On Titor's civil war


Quantum Scribe
On Titor\'s civil war

According to Titor, the Civil war in this country was supposed to begin a long time ago. Titor himself defined exactly when it started : 2004 - 2005.

Now, when 2004 and 2005 came and went without any 1861-type civil war taking place, the air pretty much went out of the Titor story. People concluded that he had been wrong about that, and therefore that he was just bullshit thru and thru.

The problem with this was that many of Titor's other predictions did seem to have come true, like the space shuttle, the Middle East war, and so on. But the big one, the civil war prediction, seemed to carry so much weight that the whole story was pretty much "case closed" for alot of people.

But then something funny happened : Titor's 2008 prediction was dead-on-accurate. The statements he made about 2008 were completely consistent with the worldwide economic collapse in 2008 and the Obama election.

So people started feeling uncomfortable about him again. What was the deal? Why were half of his predictions coming true and the other half not coming true? The apparent hits of the space shuttle, the Middle East war, and now the 2008 economic collapse started to look like one coincidence too many to ignore.

So that redirected people's attention back to that 2004 prediction that he seemed to get SO wrong - that a civil war was supposed to start then. What was the deal with that? Was that prediction wrong or not? And people started looking at 2004 and 2005 a little closer.

And the first thing that pops out is that Titor first showed up in 2000, during a very abnormal and controversial election that alot of people were very upset about. And right at the height of that drama, is when he shows up and starts posting online.

Now that alone is a little peculiar, because the Titor story was very sophisticated and complex, and if it was a hoax, alot of time and planning and prep work had to go into it in advance. So we're supposed to believe that whole process ended just coincidentally at the same time that this historically unique and controversial election occurs? That would be quite a coincidence.

But anyway, he shows up then, and discusses that controversial election a bit, and then says that America is going to have another civil war, and, coincidentally, he says it is going to start at the very same time the next election occurs - in 2004.

2004 may have been when the Republicans first used the electronic voting boxes to steal the US Presidency, an act which would amount to a hostile takeover of the government, an act which would qualify as the beginning of a Civil War in any historian's eyes. It would be a real overthrow of the government. The fact that they used computers instead of guns to wrest control of the government away from the citizens and put that control in the hands of a small group is irrelevant. It would be a silent coup, orchestrated under the noses of the citizenry without their consent.

One curiosity about this prediction is that Titor gave us two different answers about when the civil war started - in 2004 and in 2005. This would make sense if he was viewing that election being the start of the civil war, because while the election itself took place in 2004, its results wouldn't come into effect until 2005.

An election did occur then. And it really may have been stolen. That election was the first time that exit polls were extremely off-base for a US Presidential Election. They had previously been very accurate and reliable, but in 2004 they seemed to fail completely : the polls and the news stations were reporting that it looked like Kerry had it in the bag, but then the official numbers published by the government said that Bush had won instead. There were widespread serious accusations of vote fraud, but it all got kind of swept under the rug.

We can probably never know for sure if the American government was stolen that year. And that means we can probably never know if a civil war actually started via coup in 2004 - 2005. But what we DO know is that the violence normally associated with a civil war did NOT begin in 2004 - 2005. But then, Titor never said it would. In fact, he indicated that even though the civil war started in 2004 - 2005, the violence wasn't going to show up until 2011.

While he insisted that the US Civil War would begin in 2004/2005, he made many statements indicating that this conflict would not turn violent until 2011 ("I keep saying her tune will change in about ten years [2011] and she'll be cleaning shotguns in her sleep" and "outright open fighting was common by 2011").

But can a war start without violence? When does a war start? Does it start when the violence begins, or when the cause of the violence arrives? I honestly don't know, but these sound like definition questions best left to historians ...which Titor claimed to be.

He predicted that during the civil war, the US would see "a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse", and today the major story in the news is about all the thousands of families getting forcefully thrown out of their homes, which is exactly what the government was trying to do at Waco.

Although he maintained that the US Civil War officially started in 2004/2005, he added that the conflict would not really get going until much later : "The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012", which is a timeline very consistent with today's economic crisis and foreclosure rush.

He said that the civil war in the US would be between the "haves" and the have-nots". In other words, it was supposed to be an economically-based conflict. And what do we have going on today in America? A pitched battle between the banks and the common people.

Over the next few weeks, we've seen in the news lately, somewhere around five million Americans are going to become "99'ers", that is, they are going to run out of money - their unemployment will run out. And then 2011 arrives -- the year Titor specified, ten years ago now, as "THE TIME" when the [censored] actually does hit the fan.

