One Million AD


Temporal Novice
My instruments do not measure 8th dimentional space very acuratly but I can say that the time in the future that I arrived at on my first trip was roughly one million years in the future. Fortunatly gravity leaks into the 8th dimention explaining why the force is so weak but also handily preventing me from drifting too far away from the Earth while traveling through time in this exotic dimentional space. As planned I re entered normal space on a sub orbital trajectory. One of the trickeir parts of time travel, arrive too high and you will burn up on re entry, too low and the time capsule will be crushed under the explosive re compression or even buried in the Earth. As the sea covers two thirds of the worlds surface I was not surprised to land in the ocean. I drifted with the curents for several weeks until sighting land so I so powered up the propeler motor and headed to shore. With some simple astronomical latitude measurements and my later obsevations from my travels I reckon that I landed in the land mass curently known as New Zealand.

As we all know, all civilisation peak and decline. So when I travelled into the future I was not suprised that High tech society we live in today had collapsed and was long forgotten. With the surviving groups of humans subsisting in traditional lifestyles, going their seperate ways in this unglobalised world once more.

In the year one million AD the main source of metal is bog iron as all the concentrations of mineral ore, or scrap metal were used up and dispersed long ago. However every ten thousand years or so their is a geological movement bringing a previously inacessible vein of ore or coal within range of humans. Giving life to a nearby city state which prospers of this new found resource for a couple of centuries or so until this resource is once more depleted. This scarciy of metal allowed my to stay in the future for some time by trading away a stash of knives I had tken with me in return for food and other suplies.

Drifting up on the coast the first people I encountered were the sea peoples who live in fishing vilages all along the coast of this land. In their own language they call themselve the Eskelem, or somthing that sounded like that. As an adaptation to swimming they seem to have large padle shaped feet. They also have closable nostrils on flat noseless faces, large oily water resistent eyes, and thick oily skin. Their feet tend to be about 18 inches (45cm) long, their toes are all joined together forming a single large flap. They are totally hairless also. They tend to be about 5 feet high with much of that hight taken up by their large barrel shaped torso, containing large volumouse lungs. there limbs are stocky and strong. The sotherners are stockier than the notherners which seems to be an adaptation against the cold southern seas. Where they travel in their simple log or reed boats and swim in, conducting their fishing, traping and other sea food gathering activities.

But the the most numerouse species of human are a species who gain most of their subsistance through horticulture and settled farming, they call themselve the habilom, the falangy, or sometimes the Ekeke. I will call them Habilom. They are short, even the tallest of them are only 4 feet tall. But their arms are dispraportianatly long and wirery allowing them to hoe and weed the ground without bending over. but they also use cattle to pull their plows. Their faces are very small and childlike with tiny little mouths and dainty little noses. This species has very low sexual dimorphism, when clothed it is almost imposible to tell their men from their women except for the diferent paterns they embroider on their belts as the rest of their costume's seem to be unisex in aplication. Their men even have a full pair of breasts which they use to help feed their wives and sisters children. The sea peoples toes are joined togethar into a single flap but the habilom's toes seem to have shrank away until they disapeared entirely on there already small feet. They have different cultures but most of them seem to be proud of their long head hair which they braid into elaborate hairstyles. They make clothes out of wool, linen, and silk, and spend may hours elaboratly embroidering them. Root vegetable and grain crops are there main sources of food with some dairy products.

In the northern peninsula of the North Island however the horticultural niche seems to filled by a species more closely related to the sea peoples. They call themselves the polykim. like the sea peoples they are hairless, with flat noseless and earless faces. They are much smaller and scrawnier than the Sea Peoples however and I think this is due to more than just their less proteinus horticultural diet. although not quite as small and slight as the habilom. the Polykim are about 4 and a half feet tall. Their noses have vestigle muscles but they have lost the ability to close their nostrils like the true sea people and there feet have shrunk to a more praportional size. They farm mainly sweet potatoes.

In the highlands and grasslands however live the pastorial species. The Priliquel live nomadic lives herding their stocks of catle, sheep, and goats across the grasslands. Living in tents and caravans. They appear to be related to the habilom and share many features with them such as the male's ability to breast feed. there are some diferences however most noticeably in height, all the priliquel seem to grow to over 6 feet in height. With long legs and wide hips for stradeling horses. They have large eyes which seem to be able to spot things at great distances, and demonstrated remakable acuracy with their composite bows shooting rabits.

In remote mountain valleys live what seems to be the rarest human species the Dwarliquat, where they shepard their flocks of sheep and goats. They are about the same height as the Hobilom, but much stockier which seems to be an adaptation to their cold mountain valleys. They are the only species I have found which still grow beards, they have plenty of body hair too. Their faces are dominated by large noses.

