Our dreams -time travel


Temporal Novice
Our dreams are our other dimensions that we live in on other timelines...i started getting better at controlling what i do in my dreams and i started writing down dates and asking people how things go....one last dream i had was me waking up in a one room apartment and asking what year it was around 2025 0r 2026 people could walk right off the door and float down to the ground and when i asked how they said technology with aerodynamics ...I'm guessing that when 911 hit they started thinking how can people just exit the building without falling to their death and messed with gravity to help people float down. then when i was in a car i was talking to a man and some other people were in the car like he was a taxi guy or uber ... they were weirded out that i was asking questions about what year it was.... but nice to tell me and i saw a building called money and money was for sale...so i joked and said can we stop there i need some why is it just out there .... and he said because the government put a law into place saying that all electronic money like bit coin is regulated and no more paper money is used.. and in my dream, there was more peace and no violence.... I'm guessing because the government could track money easily and drug cartel couldn't smuggle money anywhere and big transactions would be accounted for and money for any side hustle jobs would be taxed properly....and no more under the table jobs for anyone not just foreigners ....this made taxes lower because it made up for the money that the government wasn't taken accounted for if that makes sense.