So to people who don't think that a civil war occurs when the cause of the violence arrives, and only think the civil war would have officially "started" when the violence itself begins, Titor seems to be saying, "2011 is when it starts".

It's not like we haven't been warned. Ten years ago, Titor came right out and said that 2011 was the year. While Titor stated that the US Civil War would technically begin in 2004/2005, he made many statements indicating that this domestic conflict would not actually turn violent until 2011 ("I keep saying her tune will change in about ten years [he posted this in 2001, and ten years later = 2011] and she'll be cleaning shotguns in her sleep" and "outright open fighting was common by 2011"). He predicted the US would see "a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse", and today the major story in the news is about all the thousands of families getting forcefully thrown out of their homes, which is exactly what the government was trying to do at Waco. Although he maintained that the US Civil War officially started in 2004/2005, he added that the conflict would not really get going until much later : "The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012", which is a timeline very consistent with today's economic crisis and foreclosure rush.

His 2008 prediction was dead-on-the-mark accurate. Writing in 2000, he somehow totally nailed the 2008 turning point; he predicted "The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over." This prediction proved all too correct when (A) the world economy crashed in 2008 and we entered the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, and (B) Obama won the Presidency.

He predicted we would have an "overheating problem with our space plane", and then the Columbia Explosion occurred three years later because of, yes indeed, an overheating problem.

He predicted "degrading US foreign policy and consistency", and under Obama the US has been far less friendly to Israel and far more to Muslim nations, which certainly qualifies as an inconsistency.

He predicted the "the demise of "Homo Materia", an apparent reference to a worldwide economic collapse. The masses of Americans living in tent cities today are certainly less "materialistic" than they were in 2000, and that is all but certain to get alot worse in the next few years.

He predicted a revival of States Rights as a major national issue, and this came to pass lately with the advent of the State Sovereignty movement.

He predicted that "The West will become very unstable,". He totally nailed that one too. This prediction has already come true, as we have seen in the news stories covering the riots and chaos in Greece, France, England, Ireland, and elsewhere.

He predicted that China would become very aggressive and expansionistic, and it would "forcefully annex Taiwan, Japan and Korea" before 2015, and the news has carried stories lately suggesting that China is laying the groundwork for such expansion, with its recent huge military buildup, its naval fleet expansion, and its latest move to boost its naval presence in disputed waters.

Titor said that during the coming war, the greatest number of deaths would be via starvation, and the news has carried numerous stories about severe food shortages around the world over the last two years.
Re: On Titor\'s civil war

The problem with this was that many of Titor's other predictions did seem to have come true, like the space shuttle, the Middle East war, and so on.

This could only be true in your warped, revisionist mind, Peter. And, of course, since you cite absolutely no supporting evidence for this, but rather make it sound more like a passing statement than the claim it actually is, the claim that ANY of Titor's "predictions" came true is about as specious as one can get.

In my view, and in the view of most people who look at such predictions with a critical eye, instead of a welcoming "anything could fit this prediction" eye, NONE of Titor's predictions have come to pass.

But there is just no accounting for forced ignorance such as yours.
Re: On Titor\'s civil war

From John Titor's posts recorded here: www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread61544/pg1 , there is a major discrepancy (and a few others) in Titor's story..:

apparently on December 30 (page 6), he says this about his theory of time travel:

(If I go forward on this world line, the future will not be my future. I get home by going back to 1975 before I arrived and then going forward to 2036.") A few people have asked me about this statement so I will try to clarify it. On my worldline (A) in 2036, I was given a mission in 1975. I turn my machine on and jump to another worldline (B) in 1975 with about a 2% divergence from (A). From the very point I turn my machine off on (B), I create a new worldline just because I�m there. This line can be described as (C) and started when I got to (B). I am now doing my mission on line (C) in 1975 when I discover a very a good reason to go forward on (C) and see what happened. I turn my machine on and go forward on (C) to the year 2000. When I turn it off, I start another line called (D). So from my perspective, here we are on line (D) in the year 2000. In order to go home to line (A) I must turn my machine on and go back on (D) until I reach (C) which in turn would take me back to (B) which in turn takes me to a point before I arrived on (B) then I go forward from the point I arrived on (B) back to (A).

This is in-tune with his earlier statements in his first posts in early November that he has some "recording" unit that tracks his original "timeline" to which he can easily get back to (page 1):

are you able to control where you go or is it random?

