One of the relayers of JT, real person?


Epochal Historian
I have to ask this question as a Pamela Moore, "if that is her real name", was one of the relayers of a good portion of the John Titor information.

She even in some instance said defiantly that she had contact with John Titor himself by mail.

There was something she said about a song for verification too.

I must ask the following question, if the base foundation for the story of John Titor is all supposed to be a made-up happenstance.

Does Pamela Moore have an emotional problem, to where she might have been cajoled into thinking John Titor was a real person?

Two' if the answer to this first asked question is no and Pamela is mentally emotionally sound, then is Pamela Moore a paid to do the part of a John Titor contact in her say at Art Bell's BBS and a performance for only this section of web users and this was a paid, or probono act?

I don't know if she exist?

There was a Pamela Moore who ran an Eastcoast BBS, which was Apple computer oriented.

And if you enter her name under some search engines, she does head in an editing staff, in Ohio.

I'm not prying here, however in some past portraying of the Titor scenario, Pamela really does play the part and this is shown in the IRC logs?

Note *Buffer on privacy law, within bounds of this question, is very respectfully regarded.
Ya know the Problem I have with the Pamela Portion of the Story is this....

She claimed to have ALOT more info and even pics and video of JT and his machine. Well, its been several years now and we have yet to see any of this supposed info/video/pics come to fruition.

I mean now is the time...If theres other info she's holding back that could lend credibility to the story Why not put it out there for those of us interested in the story to pick apart.

By not presenting all of the evidence, The mystery may never rest .

I'm glad she went to all the trouble of archiving the posts. I feel lucky to have gotten to read them. If she had a paypal donate button, I would click it /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
On this tired John Ttior affair.

The poster Razimus is a new equation, or subset variable into anything said about John Titor.

The telling here is now, that we don't know if John Titor is real or not.

Okay, with this said, lets looks at Razimuse's tools.

In the area of physics, she said when I asked here about the course she was now taking in physics and how time and space is put togeather, how about superscailer natures to time and space?

In otherwords, in order for time and space to work, there must be other realities.

These are said that line segments A to B, then a V ontop of A and another inverted V at the bottom of V.

There must be shadow line segments of G through M which are dashed invisible lines for spactime to work.

Her answer was, "I don't want anything like this, to muck it up".

According to her, in her college physics course, describing and Einstein Rosenbridge, there is no line segments at all out of point zero.

So her time realized at first say, is oriented to visitor status or the letter zero.

THE LOGO OF JOHN TITOR:The source code she said for the logo worn on John Titors shoulder patch, was said to come from Raul, in the starting days of TTI.

So what is the source code of any sphere which is made into a design?

This value is set at infinity, as any design can be copied.

So who and very carefully I ask this, as we desire source verification on the issue of the said time traveler logo and how and when was this done?

Pamela Moore:Said she had communications with John Titor.

If so to what capacity and to what extent?

GARY VOSS:Gary Voss said that the instructor in the jump video looked like him and it does seems that this person does infact resemble said Gary Voss, by his own depcitations in his dive photos.

I could not see the back of Gary's head, so I don't know if the man in the jump video, according to hair topography is the same as Gary Voss or not?

These pose new subsets, as with poster Razimus coming back on the scene, then the variables of said fiction and also said reality now clash.

There are two new subset variables, and each of this new subset variables, in brackets do not agree with each other.
Differing values to cars assigned to be said near Pamela's house, by her say:

Pamela Moore had said in her postings at Anomalies, that she had seen government like cars, parked outside of her home and by what means she could discern this fact, was not mentioned.

If this equation can be worked out, then the assigned value of spook cars placed there by the government must be changed.

This can be done by virutality reality transpositions.

This is done by the following;...Oh there's Pamela at her window, she is now very pensive, scared.

She grabs her binoculars and creeps to the window, very quickly looking through the set of binocs.

>INSERT ALTERNATE VALUES FOR SPOOK CARS>>command com, insert cup-cakes.

Continue reboots field shows graphics enter>There is Pamela, she now raises the field glasses to her face. She says to her self looking out the window, "Oh my God they're observing me and they're,....large tent sized white frostening covered cup-cakes, on sets of black wheels.

Wait'.. a door on the side of the cupcake is opening and a ginger-bread man, with red candy eyes, is coming out if the vehicle and his little mouth if a fruit frosted cheerio"!

Pamela then says to herself, "Ohhhhhh' mee Gud' how-can-this-get-any-worser!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\end transpost

Enter, nature of the equation to be solved is now no-touch government cars, to fun loving hollow cupcakes, with gingerbread men inside of them.

The equation dealing with said sightings of observers can now more easily be solved.

Hidden government agents, will now become gingerbread men.