PAII->Death Penalty 4 Dissent->Civil War Watch


Rift Surfer
New bill referred to as "Patriot Act II" currently in congress being championed by Dennis Hastert not to be confused with PAII 2003 introduces the DEATH PENALTY for dissent against the U.S.


"Patriot Act II would create 15 new death penalties, one of which could be applied to acts of protest. Under the Hastert measure’s definitions, anti-war protesters could be deemed terrorists. In fact, any dissident could be spied on, harassed, and imprisoned indefinitely for exercising their legal and constitutionally protected rights."


Moving closer and closer.. To Titor's Future

It's legit. It's been reported by credible news sources (AP being the most obvious). Official statements on the subject have also been given by John Feehery, Laura W. Murphy and John Conyers.

While I think that the "all protesters will be shot" school of thinking is somewhat overzealous, I also do think that it's a worrying thing to be happening.
Unfortunately, this all seems to be true. I found all the information in various sites, most of which were valid sources. It makes one wonder if the 9-11 event was indeed a "terrorist" originated act or a ruse to bring about what is happening now.
Did any of u even check the link I gave.....????

It is NOT a news article, it IS an official site for finding ALL House or Senate bills.

I could not find it anywhere.

Please use the link I gave and find it then link here please.

I may be wrong, but it will take more than an artcle from obscure sources to prove it to me.

Again, maybe I just missed it and one of you would have more luck finding the actual House Bill and number.

It is NOT a bill.
It basically is a rumor of a possible bill.
One that, according to people who are not writing the bill, will devastate are freedoms and will allow the USA to in-prison and put to death, protestors.

From what I have read, it is a bill that will NEVER pass. Do you really think people like Ted Kennedy will allow this to pass?

Exaggeration does no one any good.
Re: PAII->History note this thread

Relative notes this timemark

These notes may be of interests four years past and four years from now? was one of the big question and answer boards, that was spawned by an ex-employee of Microsoft. was a board, where anyone could post a question and this question was answered.

At time the answerer either was or was not contacted in the business sense, for any substantive business deal hence this initial contact.

Askme seemed to serve the business community, giving a wide ranger of information, to many at a pro-bono cost.

Godlike Productions:Godlike Productions, more commonly known as GLP, featured an original wide array of science projects and was a freeboard, where people could post their concerns.

GLP did well in the range of science, however afterwhile was subjected to social issues, dealing with near or actual obscenities, so the quality of the posting board, did decline.

It seems that both GLP and have faded out of the public limelight and it seems that there are no copies of these types of boards as of late.

On GLP the topic was concerning a Kent's posting board, where issues on the sun, as well as the universe were discussed.

GLP had many countercurrents, such as said real or imagined what are known as government spooks. These said spooks would interrupt the poster, with chides as well as threats, to where the government knew where that poster was and could get at him. physics, was quite a large issue, however in its heyday Askme's physics. In light optics the physics experts, could not wrestle with Einstineian relativity.This was as demonstrated by the attempt at some, to accelerate a train to near light velocity, to where a second mirror would be posted within one of the boxcars.

What they had tried to do in vain, was theories, that since a second source of light would be spawned within the box car, that this second source of light would have exceeded the initial near velocity of the train, almost traveling at light speed.

>The original use proposed some time back as was given in many magazine articles, before the net became established, was that with the invention of the computer, people could then work four day work-weeks and have three days off.

One day would be termed as a personal holiday.

The second would be for personal business reasons.

And the third would be for worship of recreational unifying reasons, for that person own self replenishment.

The actual that had come out of the of the office P.C. as well as home and net uses of the P.C. is that people worked harder.

The crack and meth epidemics, as well as ecstasy raves, bearing from a social starting point, may be one of the reasons for this form of abuse.

Where a behaviors got to be too aditicting, with reverence to how the hierarchy viewed this behavior, then the behaviors itself, became overdone.

The idea behind crack and meth, is that this drug would make a person not care about themselves, so if these people could find a work plug-in, in they could work for extended periods of time.

With reference to the ecstasy raves, the rave expierencer, would take this stile of drug, expiernce euphoria and then go home to be totally exhausted.

Overdoses on Ecstasy, were common with both young adults and children at this time of use, with the complication dealing with overdoses, such as telling their parents before they died, that they loved them.

Personal networks came out of the laptop and home P.C. such as the Nokia cell phone, with a small stylus worked keyboard, as well as a low voltage value LED screen.

The PDAs and Palm-Top computers and note book were now on scene, so allowing the user to enjoy a wide range of movement, which communicating with both their net needs, as well as other people.(PDAs and Palm-tops, type of note books and eletronic comuters, either with some or not internet interfacing capabilities on them.)

The social question was asked with reference to cell phone use, was it really that necessary to have a network so wired into people, to where high school girls could walk the malls, working their jaws, in much the same fashion as cows, chewing on their cuds?

The element of privacy concerning personal communications had seemed to go out the window.

This say, along with intimacy, which might be a requirement within some interpersonal relationship.

The term new boyfriend, or "I got a new girlfriend"!? seemed to be a term denoting that people due to some overpopulation factors being ignored, were becoming too populace, so their worth, might have been going down as well?

In the period of time after the 9/11 disaster, dealing with planes flown into the WTC buildings in New York, we see that there is almost a nil exercise into manned aerospace ventures.

The Chinese and Russians at this timemark seem to be the only ones able to place people into orbit, with two shuttle tragedy's being a result of it seems, a communications wall at NASA, the American space agency.

Editing note; if you the reader have any additional information conversing posting boards or truthful history, then please, by all means place them in this column?
PAI->Amendments Referred To As PAII->NewPAII Draft


Let me clear up some confusion for you.