...The computer units and gravity sensors "record" your trip and you are quite easily able to return to your point of origin...

And on January 15 (page 6) he says:

Thank you for considering the problem of returning home. You seem to have stumbled on an intuitive proof of some of the physics of time travel. You are correct, getting back to the worldline of origin is easier than picking an exact destination on a different worldline.

But, by the end of January (January 26, page 5), he maintains that he cannot get back to his own, original timeline:

You said that you traveled back in time from 2036 to 1975 with a ~1-2% divergence. You also mentioned that in your time frame a 0% divergence is sort of a myth, i.e technologically improbable.

Yes, a "ZD" is thought to be impossible. However, consider that an exact entry point "may" not be necessary to get home. The important factor is the path, not the destination. Under multiple world theory, there are an infinite number of "homes" that I could return to that don't have me there. The divergence for that window is somewhere near .002377%.

and later on someone says:

Similarly, a TT_0 ("not ours") will return from a worldline similar to our own to "our TT_0's" worldline and be such a perfect doppleganger that the "originating" worldline recieves the IBM, and his Mom never knows the difference.

Bingo!! Seems like something they would do a lot of psychological testing for before they sent us off.

The reason he has this shift in view is because in the beginning he puts forth his answer to the time-traveling Grandfather paradox (and says that all paradoxes are impossible to solve.. no that's not true, that's not even the definition of a paradox, it's just something that seems counter-intuitive but has an explanation, such as the Twin Paradox, which he incorrectly believed involved faster than light travel) as well as his theory of time travel with multiple "time-lines" and has his little backstory, but when more people start talking about "multiverses" he sees that this would imply there would be many "hims" going everywhere, and that he couldn't possibly get to his timeline due to a very low chance it's 1 out of infinity, which mathematically speaking is 0.. apparently he forgot about his recording device (also due to his "ZD" 0 percent divergence is a myth, which is not true.. you have a chance of going back to your original "timeline") and starts to rear-guard himself subtly against being exposed about that (which no one noticed, even if he hadn't backed himself up in advance.. it's obvious throughout the shifts of emphases in his posts). Ultimately, since he realizes that he hadn't solved the Grandfather paradox because if he went back to his own timeline and killed his actual grandfather there, he's still stuck with the same problem as with the absense of the multiverse theory, and so invents the "ZD" 0 percent divergence is a myth theory.

Also other little details that might help you folks in spotting fakes (this is used by scholars in determining whether ancient documents are fakes or not, if any of you all were curious):

- On page 4 someone correctly asks him what he was going to do if the 2% divergence between his timeline and ours made his computer useless... his answer dodges the question near-entirely.. something he keeps doing when confronted with such questions and says: the worldlines don't exponentially diverge, blah blah blah, they're chaotic and might converge/diverge... well still doesn't answer what you'll do if "our" UNIX doesn't match your UNIX..

- when asked what kind of clothes people wear in 2036 and music they listen to, he dodges the question by saying the clothes worn are way more "practical" and that they like to dress up.. if you went back to 1970 wouldn't you tell them all about Abercrombie and Fitch, or H&M, or about Eminem, and all that?

- He apparently is not a physicist per his own admission, yet at the same time he knows all the details about how time travel works, such as Tipling cylinders and Kerr singularities, as well as knows what gravity sinusoids are and what they do, yet at the same time does not know that the Twin Paradox does not involve faster than light travel (no one who knows physics can make such an "honest" mistake) and knows no mathematical equations, yet he maintains, when asked what happens if his time unit brakes, that he can probably repair the electrical stuff, yet does not know what kind of cables are used around the microsingularities (I mean that would be the most important part.. to know how to fix the microsingularities!!)

He says:

For those asking how come a microsingularity doesn't swallow the Earth or want to know details about the size, stability, mass, temperature and resulting Hawking radiation from such a thing.. those details I must keep to myself.

