A real operating time machine can't go through time! Rather, it needs to jump in and out of time. Also, the time machine would need to be a 'space machine' as well. How can this be? Well, just hold on to your hats, and the ProgBoy1 'll show ya. First of all, the Earth moves, does it not? And the Solar System, right? And the Galaxy, right? So if we take into account all these motions and add them up, 1969, say, is quite far away! So if your time machine was sent back to 1969 with moving in space as well, you'd be stranded! (With a wormhole, however, we do not have this problem.)
For the first objection, say you have a time machine that travels through time. Say we want to go back to 1969. (I don't know why I keep putting that date in, I wasn't even born then...) In accordance with logic, then, the time machine will explode one micro-moment before we press the button to send it on its way!!! How can this be? Well, a time machine that travels through time must occupy approximately every spatial and temporal instant between its destination in the past and right now. So the time machine must be in its exact same location it was a micro-moment ago, before you pressed a button. Now according to Euclid (or Euler, I forget which...) two points cannot occupy the same space. So your time machine would explode before you pressed the button. Now this leads you into yet another paradox: If you exploded and were killed before you even pressed the button, then how was the button pressed? Maybe the very explosion somehow pressed the still-intact button... I dunno...
Yes, yes, I know that my second objection (one must travel through space as well) still applies in the first, but the same paradox applies! So what if the time machine collides with only part of itself? It still will explode before you press the button!
Can some-one please help me with the above paradox? Unfortunately, this one is too tough for even the ProgBoy1 to solve!
P R O G B O Y 1 !
For the first objection, say you have a time machine that travels through time. Say we want to go back to 1969. (I don't know why I keep putting that date in, I wasn't even born then...) In accordance with logic, then, the time machine will explode one micro-moment before we press the button to send it on its way!!! How can this be? Well, a time machine that travels through time must occupy approximately every spatial and temporal instant between its destination in the past and right now. So the time machine must be in its exact same location it was a micro-moment ago, before you pressed a button. Now according to Euclid (or Euler, I forget which...) two points cannot occupy the same space. So your time machine would explode before you pressed the button. Now this leads you into yet another paradox: If you exploded and were killed before you even pressed the button, then how was the button pressed? Maybe the very explosion somehow pressed the still-intact button... I dunno...
Yes, yes, I know that my second objection (one must travel through space as well) still applies in the first, but the same paradox applies! So what if the time machine collides with only part of itself? It still will explode before you press the button!
Can some-one please help me with the above paradox? Unfortunately, this one is too tough for even the ProgBoy1 to solve!
P R O G B O Y 1 !