Or how about this one


Quantum Scribe
At 2 g acceleration you will be traveling just a tad faster than a Chevy pick-up in short order (about one year to reach light speed).

This is the one that really disappoints me. Even you should know that Einstein’s thought experiment in the isolated elevator was based on the idea that the effects of acceleration and gravity are the same. I never said acceleration had anything to do with how the unit operates.

Am I the only one who notices how really dumb some of the statements made by people trying to trip up Titor? It was really an unfair discussion. Not that Titor was a genius but those who attacked him were quite the Neanderthal type.

Time travel not possible. Me no understand. Me attack you.

I have to say this is the weakest most frustrating thing you've done to myself and others. No you don't post just one message or a couple you SPAM the Forum.

I'm afraid I will be notifying the admins, this is ridiculous. If you gotta spam you don't have to spam the most popular of forums you could always take this to TT claims or Other/Weird stuff or, well, you know what. I think you just spammed all that because you wanted attention not because you had some serious discussion to start up.. I'm very ashamed.
Seriously? when you logon to your email and have 30 junk messages all titled "Or how about this one" or "as a last resort try a personal insult." and then none of the messages have anything unique in them, such as they are just quoting what someone else said. Thats spam, its junk, had you put all of this in 1 thread with a good title I wouldn't care. when you break it up into 10 messages that don't even have Meaningful titles. that is SPAM....
First off, this is inaccurate: "none of the messages have anything unique in them"

All have some comment by me at the end.

So the above statement is inaccurate. Following your logic, if the messages are "unique" then they must not be spam.

I can see your point about the posts being grouped together into one. Would you be less angry if I put them together into one post?

Maybe you should just ignore all my posts. I really don't want to upset you. After all, it is only words. I fail to appreciate why words would make you so upset.
"I fail to appreciate why words would make you so upset."

Unless you are one of the dunder-heads that made one of these comments to Titor.

If not then you must admit these are pretty dumb questions/responses.
What's this? I go AWOL for a few days and all hell breaks loose here. Give MEM a few smartass remarks and he'll go away, at least till he's hungry for some more. Send him a pizza or two. :D

AS Roel said (and which I repeat on another thread) - just one thread will suffice. I'll answer your questions but it comes down to Indexing the forum and finding information at a later date.

And the title of the thread is important to that process. "Or how about this one" and the like don't index well if someone is trying to find the thread. The thread title should have a reference to the subject matter.
Yes. I have conversed on-line with Roel and we have resolved the issue.

Do I need to resolve it with you too? I'm aware you are an administrator on another site but I'm not sure of the protocol for resolving issues with administrative ambassadors.
Here you go Ren.