He seems to know all this physics within 1 year (from his appointment into the project in 2034 until graduation in early 2035, with a launch date in April 2036.. not even Stephen Hawking can pull such a learning curve off).. Similarly to pilots and tank commanders, he would not have known, nor needed to know how time travel or the time machine works, save to fix as he said electrical problems. You can't really fix a microsingularity gone haywire, no matter how much physics you learn, not to mention you can't learn that within 2 years. The honest answer is he read one too many Hawking books for popular knowledge. For example, he cites no new knowledge of post 2000 physics. Where is the Penrose or Hawking of 2020? He alludes to future discoveries, but only in two instances: 1) a Science 2001 discovery of a "Z" machine, which he simply quotes an article, and 2) the discovery at CERN which he specifies in no way, other than a vague skirting. He does not mention anything as specific as Tipling cylinders or Kerr singularities.. and his claim that this is because the math had been discovered long before 2036 or 2000 cannot back that up, because we might have the math, but how can one apply that into practicality? They had the math for Einstein's theory of special relativity as early as Maxwell, but by Einstein's own admission, nobody had put it together until he saw it. Surely there are scientists with names who put together the time machine in Titor's time. They had the math as well as the "item" of the first jet engine: in England in 1929, Italy 1931, and Germany 1933, but the first two lost interest, and the third lagged behind due to other interests. This political intertwinement with reality simply does not exist in Titor's time. Where did the government in a post-apocalyptic world get the money and support to research time travel of all things.. which would have seemed as useless as researching banana milkshakes in the middle of trying to rebuild Europe in the post-WW1 or 2 world, let alone post-WWIII.

He also talks about time travel:

The mass and gravitational field of a microsingularity can then be manipulated by "injecting" electrons onto its surface. By rotating two electric microsigularities at high speed, it is possible to create and modify a local gravity sinusoid that replicates the affects of a Kerr black hole.

That alone contains physics that A) We don't have, nor can be explained by Tipling cylinders or Kerr black holes, and B) would have taken just as much brilliance to be connected as it took to discover the theory which he maintains we have. The technology for the automatically timed windshield wiper existed long before Robert Kearns put it together, but he is still its inventor. And it took technology and knowledge to put it together. For example, we don't know how to inject electrons on the surface of a microsingularity. Where is the physics behind it? How does one rotate electric microsingularities? How do you keep the electrons on the event horizon? Because there is no way to keep electrons on the surface of a black hole without them either being sucked in or going out.. not that we know of, unless you have a star trek shield generator. He doesn't need to be specific, but he gives no details that a genuine person with such knowledge would, such as machines that do it (even the bare mention that they made machines and physics that did it, along with a name of a physicist would have been enough.. he can't even spell physicist correctly, he spelled it: physist). He only gives the theory, which any popular science book would. Who invented the time machine? Where was it built, Who put the theory together? All questions a genuine traveller would have answered
Re: On Titor\'s civil war

According to Titor, the Civil war in this country was supposed to begin a long time ago. Titor himself defined exactly when it started : 2004 - 2005.

Now, when 2004 and 2005 came and went without any 1861-type civil war taking place, the air pretty much went out of the Titor story. People concluded that he had been wrong about that, and therefore that he was just bullshit thru and thru.

The problem with this was that many of Titor's other predictions did seem to have come true, like the space shuttle, the Middle East war, and so on. But the big one, the civil war prediction, seemed to carry so much weight that the whole story was pretty much "case closed" for alot of people.


He says: "The space shuttle mission may or may not have a problem connecting the new lab to the space station." If that means the Columbia mission to you... one has to wonder where the new lab was.. or why he didn't predict Anthrax (he alludes to it once in a completely different sense, it being used over a war in the Mid East, but nothing of the brief but nasty attacks by it), nor Sars, nor nothing, save Mad Cow Disease, which wasn't even as big as those, nor he alludes to it in any way as a brief but sharp possible epidemic, which did not kill many, but simply he talks about CJD and Mad Cow Disease for one to safeguard himself in-line with his "we watch all that we eat in our poisoned future" story. Just got a similarity in names, not situation details.

But then something funny happened : Titor's 2008 prediction was dead-on-accurate. The statements he made about 2008 were completely consistent with the worldwide economic collapse in 2008 and the Obama election.

The "we're in the midst of a civil war" with his regiment the 'Fighting Diamond Backs' who should be around somewhere in Florida this or next year? :D . He says:

((You say the civil war lasts from 2004 to 2008 and then the short big one in 2015. What do the years from 2008 to 2015 look like? How long does WWIII last.?))
I'm not sure I said that exactly. By 2008, I would say the civil conflict is pretty much at everyone's doorstep. Western instability during the conflict leads to the attack in 2015. WWIII is very short with a longer period of mop up.

The problem with interpreting Obama's election at everyone's doorstep is that, A) It wasn't controversial like the 2000 and 2004 elections, and B) He is clearly talking about physical fighting because he mentions Western political instability leading to war, not to mention his favorite cricket team- turned rogue shotgunners, the "Fighting Diamondbacks"..

