only takes 5 minutes of thinking...


Temporal Novice
Everyone thinks of time travel as travelling to the age of dinosaurs, or travelling into the future when there'll be flying cars, and laser weapons, but what if i am to go back in time in a moment when i already existed.Let's say i'm in a room, and i decide to go back in time(assuming this was possible), 5 minutes ago, right outside the door.So i open the door, enter the room and punch the other me right in the face.Well that should have already happened since its 5 minutes ago.Now, assuming i wait those 5 minutes and a little more.what do i do if i want to go back in the future?isnt that back in the past?..wont there be three of me when i go back?
And let's think of this other time travelling scenario...Say John wants to travel back in time and kill joe's parrents, so that he never existed.He does so, and returns.Bill, a friend of Joe's, also with time travelling abilities, goes back in time to stop John from killing Joe's parrents.Everything fine, problem solved, but then john, who still can travel in time, goes back in time to warn the other John, that he'll be stopped, and that he should choose a different point in time.Is this supossed to go on forever?
In other terms, travelling back and forth in time is 100% false, dont believe everything you hear on TV, science can't do everything.Perhaps by reaching the speed of light, you can go way into the future, but what interest would there be, since you can't go back.It would be absolutely pointless.
Many scenarios can drive one mad, if these questions are pondered upon for any lenght of time. Many here at TTI have posted similar ones.

A thought I had the other day was that if time exists all at once...with us perceiving the present from a specific point of view, why is it that ghosts that have been witnessed are always from the past?

I have never seen nor read of any ghosts that are futuristic.

In watching the Ghost Hunting shows, I found it interesting that one group got a voice recording of a ghost asking them what kind of device it was they had in their hands. So from the ghosts point of view, I guess the ghost hunters would be futuristic ghosts.

Let's say i'm in a room, and i decide to go back in time(assuming this was possible), 5 minutes ago, right outside the door.So i open the door, enter the room and punch the other me right in the face.Well that should have already happened since its 5 minutes ago.Now, assuming i wait those 5 minutes and a little more.what do i do if i want to go back in the future?isnt that back in the past?..wont there be three of me when i go back?

That's one problem with this sort of closed timelike curve scenario. You don't have to wait. If you're in this loop an infinity of "you's" should be arriving simultaneously. It should, in theory at least, form a black hole. Cute, eh?

But at least the loop grinds to a hault - even though you don't get to enjoy it.