On and on and...CIA without limits..."Narrative Science"


Temporal Novice
No limits at all,

Here is my prediction for 2016 :

We all will drown in misinformation.

Beginning of june this year In-Q-Tel (Wiki-Link) invested in "Narrative Science".

I know there are softwares out there to write news articles by themselfes with a specific input, for example sports or buisness news.

So the big game changer here, is this Patent -> US 2013/0145242 A1 .

It describes how the software uses the internet to get its input.

It searches feeds, social networks, foras automaticly and generates a journalistic texts all by itself.

They call it an "strategic investment" and "advancement" to understand, analyze and comunicate data better.

Yeahhhh right!!!!:thumbsup:

Only time will tell when the first European Country losses their cool....it'll come.

P.S.: At least now i know where all those weird ppl are coming from lately, with their super stories made up from 20 tv series :poop: :coffee:

greetings heka