So people started feeling uncomfortable about him again. What was the deal? Why were half of his predictions coming true and the other half not coming true? The apparent hits of the space shuttle, the Middle East war, and now the 2008 economic collapse started to look like one coincidence too many to ignore.

He doesn't place any emphasis on the Mid East that exists in 2001-today. It's not his focus, his focus is the fall of the Western world and Russia and China and WWIII. The Mid East is where there is war after the Western governments have fallen, which is logical, as there has been wars there since Israel's inception from 1948 and even before that there have been conflicts. Not to mention he doesn't cite that as a lighting fuse, nor anything like 9/11 as the lighting fuse for the Mid East war (which he sometimes even ignores and scales it down to brief side-conflicts; logical as everyone hates Israel there.. nobody even recognizes them save Egypt due to returning to them the Sinai peninsula after it was taken in the war of 1970-73).

So that redirected people's attention back to that 2004 prediction that he seemed to get SO wrong - that a civil war was supposed to start then. What was the deal with that? Was that prediction wrong or not? And people started looking at 2004 and 2005 a little closer.

And the first thing that pops out is that Titor first showed up in 2000, during a very abnormal and controversial election that alot of people were very upset about. And right at the height of that drama, is when he shows up and starts posting online.

That's because he was visiting relatives apparently, and 2000 is simply the year he started posting after the forums in Art Bell and so on; he would have posted slightly earlier, when he actually came in 1998 as the Art Bell forums show, if he were genuine, don't you think? He would have shown up months before the election in 2000 if your suggestion that he was trying to warn of the election as a precursor is true.

Now that alone is a little peculiar, because the Titor story was very sophisticated and complex, and if it was a hoax, alot of time and planning and prep work had to go into it in advance. So we're supposed to believe that whole process ended just coincidentally at the same time that this historically unique and controversial election occurs? That would be quite a coincidence.

He didn't really do all that much planning. He read a few popular science books about physics and maybe time travel, sculpted a little theoretical stuff and invented a blown-out future with his own story. The one thing that everyone keeps point to, the IBM 5100 computer, is clear that he was an insider to the IBM and computer world to know this, because at one point he posts how "we're bound to find out about the 5100 capabilities soon" but a real time traveler would not have known that we don't know about the 5100 capabilities. In other words, would you know what restaurant John F. Kennedy went to if you time traveled to 1960? Or what Tv shows he watched? The fact that he knows it's not public knowledge shows he is simply on the inside of IBM or something like that, since the only people who knew it wasn't public information in 2000 specifically, as he seems to, were computer specialists and insiders of the IBM. He couldn't have known we didn't know this in 2000, whether he was from 2036, or 2136 because it's a minute detail he would have found nowhere in his time, and be as sure as he was back in 2000 of its certainty. He would have asked "don't you guys know the 5100 can do this?" and that would have still given him away.

But anyway, he shows up then, and discusses that controversial election a bit, and then says that America is going to have another civil war, and, coincidentally, he says it is going to start at the very same time the next election occurs - in 2004.

He talks about political instability leading to a wartorn US by 2005, with the Western democracies falling by then. Did not discuss the controversial elections until it happened around Nov. 24th, which he tried to use to his advantage. He was there since Nov. 5, why not mention it earlier for authenticity's sake?

2004 may have been when the Republicans first used the electronic voting boxes to steal the US Presidency, an act which would amount to a hostile takeover of the government, an act which would qualify as the beginning of a Civil War in any historian's eyes. It would be a real overthrow of the government. The fact that they used computers instead of guns to wrest control of the government away from the citizens and put that control in the hands of a small group is irrelevant. It would be a silent coup, orchestrated under the noses of the citizenry without their consent.

But he clearly refers to physical fighting.

One curiosity about this prediction is that Titor gave us two different answers about when the civil war started - in 2004 and in 2005. This would make sense if he was viewing that election being the start of the civil war, because while the election itself took place in 2004, its results wouldn't come into effect until 2005.

What results came into effect in 2005? Plus, he gave 2004-2005 as the prelude to his civil war of 2005-2008 (which he later changes to 2004-2008). He obviously isn't going to say the cause of a civil war in 2005 began in 2005 directly.. Kind of like Lincoln's election in 1860 sparked the civil war in 1861, only seems natural he'd say 2004-2005. He doesn't talk about causes prior to 2004 sparking a civil war, which they would certainly exist. You can't have a civil war starting out of nowhere due to events entirely in 2004, least of all a "stolen" election. The Civil War had many little events in 1855-1859 that directly led to 1861, the causes and evidence of which existed since the 1820's, such as compromises between the North and South, and other such tension filled events (not to mention the ultimate causes such as slave trade and discussions over human rights since the 1700's).