Members of congress sneak amendments to laws or other bills in OTHER BILLS. So they are hidden from the press and other members of congress.

It is a common practice. So you won't find bills like "Patriot Act Amendments Bill"

The new amendments to Patriot Act I are mistakenly referred to as PAII

The "Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003" is also sometimes referred to as "PAII"

But the "real Patriot Act II", a draft, is the one by Dennis Hastert, John Ashcroft and the Department of Justice.

It is ready waiting for the "next terrorist act" to be submitted to Congress for "quick passage"


Some reference material for you:
A Guide to the USA PATRIOT Act and Federal Executive Orders

Full Patriot Act Text

Final text of USA Patriot Act anti-terrorism law

New skirmishes in the Patriot Act battle
The "proposed" amendments referred to by Mr. Meese were part of a bill voted on in Congress last week. The amendments sought to delete Section 215 of the Patriot Act. Section 215 allows law enforcement officials to order libraries and bookstores to show them what books people have been reading or buying, and has generated enormous controversy. An editorial, for instance, in the Sunday edition of the Delaware County {PA} Times called it a "stain on the constitution."

Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003
Re: PAI->Amendments Referred To As PAII->NewPAII Draft

It's a free country... You are alowed to believe what ever you want.

With all the BS and exageration that goes on, I choose to verify before I jump off the deep end and say it is a fact.
Re: PAI->Amendments Referred To As PAII->NewPAII Draft

I think that surfingtheapoc site is mistaken about 1 thing - the PAII, Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2k3 ARE both the same.

This link will show you the leaked copy of the draft :

The ACLU analysis of this leaked draft :

One of the things the ACLU says about it :

<pre><font class="small">code:</font><hr>
Creating 15 new death penalties, including a new death
penalty for “terrorism” under a definition which could
cover acts of protest such as those used by Operation
Rescue or protesters at Vieques Island, Puerto Rico, if
death results. (Section 411)

please use your own link - directly to the gov site and search

Justice Enhancement and Domestic Security Act of 2003 (Introduced in Senate)

read and see why we are afraid
Re: PAI->Amendments Referred To As PAII->NewPAII Draft

I have been out of town for a few days and just got back.

I went to the site and read and read and read.
the following is what I guess u people are scared of.


(a) IN GENERAL- The President may direct the Secretary of Defense to detain any person who is subject to a tribunal established under section 1303 pursuant to rules and regulations that are promulgated by the Secretary and are consistent with the rules of international law.


(b) IMPOSITION OF THE DEATH PENALTY- The requirements of the Uniform Code of Military Justice for the imposition of the death penalty shall apply in any case in which a tribunal established under section 1303 is requested to adjudge the death penalty.

by taking these 2 statements out of the entire document I can see where you might be afraid. But read the rest of it. The same guide lines that the USA has been using are still being followed.

(b) JURISDICTION- Tribunals established under subsection (a) may adjudicate violations of the law of war, international laws of armed conflict, and crimes against humanity targeted against United States persons.

(c) AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH PROCEDURAL RULES- The Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General, shall prescribe and publish in the Federal Register, and report to the Committees on the Judiciary of the Senate and the House of Representatives, the rules of evidence and procedure that are to apply to tribunals established under subsection (a).


(a) IN GENERAL- The rules prescribed for a tribunal under section 1303(c) shall be designed to ensure a full and fair hearing of the charges against the accused. The rules shall require the following:

(1) That the tribunal be independent and impartial.

(2) That the accused be notified of the particulars of the offense charged or alleged without delay.

(3) That the proceedings be made simultaneously intelligible for participants not conversant in the English language by including translation or interpretation.

(4) That the evidence supporting each alleged offense be given to the accused.

(5) That the accused have the opportunity to be present at trial.

(6) That the accused have a right to be represented by counsel.

(7) That the accused have the opportunity--

(A) to respond to the evidence supporting each alleged offense;

(B) to obtain exculpatory evidence from the prosecution; and

(C) to present exculpatory evidence.

(8) That the accused have the opportunity to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses and to offer witnesses.

(9) That the proceeding and disposition be expeditious.

(10) That the tribunal apply reasonable rules of evidence designed to ensure admission only of reliable information or material with probative value.

(11) That the accused be afforded all necessary means of defense before and after the trial.

(12) That conviction of an alleged offense be based only upon proof of individual responsibility for the offense.

(13) That conviction of an alleged offense not be based upon an act, offense, or omission that was not an offense under law when it was committed.

(14) That the penalty for an offense not be greater than it was when the offense was committed.

(15) That the accused--

(A) be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and

(B) not be found guilty except upon proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

(16) That the accused not be compelled to confess guilt or testify against himself.

(17) That, subject to subsections (c) and (d), the trial be open and public and include public availability of the transcripts of the trial and the pronouncement of judgment.

(18) That a convicted person be informed of remedies and appeals and the time limits for the exercise of the person's rights to the remedies and appeals under the rules.


(1) PROCEDURES REQUIRED- The Secretary of Defense shall provide for prompt review of convictions by tribunals established under section 1303 to ensure that the procedural requirements of a full and fair hearing have been met and that the evidence reasonably supports the convictions.

(2) UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE ARMED FORCES- The procedures established under paragraph (1) shall, at a minimum, allow for review of the proceedings of the tribunals by the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces established under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

(3) SUPREME COURT- The decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces regarding proceedings of tribunals established under section 1303 shall be subject to review by the Supreme Court by writ of certiorari.

So, again I see nothing new that is as threating as Some are trying to state. Exagerating something does NO ONE any good.