Operation "Curi" - Conspiracy? :)


Rift Surfer
Operation \"Curi\" - Conspiracy? :)

I have been noticing that almost all of the corner grocery stores and "7-11" types have Pakistani or Indian owner / operators?

Who is helping them acquire these businesses?

Don't banks think it is strange they are writing out loans for "Indian" only people who want own grocery stores?..

And they sell milk? Isn't anyone concerned about there morning coffee? :) Cows are sacred to Indians? Hope their isn't a "Hindu" hex on people coming into the store... :)

I guess it's like "Operation Paperclip" :)

I remember a German "church" right down the street from my Grandma's ;)

They wouldn't bring these people so close to "NYC" would they? Near Embassies and Diplomatic Offices...

That would be CRAZY!!!
