
Temporal Novice
you people are crazy, time travel is not real, get it through your brains. it is impossible to go through time, there is no way AT ALL.

furthermore, john titor is fake, anyone who believes he is real is stupid.
I think most of us agree that titor is a fake. As far as time travel being impossible... well, I think you are wrong on that one. If you *KNOW* it is impossible, please provide some proof. Simply saying it can't happen, means nothing. After all, nobody ever thought the internet, space flight and even the telephone would ever be possible and those are just a few examples from a long list of things that man thought would "never" happen \ be invented. What may be considered impossible today can surely become possible tomorrow, it has happened time and time again throughout history.
I think its the concept of time travel people have problems with. Then again I have problems with the limitations imposed by the speed of light. Only problem is how do I explain that something can go faster than the speed of light in laymans terms. Its sort fo like saying that the light from a lightbulb if travelling faster than the speed of light would reach your eyes before I even had a chance to turn the lightswitch on!
The mind boggles!
With time travel people are told that it is impossible by their tutors, but that is just accepted science, tt is extremely bleeding edge, I think the term is. Only the uneducated would dismiss it out of hand, to truly experience things you need to involve your own mind, not some dusty book.
First of all you need to change your attitude. Calling people stupid and crazy without giving an explanation is not as smart as you might think it is.

Second, I guess a couple of hundred years ago no one would have imagined we'd be flying airplanes. So although time travel might seem strange, it's not impossible... or not yet proven impossible.

And last, not everyone on this forum believes in timetravel. Some find it interesting, others think it fun to discuss.


Then again I have problems with the limitations imposed by the speed of light. Only problem is how do I explain that something can go faster than the speed of light in laymans terms.

Unfortunately, if this was not the case then the entire theoretical basis for time travel itself goes out the window.

That light always travels at "c" in a vacuum is well established. To speed it up energy has to be added. To slow it down energy is decreased. Photons, however, neither speed up nor slow down. Their frequency changes instead. If you multiply the frequency by the wave length it always comes out to ~300,000 km sec.
Yeah Time travel is impossible.

I also hear that the earth is flat, its at the center of the universe and space is just a small single layer of stars thats wrapped around the planet. Beyond this is heaven.