you others, as both of the formentioned pontentals do and have existed, so by rights of property, these concepts are yours also.
At one time, within the history of man elsewhere, ther were indeed wizzards who could do such feats.
Doloris Cannon within her books the UFO alien crash in ancient Alaska, tells of a man who had an extra organ within abdomen, which would allow him to phase change to other realities.
This feat was accomplished by this hunter, so as to put food on the table for his fellow villagers.This man did this chore to held preserve life and did this phase dimensionmal jump, in an unselfish way.
So logic further dictates, that there are also wizzards born, who have the power to cast tremendous powers, through time and space, with the use of both their hands and staffs.
There has also been tellings of female witches, who have done the same.
NPR REPORT ON MEXICAN RURAL BASED WITCHES:Within some of the smaller villages there are women who the locals refer to as witches, that the locals take their sick to.
There is at times, some competetivness and even witches who are foolish enough to use darker magical arts, where other witches advise not to.
Some of these healers are reviered and thought of highly.
The interview with one of these witches had resulted in the realied opinion given by such a witch;"We do not think of ourselfs as what other people know and call witch, but people who know how to heal, in old held arts, which we refer to as medical healings arts.
Yes'I think it is unwise and foolish to dable in black arts, and this is why my healing abilites, are based in other ways.
Those who use these arts, one day do pay a toll.
SEGEMNTS INTERVIEW, BY NPR, WITCHES OF RURAL MEXICO.**All rights reserved, NPR public broadcasting company.
Check www.npr.org, or NPR.com, for both source and data file, on this recient story.
Thank you Creedo 299