Old UFO magazine

In the old days ten photos was nearly a roll of film exposures. The flash cube had four pictures and a pack of three cubes would do a roll of film. Then you would take the film and turn it over to someone at a store and wait a week or more , then pay huge amounts for those pictures. There was no knowledge that you caught the moment , just hope.

I was just sharing a little piece of forgotten history.  I own this, so I already bought it.  I don't w want to sell it.  I am looking for other Trend Books like this.  I have two and recently found one, which has an article written by Arthur C. Clarke.  That one is a bit more expensive, but if anyone comes across these books let me know.  I collect stuff like this.  

I was just sharing a little piece of forgotten history.  I own this, so I already bought it.  I don't w want to sell it.  I am looking for other Trend Books like this.  I have two and recently found one, which has an article written by Arthur C. Clarke.  That one is a bit more expensive, but if anyone comes across these books let me know.  I collect stuff like this.  
I work for a thrift store.  I'm always on the lookout for donations like this, but I may be tempted to buy and keep for myself. hehe. 

I am currently on the look out for original copies of Dharma Combat Magazine by Jim Keith.  I have some original issues already.  These are VERY hard to come by. 

Things of antiquity have a strange charm for me. I especially got a kick out of "The 'Cartwright' Saucer Detector," as I'd not previously heard claims about magnetic compasses' seeming to go haywire when UFO's are in the vicinity. Fyi, something that both makes mention of the the detector and puts a value on a related publication:

Australian Saucer Record [Australian Flying Saucer Research Society] - 1st Quarter1956 / UFO; Cartwright Saucer Detector; Millicent Incident / from Max Miller's Collection by [Editor] Fred P. Stone - Paperback - First Edition - 1956 - from Singularity Rare & Fine and Biblio.com

No tax

I recently bought an old copy of Pat Frank's Mr. Adam. The ad said it was first edition, but it turned out to be 3rd.  I was mad. :(

This I found interesting. I mean the "Neocons" came along later... or were just aptly renamed. But this "manifesto" is bizarre. Just total backward insane thinking to me. Just my opinion.

This I found interesting. I mean the "Neocons" came along later... or were just aptly renamed. But this "manifesto" is bizarre. Just total backward insane thinking to me. Just my opinion.
In deed, it is "total backward insane thinking." Let it go, No_More_Bets
I, for one, would rather be playing the ponies.

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Let what go?  LOL. I was just merely showing a page from the ol' zine, and I personally don't care what it says.  I just think it was rather interesting.  There are lots more photo's but for some reason they won't upload.  Did you know the guy that started Dharma Combat also started the National UFO Museum in NV?   

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Let what go? LOL. [...]Did you know the guy that started Dharma Combat also started the National UFO Museum in NV?
Let go of "total backward insane thinking"-- what else?
Unless in context of the lyric, "Cut it loose, and let it go," we're still talking horses, I've one that I'd like cut loose into overdrive.

No, I didn't know "the guy that started Dharma Combat also started the National UFO Museum in NV." But, intriguing as is that tidbit, the museum's founding would seem part of a misinformation campaign.

Happiness is a state of mind. As I take it that you are reasonably competent, able bodied, have food, shelter and potable water along with a clean change of clothes/towels/linens, a comfortable bed, hobbies/interests, a computer .. to enjoy in peace, it is my opinion that you take too much for granted.

Give thanks for those blessings, and "follow your bliss" as Joseph Campbell would say. Your bliss is the pursuit of activities whereby you forget time, whereby hours pass unnoticed, because time flies for those whom are somehow fulfilling their individual calling/purpose and/or just having fun.

It is not as though you are jail. So, why not dance to cheer yourself up?

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