Quantum Scribe
As an exercise in world-building, let's assume that there is no physical world. There are no galaxies, nor is there a solar system, nor a planet Earth. Nor is there any matter,space,time. In short there is absolute negation.
What do we need to create a world--existence? If this seems overly ambitious, remember it is only a hypothetical "story" for the purpose of discovering what needs to be made fundamental.
Alpha's World.
We shall begin by saying: The root reality of all existence, and all being, is no more and no less than a multitude of simple Individualities.
They are individuals because each differs, in some way, from each of the others. If they did not, there would be only one of them and the complex patterns of existence would be impossible. This perspective is that of a condition prior to the existence of space and time, so we cannot identify them by simple location.
The individualities are not composed of energy, nor physical matter, nor even consciousness, for all of these result from their relations with one another.They simply are, everywhere and nowhere, in the future as well as the past.
To make this discussion more convenient, we shall name one of this multitude, ALPHA. What holds true for Alpha holds true for each of the others, Alpha's siblings .
Alpha can (a) relate , or (b) not relate to its siblings.
When it does not relate, it disappears as far as they are concerned. It is as if it never existed, for the siblings do not have a memory or the capacity to think.
When Alpha does relate, it is as if it always existed.
Alpha's relations are of this sort: it is as if it is a mirrored ball that reflects all of the other mirrored balls (its sibling) in its surface.Since Alpha doesn't reflect itself, it is not "aware" of itself. Rather, it perceives the reflections of its siblings as itself.Now there is the possibility that it could see itself in the reflections of its siblings, but we need not suppose that it is intelligent enough to do this.
This is a unique, subjective, perspective wherein Alpha cannot distinguish between the reflection, the thing reflected, or the act of reflection itself. Alpha is completely occupied with itself and has no other means of perception.
Alpha's only real talent is the ability to relate and not relate at a variable rate. We might go so far as to say, at random.
If the individualities always existed, there would be no universe, for they would be locked into an eternally static condition. If they never related there could be no universe. If the rate of relation were uniform, perhaps there could be no evolution. What is the individualities goal "in life?" We shall imagine that it is to find fit a condition of resonance with one another that is desirable.We shouldn't imagine there is any real intelligence or mind in this, for Alpha is less intelligent than an electron.But---
All of the patterns of existence result from relations between individualities, or relations between relations.
The relations we have been discussing are very rapid. Obviously, they must be higher than any physical frequency (we shall assume that Alpha and company find it comfortable to settle down to a uniform "on"-"off" existence). We can easily draw a parallel.
If we call one of Alpha's relations it "second," then the ratio between one of Alpha's seconds and one of our seconds is easily as great as the ratio between one our seconds and the known age of our universe (10-15 billion years). Thus the individualities cycle through aeon's of activity in the time it takes us to frame a simple thought.
What do we need to create a world--existence? If this seems overly ambitious, remember it is only a hypothetical "story" for the purpose of discovering what needs to be made fundamental.
Alpha's World.
We shall begin by saying: The root reality of all existence, and all being, is no more and no less than a multitude of simple Individualities.
They are individuals because each differs, in some way, from each of the others. If they did not, there would be only one of them and the complex patterns of existence would be impossible. This perspective is that of a condition prior to the existence of space and time, so we cannot identify them by simple location.
The individualities are not composed of energy, nor physical matter, nor even consciousness, for all of these result from their relations with one another.They simply are, everywhere and nowhere, in the future as well as the past.
To make this discussion more convenient, we shall name one of this multitude, ALPHA. What holds true for Alpha holds true for each of the others, Alpha's siblings .
Alpha can (a) relate , or (b) not relate to its siblings.
When it does not relate, it disappears as far as they are concerned. It is as if it never existed, for the siblings do not have a memory or the capacity to think.
When Alpha does relate, it is as if it always existed.
Alpha's relations are of this sort: it is as if it is a mirrored ball that reflects all of the other mirrored balls (its sibling) in its surface.Since Alpha doesn't reflect itself, it is not "aware" of itself. Rather, it perceives the reflections of its siblings as itself.Now there is the possibility that it could see itself in the reflections of its siblings, but we need not suppose that it is intelligent enough to do this.
This is a unique, subjective, perspective wherein Alpha cannot distinguish between the reflection, the thing reflected, or the act of reflection itself. Alpha is completely occupied with itself and has no other means of perception.
Alpha's only real talent is the ability to relate and not relate at a variable rate. We might go so far as to say, at random.
If the individualities always existed, there would be no universe, for they would be locked into an eternally static condition. If they never related there could be no universe. If the rate of relation were uniform, perhaps there could be no evolution. What is the individualities goal "in life?" We shall imagine that it is to find fit a condition of resonance with one another that is desirable.We shouldn't imagine there is any real intelligence or mind in this, for Alpha is less intelligent than an electron.But---
All of the patterns of existence result from relations between individualities, or relations between relations.
The relations we have been discussing are very rapid. Obviously, they must be higher than any physical frequency (we shall assume that Alpha and company find it comfortable to settle down to a uniform "on"-"off" existence). We can easily draw a parallel.
If we call one of Alpha's relations it "second," then the ratio between one of Alpha's seconds and one of our seconds is easily as great as the ratio between one our seconds and the known age of our universe (10-15 billion years). Thus the individualities cycle through aeon's of activity in the time it takes us to frame a simple thought.