An election did occur then. And it really may have been stolen. That election was the first time that exit polls were extremely off-base for a US Presidential Election. They had previously been very accurate and reliable, but in 2004 they seemed to fail completely : the polls and the news stations were reporting that it looked like Kerry had it in the bag, but then the official numbers published by the government said that Bush had won instead. There were widespread serious accusations of vote fraud, but it all got kind of swept under the rug.

Yeah.. right.. If you think popular vote equals electoral college, then yeah.. it was stolen.

We can probably never know for sure if the American government was stolen that year. And that means we can probably never know if a civil war actually started via coup in 2004 - 2005. But what we DO know is that the violence normally associated with a civil war did NOT begin in 2004 - 2005. But then, Titor never said it would. In fact, he indicated that even though the civil war started in 2004 - 2005, the violence wasn't going to show up until 2011.

While he insisted that the US Civil War would begin in 2004/2005, he made many statements indicating that this conflict would not turn violent until 2011 ("I keep saying her tune will change in about ten years [2011] and she'll be cleaning shotguns in her sleep" and "outright open fighting was common by 2011").

But can a war start without violence? When does a war start? Does it start when the violence begins, or when the cause of the violence arrives? I honestly don't know, but these sound like definition questions best left to historians ...which Titor claimed to be.

You can't have a civil war from 2004/2005-2008 with fighting in 2011. Simply doesn't work. Plus he didn't indicate the conflict turned violent in 2011. He said: "By 2008, I would say the civil conflict is pretty much at everyone's doorstep. Western instability during the conflict leads to the attack in 2015." He equates the violence of post 2008 with that of 2004-2008. Soo...the stuff at everyone's doorstep is the same as the fighting in 2011, he makes no differentiation between the two periods of "war". Whether a historian is needed or not, a time traveller would have made himself more clear about this.

He predicted that during the civil war, the US would see "a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse", and today the major story in the news is about all the thousands of families getting forcefully thrown out of their homes, which is exactly what the government was trying to do at Waco.

He clearly meant the violence of Waco (as just reading the context necessitates /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif ), not the moving of families, because he grouped Waco with Ruby Ridge and another event.

Although he maintained that the US Civil War officially started in 2004/2005, he added that the conflict would not really get going until much later : "The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012", which is a timeline very consistent with today's economic crisis and foreclosure rush.

He mentions nothing about the economy, which he would have if genuine, and the conflict consuming everyone by 2012 clearly implies fighting since 2004 where not everyone was consumed, but people weren't that deep in it.

He said that the civil war in the US would be between the "haves" and the have-nots". In other words, it was supposed to be an economically-based conflict. And what do we have going on today in America? A pitched battle between the banks and the common people.

It could be interpreted as anything, most likely having to do with civil rights which is not a central issue anymore, nor did he intend for it to be anything other than a fundamental cause for allowing WWIII, but he was not talking about talk over the Patiort Act, and other such issues.

So to people who don't think that a civil war occurs when the cause of the violence arrives, and only think the civil war would have officially "started" when the violence itself begins, Titor seems to be saying, "2011 is when it starts".

He nowhere said anything started in 2011. He became a soldier then because that's as early as it happened for him, according to his story, and by 2012 it consuming everyone. He was clear the war started 2004/2005 because he would have made this elaborate differentiation you have for him.

It's not like we haven't been warned. Ten years ago, Titor came right out and said that 2011 was the year. While Titor stated that the US Civil War would technically begin in 2004/2005, he made many statements indicating that this domestic conflict would not actually turn violent until 2011 ("I keep saying her tune will change in about ten years [he posted this in 2001, and ten years later = 2011] and she'll be cleaning shotguns in her sleep" and "outright open fighting was common by 2011").

Other than the fact that you apparently don't know what a war is, the causes of a war don't mark the start of it, the fighting does. Before then, it's just politics and political differences. And his statements about "cleaning shotguns in her sleep" clearly mean fighting was commonplace by 2011, not that it started in 2011.

He predicted the US would see "a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse", and today the major story in the news is about all the thousands of families getting forcefully thrown out of their homes, which is exactly what the government was trying to do at Waco.

The only stories I see on my crappy TV in Fontana are how X team lost or won. Major boring stuff.

Although he maintained that the US Civil War officially started in 2004/2005, he added that the conflict would not really get going until much later : "The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012", which is a timeline very consistent with today's economic crisis and foreclosure rush.

