Temporal Novice
Only \'Rewinded\' time is logically possible
ive said it before,
i totally agree with you mate its that simple. Travelling back in time provides opportunity for paradox; anything that can cause paradox (other than verbal/syntax ARTIFICAL paradoxes) like the grandfather paradox, things that have infinite loops (which cannot exist because time, although infinite in length, it is LINEAR and therefore no aspect of time can be involved in endless WhileWend loops, or circular refrences, without causing paradox) are logically impossible, and therefore impossible to apply. Its not a question of technology or causality or chrono-ethics, but LOGIC.
-end self-quote-
and Ill say it again, but this time I'll expand upon it a bit, alhough its very simple.
i dont see why you are even having a discussion backwards time travel as of yet is impossible not just technologically but logically because of such paradoxes as the 'grandfather' paradox being eminent. And If something allows for the happenstance of paradoxes, it must be logically impossible and so therefore time travel is impossible as it creates the possibility of creating paradoxes. However, if you were to somehow avoid the question of paradoxes, it could be possible if the technology was there, but as of today there isnt a soloution for this. Although, one soloution is what i call 'rewinded time' which could be technologically possible (im not sure exactly how as i am no physics expert, but maybe something along the lines of a reverse particle accelerator ?)where if you DID go back in time you would simply be 'reversing' or 'rewinding' much like going forward in time via acceleration and einstiens theories of relativity, or cryogenics, which is technologically viable (although not 100% appliable at the current time) ANd so if you 'rewound' time you would not be in a process of transporting yourself to another time stream, but simply going backwards thorugh time probably at an accelerated rate, which would undo evrything that is going to come. but you would have no memory of your 'previous' existince and your body would not be 'transported' it would be de-aged in a way, and your growth/physical proccessing would be reversed up until the point at which you reverted back to >> directional (forward) time. I know that this is describing something that is not the type of time travel many here wish to attempt, or claim to have tried, but it is the only possible way of travelling in time, and since it is much like rewinding a viedotape, where the outcome will still be the same, but only an outside observer can notice the difference, it is pretty futile. The type of instantaneous matter teleportation backwards in time that you discuss here is only one tihng: LOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. SOme say it is technologically possible, but this is not true either as something that can cause paradoxes (this is ignoring the blatantly WRONG titor-like theories of multiple worldlines) is logically impossible, and therefore it cannot be made by anything technological, only supernatural. im sorry if my writing is a bit long winded and if the grammar is not too good, but im very tired at the moment while writing plus i only took a couple of minutes on this as i was in a hurry. anyway, thats my point of view, butfeel free to explain your views and tell me if ive made any mistakes. thanks.
EDIT: But despite my views i am not against time travel discussion. In fact i have a great love of time travl theories, paradoxes and would greatly love to discuss these things, causality and paradoxzes that would be created thru time travel. although i dont believe it is possible, i have an avid intrest in the subject and love debating on a hypothetical level the causes/effects of time travel and its properties.
ive said it before,
Here is the deal. There is no possible way to travel back in time. I mean think about it, we would all-ready know. The only logical time travel is forward.
i totally agree with you mate its that simple. Travelling back in time provides opportunity for paradox; anything that can cause paradox (other than verbal/syntax ARTIFICAL paradoxes) like the grandfather paradox, things that have infinite loops (which cannot exist because time, although infinite in length, it is LINEAR and therefore no aspect of time can be involved in endless WhileWend loops, or circular refrences, without causing paradox) are logically impossible, and therefore impossible to apply. Its not a question of technology or causality or chrono-ethics, but LOGIC.
-end self-quote-
and Ill say it again, but this time I'll expand upon it a bit, alhough its very simple.
i dont see why you are even having a discussion backwards time travel as of yet is impossible not just technologically but logically because of such paradoxes as the 'grandfather' paradox being eminent. And If something allows for the happenstance of paradoxes, it must be logically impossible and so therefore time travel is impossible as it creates the possibility of creating paradoxes. However, if you were to somehow avoid the question of paradoxes, it could be possible if the technology was there, but as of today there isnt a soloution for this. Although, one soloution is what i call 'rewinded time' which could be technologically possible (im not sure exactly how as i am no physics expert, but maybe something along the lines of a reverse particle accelerator ?)where if you DID go back in time you would simply be 'reversing' or 'rewinding' much like going forward in time via acceleration and einstiens theories of relativity, or cryogenics, which is technologically viable (although not 100% appliable at the current time) ANd so if you 'rewound' time you would not be in a process of transporting yourself to another time stream, but simply going backwards thorugh time probably at an accelerated rate, which would undo evrything that is going to come. but you would have no memory of your 'previous' existince and your body would not be 'transported' it would be de-aged in a way, and your growth/physical proccessing would be reversed up until the point at which you reverted back to >> directional (forward) time. I know that this is describing something that is not the type of time travel many here wish to attempt, or claim to have tried, but it is the only possible way of travelling in time, and since it is much like rewinding a viedotape, where the outcome will still be the same, but only an outside observer can notice the difference, it is pretty futile. The type of instantaneous matter teleportation backwards in time that you discuss here is only one tihng: LOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. SOme say it is technologically possible, but this is not true either as something that can cause paradoxes (this is ignoring the blatantly WRONG titor-like theories of multiple worldlines) is logically impossible, and therefore it cannot be made by anything technological, only supernatural. im sorry if my writing is a bit long winded and if the grammar is not too good, but im very tired at the moment while writing plus i only took a couple of minutes on this as i was in a hurry. anyway, thats my point of view, butfeel free to explain your views and tell me if ive made any mistakes. thanks.
EDIT: But despite my views i am not against time travel discussion. In fact i have a great love of time travl theories, paradoxes and would greatly love to discuss these things, causality and paradoxzes that would be created thru time travel. although i dont believe it is possible, i have an avid intrest in the subject and love debating on a hypothetical level the causes/effects of time travel and its properties.