One last question... sorry.


Temporal Novice
Okay, assuming time travel into the past is possible, it would make sense that there has to be a "universe" for every millisecond- and that new universes must be being created.

Anyway, the question is, there still MUST have been a beginning- and I want to know what this beginning was? By now, there are probably universes in the future, but there must have been a time when there was one "head" universe, ahead of all others...

Anyone catch what I'm saying?

I read all your posts, they are ludicrous and you have an inane understanding of whats really happening.. You use mathematically terms that are incorrect, you are wondering what your 1st grade class was like if you could go back to 1991, so that puts you around early/mid twenties perhaps? I have neither the time nor inclination to point out the flaws in your thinking and my only advice is to read more first, respond to Current threads, and don't upset me by doing what MEM did earlier and start posting Thread after Thread after Thread. If you want a serious conversation, post your piece, one thread, wait for the responses and keep posting in that thread. Starting so many, in my opinion, is SPAM.