I don't think Titor could spell foreclosure rush even if he actually saw the future. Maybe that's why he didn't hint at it :-/

His 2008 prediction was dead-on-the-mark accurate. Writing in 2000, he somehow totally nailed the 2008 turning point; he predicted "The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over." This prediction proved all too correct when (A) the world economy crashed in 2008 and we entered the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, and (B) Obama won the Presidency.

I doubt Obama winning President ends the world for anyone other than a few folks in the South (if that is still going on today that is
). His comment that everyone knew it was over by 2008 was due to the civil war of 04-08.

He predicted we would have an "overheating problem with our space plane", and then the Columbia Explosion occurred three years later because of, yes indeed, an overheating problem.

he nowhere mentioned overheating.

He predicted "degrading US foreign policy and consistency", and under Obama the US has been far less friendly to Israel and far more to Muslim nations, which certainly qualifies as an inconsistency.

He said the US and Western governments fell by 2005. That's certainly going to degrade foreign policy! Any mention to degrading foreign policy prior to 2005 would have certainly mentioned 9/11 and the wars! He only mentioned Mid East minor conflicts, not wars, in a post-wartorn Europe/US.

He predicted the "the demise of "Homo Materia", an apparent reference to a worldwide economic collapse. The masses of Americans living in tent cities today are certainly less "materialistic" than they were in 2000, and that is all but certain to get alot worse in the next few years.

He predicted a revival of States Rights as a major national issue, and this came to pass lately with the advent of the State Sovereignty movement.

He predicted that "The West will become very unstable,". He totally nailed that one too. This prediction has already come true, as we have seen in the news stories covering the riots and chaos in Greece, France, England, Ireland, and elsewhere.

He nowhere hinted at a demise of Homo Materia other than obvious result of WWIII. He nowhere hinted at states rights as a major national issue, just stressed knowing one's rights and preferring state and local rights over federal ones (which is an error). He predicted the Western democracies would fall, not just become unstable, which they really haven't, other than the economy if you want to count that (which it doesn't), other than their relations with Iran and North Korea (of which there is no mention).

He predicted that China would become very aggressive and expansionistic, and it would "forcefully annex Taiwan, Japan and Korea" before 2015, and the news has carried stories lately suggesting that China is laying the groundwork for such expansion, with its recent huge military buildup, its naval fleet expansion, and its latest move to boost its naval presence in disputed waters.

Yeah, because China really needs Taiwan, and least of all would risk international relations to invade Korea and Japan for no apparent reason other than their proximity (another sign of Titor's lack of political cognizance, which one would have in 2036, regardless of knowledge of politics, since one would know history! I mean how many of us don't know the USSR's relations with the West post-ww2?)

Titor said that during the coming war, the greatest number of deaths would be via starvation, and the news has carried numerous stories about severe food shortages around the world over the last two years.

No it hasn't, not if you don't look for them, and the number isn't any greater than before. But he meant it in the context of a war-ridden world where food would naturally be scarce due to radiation and other such..

Not to mention Titor apparently does not know that the European Union is not a unified force such as NATO or the UN, and that the European Union cannot launch an army from Germany headed East which Russia then responds to by Nuking Europe.. and then China.. for some reason China gets involved. Britain and France have nukes. They wouldn't launch armies WW2 style into Russia when they have nukes, knowing they'll get nuked by Russia. Kind of why the MAD policy saved the US and USSR from nuclear war. The European Union is an economic organization which can pass laws over the countries that are members, but ones that all might not agree with, such as Britain doesn't with some trading agreements, nor changing its currency to the Euro. The European Union can't launch an army any more than the Soccer League can. He doesn't even tell us what happens to NATO or the UN, the second of which has to be dissolved in some way in order for Russia to attack China or least of all Europe, kind of like the League of Nations was noted as a failure, the same way he would have mentioned the UN. Or the rise of other organizations. He doesn't.

