One simple question.... very simple really


Chrono Cadet
IF you could travel in Time- what would be the year you would go back to in the past?

You can say why, if you wish- but, you don't have to.

Sometimes intrigue is a beautiful enchantment!

Or, and maybe if, or maybe as well- why would you wish to travel in to the future?

I really would like to know.

:) Thank You,

Dave. :)

PS: Please don't hijack the thread for daft reasons PLEASE, just this once- you know what I mean :)
I wouldn't change a thing, yes the line is cliche, but the events taken point up to now have all happened as a result of actions preceding each other, that would be my decision if we view time, as a linear path. However, if we looked upon it as a conglomerate of intertwined throughways, I would eliminate Karl Marx(because he started the Idea of socialism, which harbored the second World War) from the world equation, just to see how the world would exist as a result of this.