Through there mastery of horse archery the Priliquel dominate the South Island and all the other species pay tribute to their Priliquel aristocrats.

Many Sea peoples have grown wealthy by there control of sea bound trade routes and in the North Island the Sea peoples have ventured inland. Being stocky and strong they form a powerful infantry, usualy fighting in shield wall formations they have become the aristocratic class of the North Island. The norhtern countries have adopted the rule of primogeniture, and in them I notice that they have lost some of the strength and vigur that those who still live of the sea posess. In the southern penincula of the north island however inheritance disputes are settled by tournaments. So as it is the strongest warior who inherits the land, these people have grown to over 6 feet tall and are the strongest of all Eskelem and any other human species I encountered.

As the Hobilom are small unimpressive fighters I have yet to find a comunity of theirs which is not lorded over by an aristocrat from another species. The Dwaliquat in their remote Mountain hideaways however are fiersly independent, and are famed for preparing terible ambushes for anyone who dares to invade their rugged lands.

Where trade routes converge there are some small cities, and birthed in their ports are some surprisingly large multi mast sailing ships. Due to the metal scarcity they are remarkably held together entirely by hard wood nails and wedged pegs instead of metal nails, rivits or bolts. I thought New Zealand was too small to produce all this human variety by itself and reasoned that once upon a time species in variouse regions of the world must of hired these Eskelem crewed ships to find suitable habitats for them in other places around the world. Or been transported by them for slavery. I did not trust my life into these ships on an open sea voyage to study the rest of the world though. Instead I decided it was time to return to my time capsule. I had remembered to activate the homing beacon when I left this time. So I returned to this time only a few weeks after I had originaly left.

However after I got back I soon got board but I could not source enough plutonium for such a distant destination again, so instead I did 3 trips to the less distant future from which I glened the following about our future history.

The last dregs of recoverable fossil fuel and and uranium were used up by the end of the 21st century, but the economic decline from the depletion of such resources had started in the first quarter of that century.


The archaic period is coming to an end as new kindoms are growing and expanding. The salvaging era ended about a century ago, almost all tools in use are now of post industrial manufacture, but rusted scrap from old industrial ruins and cities is still the main source of metal, its just that now all items are unusable in there original form and must be forged into new items. No city has the industrial cpacity for the manufacture of metalic gun cartridges, or precision breche bolts so instead muzle loading guns shooting minie and nestler bullets are the main weapons of war, piezoelectric spark gap ignitions are the favoured gun triggers.

Over 90% of the worlds population is engaged in agricultural subsistance, while The total world population is under 1 billion, the potato is the worlds main source of food. Most technology is no more or even less complicated than that used in the 18th century, however there are a few exeptions, hand made trasistors have kept long range comunications open via short wave radio, the important parts of some medical textbooks were copied before the acid riden paper they were printed on broke down, so there is knowledge of basic hygiene and simple anaesthetics like laughing gas, chloroform, and ether. Sailing ships are able to calculate there longitude through radio contact with there home ports, but the sailing ships themselve have grown no larger than 1 to 2 masts. The craftsmen and artisans have not gained the skills of there 18th century equivelents and dont have the ability to make such small watches or precision art. Painters mainly paint simple paterns as pictures are still made by photography.

Kings and emporers show of there wealth by lighting there palaces with electric light bulbs powered by waterwheels, and icecream made in water wheel powered refrigerators.

New towns have formed around those dams which were durable enough to survive with poor maintenance have become covered with wooden water wheels there turbines long age siezed up and ireplacable.


Feral areas are being filled in again, the worlds population has risen to 2 billion. Larger kindoms and empire are forming. Powerful land lords are turning villages into plantations with disposesed peasents crowding into unsanitary cities. The craft guilds can now match the quality of the 18th century. The larger cities are now producing large quantities of rifles alowing the creatiuon of large conscript armies. Officers and aristocrats can now equip themselves with muzzle loading revolvers and multibarel pistols. There are even som Kammerlader style breech loaders. Sailing ships have grown to 18th century sizes also but trade is not quite as large as that time as knowledge of how to make china, silk and spices is more widespread, most trade is North - South.


Over the last several centuries plentiful guns and transistor radios has fueled many democratic and comunist revolutions in the old mid milenium kingdoms and empires. Many have direct democracy with the votes relayed and added up from the parish councils to the regional governments via radio. The leveling of the wealthy aristocrats has reduced the need of luxury goods reducing the size of cities and trade moving the population back to subsistence based vilages.

Ruin srap is still the main source of metal but more remote areas are making use of bog iron.

Unfortunatly the time vortex produces powerful EMF that destroyed my digital camera, next time I must take my fathers film camera.