The bottom line is Titor got lucky by impressing a bunch of people with theoretical knowledge of (some times straight out made up, such as Kerr singularities bringing you to other universes) physics.. Or rotating "electrical" microsingularities producing a gravitational sinusoid which opens the way to another universe. First of all, the gravity "inside" the black hole is enough to transport you to another part of the universe, as one galaxy from far away space was observed through a wormhole. You can't have a gravity field in between two wormholes producing a gravitational field bigger than the one inside a single black hole, electrical or not. A black hole the size of a dot can swallow as much matter as the Rocky mountains before exploding, so there is no way you can wonder whether a gravity sinusoid (it's just a gravity field, no such phrase as sinusoid) can create a Tipler cylinder, or how one doesn't become biforcated inside a Kerr microsingularity, which is smaller than a person. Since he posted pictures in the beginning, and no one contradicting him, correctly that is, that pretty much made him what he is.
Re: On Titor\'s civil war

One aspect that is difficult to ignore, are people that never have heard of John Titor nor his descriptions of a coming civil war; Seem to feel that there is one coming. Although the dates or the step-by-step escalation as proclaimed by JT may be off, definitely gave people something to think about and possibly prepare.

People seems to have a general sense that something is UP ! and the depth of the lack of trust is getting deeper. What is going to happen IF the price of gas DOES reach 5 to 7 bucks a gallon ? or the food supply does become affected by "unknown" causes. Moving Plum Island operation into the midst of the Heartland of the U.S. surely is raising eyebrows.

IF I was to use a microcosm to compare; I am witnessing people beginning to stock-pile canned goods, building up their arsenals, and other survival related "stuff"; Because they feel that "something" is going to occur, sooner rather than later. To have neighbors want to have meetings to prepare plans of response for a variety of extreme events ( all whom never heard of JT ) does indeed give pause in wonderment.

Not to mention, seeing them hoarding "stuff", does indeed have a ripple effect. It doesn't matter what I say or think relative to the future, doesn't replace all the items "they" are hoarding, so I end up having to hoard "stuff" too. Might seem silly, but isn't funny when the shelves are quickly emptied at the market(s).

It hasn't escaped their notice that the timing of our now urban/residential battle trained military is possibly being brought home prior to or within 2012.

Whether there is a major upset of life as we know it or not; Seeing my neighbors hoarding water, canned goods, and weapons NOW, makes me wonder what it's going to be like in the future ?

When JT was writing about a Civil War, although he had the dates incorrect, doesn't necessarily mean that we should become complacent, either.

And perhaps that was John Titor's intent all along.

One good way of getting attention is making it seem as though something is going to happen sooner than it does --- hopefully waking people up and causing them to step-up and call people that are engaged in shady practices to the mat for scrutiny --- thereby hopefully averting something that doesn't seem as un-reasonable as it did when JT first started discussing the civil war scenario(s).

To have our law-makers passing laws for everyone, exempting themselves from those laws, isn't making for a friendly environment with the population of the country.

That Halliburton acquires a oil-spill clean up company 11 days before the Deepwater Horizon explosion and turns out to be making more money from the clean-up than they would from the oil itself, also isn't making people feel comfortable. Goes without saying that people know "who" has their hands in Halliburton.

Having elected officals telling an already spooked public that the bills that they are creating " they themselves don't really understand what's in it, but everybody else will find out when the details of it take effect ", well, that doesn't defuse the growing hostilities, either.

People are sick and tired of being messed with and fooled.

As an example; There is a County Mental Health Center that proclaims that they have a wide-range of services to offer people in need of help. First, in investigating the "county" facility, turns out it isn't "county" at all, but a "private" business that brings in 2.5 million dollars a year. And in further investigation, the PSY DOC in charge exclaims that " Our only goal is to medicate people ! " What ??? So, he comes clean; the main objective is one of obtaining cash to stash from the Pharmaceutical Companies. It's "that" kind of attitude that is becoming prevalent in society today, and people ARE getting fed up with it.

So, we all can chuckle that John Titor is a hoax, but, doesn't necessarily mean that what he had to say should be entirely ignored, either.

As much as some would like to discredit the idea of John Titor's Civil War, the way the dominos have been stacked, seems that those dominos are beginning to fall---when the domino's DO fall is something everyone should be concerned about, and even IF the dates as mentioned by John Titor are a'miss, there are certainly a lot of hard questions that demand some hard answers.

That the U.S and there are millions of people around the world who are hurting, can't be denied.

And there ARE movements of some States beginning to give some thought to separating themselves from the Federal Government. Rick Perry, the Governor for Texas, has hinted at just that on more than one occasion. Although, not really taken as serious, I wonder if the idea was thrown out into the public to gauge what the reaction from the public would be ? What would have happened IF Perry's comments started a wave of support and was seriously accepted by the citizens of Texas ?

Got to ask yourself, is the transformation's taking place today are increasing societies confidence, or is the over-all confidence of a secure future in a state of decline ? And when it hits certain level's of intensity, what will happen when it all comes undone ?