One Thing John Titor Was Definitely Right On


Chrono Cadet
The one thing that John Titor was definitely right on was the compromised nature of our food supply.
From what I understand, he was literally paranoid about the what he was eating, and to be quite frank, I've become the same way as a result of not having the best of health over many years and seeing it directly attributable to diet. Bottom line---we're poisoning ourselves.
The one thing that John Titor was definitely right on was the compromised nature of our food supply.

As far back as Silent Spring in 1962 people had written and commented on the issue. Even further back, in 1954, there is the Adelle Davis bestseller Let's Eat Right To Keep Fit ( I have a copy ).....which strongly condemns much of the food industry.

So what's Titor 'predicting' that's new ? People keep coming on and saying Titor got this or that 'right'......when just about every subject Titor ever commented on had already had reams of material written on it years beforehand.

Doesn't exactly take a time traveller to read up on stuff and spout forth.
As far back as Silent Spring in 1962 people had written and commented on the issue.

Let's not forget that Rachel Carson's tirade against DDT has now been fully discredited. The only thing Silent Spring did was ensure that malaria was able to stage a full comeback, after being on the verge of extinction.

In fact, environmentalism seems to suffer from the same issue as time travel claimants:

In 1990, the Earth will be X degrees warmer. 1990 comes, and then it's 2000. 2000 comes, and Al Gore says 2010. Here we are in 2010, and it's "climate change", and it's gonna be really bad in 2018 or whenever. In 2018, they'll be harping on whatever year is near enough to be concerning, but out of reach enough that they can hope we forget.
In fact, environmentalism seems to suffer from the same issue as time travel claimants:

In 1990, the Earth will be X degrees warmer. 1990 comes, and then it's 2000. 2000 comes, and Al Gore says 2010. Here we are in 2010, and it's "climate change", and it's gonna be really bad in 2018 or whenever. In 2018, they'll be harping on whatever year is near enough to be concerning, but out of reach enough that they can hope we forget.

Yes, that is the game, and I am surprised that so many people are still "true believers" in it, especially when you can go back and look at their history and see it is obvious how they change their "predictions" post-facto. It just goes to show the power of repeating things over and over again, even if they are demonstrably untrue. The same is true of "timelines and divergence". They have been repeated over and over so many times that some people writing here regurgitate them and describe them as if they are matter-of-fact truisms. They are not.

In 1990, the Earth will be X degrees warmer. 1990 comes, and then it's 2000. 2000 comes, and Al Gore says 2010. Here we are in 2010, and it's "climate change", and it's gonna be really bad in 2018 or whenever. In 2018, they'll be harping on whatever year is near enough to be concerning, but out of reach enough that they can hope we forget.

Well, of course, the ultimate for that has to be Hal Lindsey....who amazingly is still spouting 'Biblical prophecy' despite warning us as far back as the early 70s ( The Late Great Planet bestseller ) that the return of Christ'imminent'.

Oh....and the Antichrist was going to take over Europe, the Soviet Union was going to invade Israel, and 200 million Chinese were going to trample across Asia just so they could all get vaporised at the battle of Armageddon.

Hmm...somehow I missed all that happening.
My mom totally has Hal Lindsey's book!

You know how some people will put books on a shelf, and turn one out, cover facing forward, because they want to call attention to it?

Whenever I think of my house as a child, I always see that bookshelf with "The Late, Great Planet Earth" turned cover out.

She had another one, a diet book called "God Hates Fat". I wonder if Westboro Baptist co-opted that title?
Since I got into the "you create your own reality" idea proposed by Seth and other spirits such as Abraham (channelled by Esther Hicks) I've never worried too much about what I eat (not that I ever did before, either.) The idea is that we create our realities and experiences within them through our thoughts and beliefs. Going by that, if I strongly believe that a certain type of food is going to be unhealthy for my body, then my belief in it, and thinking about it, is only going to make it happen. Yet if I ignore that belief and believe in my health, and think of my health, then I stay fairly healthy.

I'm not against diets, though.
From what I understand, he was literally paranoid about the what he was eating, and to be quite frank, I've become the same way as a result of not having the best of health over many years and seeing it directly attributable to diet. Bottom line---we're poisoning ourselves.

A real John Titor should be paranoid about the food that he eats. In a John Titor world their food would be salted with radioisotopes of plutonium, uranium, polonium, thorium, beryllium, tritium and every other element used in the core, pusher, tamper, reflector materials of the hydrogen bombs his world let loose on itself to kill 3 billion people and attain a negative population growth rate.

A bit of otherwise radiation free transfat laden french fries would be a freebie, not something to scoff at. He's already a dead-man-walking. Indulge.

"I'm John Titor. I helped kill 3 billion people with hydrogen bombs. But enough about me. I'm here to talk to you about your health, Big Mac's and french fries."

Heh. Yup, those FF's and Big Mac's sound rather Good-Oh relative to a dose of Titor Polonium-209-trans-Lead-205 (plus 4 neutron) isotope-burgers.
A real John Titor should be paranoid about the food that he eats. In a John Titor world their food would be salted with radioisotopes of plutonium, uranium, polonium, thorium, beryllium, tritium and every other element used in the core, pusher, tamper, reflector materials of the hydrogen bombs his world let loose on itself to kill 3 billion people and attain a negative population growth rate.

Hey....this guy's got an X-Ray emitting dual singularity, top spin, thingamy on the back seat of his car. He scoffs at polonium !
Titor Polonium-209-trans-Lead-205 (plus 4 neutron) isotope-burgers

That's a cheap, budget burger. You want the top class burger, the ' Blue Glow Polonium 210' it's called. It is self cooking, comes with a generous helping of yummy 'Alpha Particle Sauce'....but must not be stored for more than 138 days or it starts to taste a lot like lead.
Titor was wrong about a lot of things. More than the 2% he claimed.

Well, he was right about 2008.

He said, "The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over" and "By 2008, I would say the civil conflict is pretty much at everyone's doorstep."

As it turned out, 2008 was a huge turning point for the world. It brought the worldwide economic collapse and it brought the Obama election. Both of these events left millions of Americans feeling just what Titor said they would, that the world they thought they were living in was over.

He said that the civil conflict was pretty much at everyone's doorstep by 2008. 2008 was when millions of Americans lost their jobs and became homeless, and all those massive homeless camps started rising up on the outskirts of America's cities. For millions of Americans, the civil conflict not only arrived on their doorsteps, but took away those doorsteps, along with the rest of the houses they were attached to.

Many have interpreted Titor's phrase of "civil conflict" as meaning violence and open warfare, and such interpretations are not consistent with 2008's developments. However, the millions who lost their jobs and homes in 2008 might feel that they indeed were the victims of a different sort of civil conflict that did start in 2008.

In any case, the bottom line is that Titor highlighted the year 2008 as a pivotal year. He referred to it again and again. He did not say anything about 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, or 2010, but he mentioned 2008 three separate times.

And then 2008 came and went, and boy, was it ever pivotal! The worst economic downturn since the Great Depression arrived then, and America elected its first Black President. If that's not pivotal, I don't know what is.