Re: TTA_01
Greetings to all board members. My name is Joe. I started posting a year ago in this forum and immediately ran head first into a wall known as Rainman. Reading TTA_01's posts, I see his story is much the same as mine.
I compiled "Words for the Future by John Titor" which is a compilation of everything John said into one paper.
I immediately hit the wall with Rainman who called it "a revisionist's tactic most often used as a form of propaganda to further one's own agenda." I then took "Professor" Rainman's own postings and compiled them into "Words for the Future, by Rainman". This "revisionist tactic" took everything Rainman had said for the past few years about his Massive Spacetime theory and put it all into one article verbatum- the resulting article made Rainman sound nuttier than a fruitcake.
This immediately led to the "it's either him or me" showdown by Rainman just like this recent one by TTO_01
Rainman then went to the Cal Poly computer room and voted for me to leave over and over again on different computers. I am glad he did not do the same trick on TTA_01, but then again he's not working at Cal Poly this year for some reason.
I am glad Rainman has moved on with it. He was always too scientific for this board, in my view. He had his own unique perspective of the universe that made sense to him, but he was unable to ever write it down on paper. So instead, he decided to shoot down everyone else's wacky nutjob theory instead for entertainment (and intellectual vanity) reasons and suddenly this became a time travel forum where you can't talk about time travel without getting attacked.
Rainman's theory ultimately boils down to metaphysics and this is where he and I butted heads- I could never get Rainman to agree we all co-exist in the same tangable universe- Rainman's theory ultimately states that everything boils down to one conciousness- "yours"- and we all have a unique view of the universe. As such, we are all "gods of our own universes". I flatly disagree with that and have the whole of science to back me up.
I said to Rainman- the proof we all co-exist in one universe is the fact that if I wanted to, I could get into a plane, go to your house and shoot you. If you are "god of your own universe" this would not be possible but the fact remains- I could get into a plane and do it and you couldn't stop me. If you were "god of your own universe" you could, but we all co-exist in the same one universe and as such, your Massive Spactime theory is invalid. This was too much for him to accept.
Looking back at the past year's boards I see many people coming to the boards, running into Rainman, then high-tailing out, never to return. Since time travel does not exist, how could ANY scientist espouse the laws of time travel to us? They can't- they're equally in the dark.
My interest is time travel- the concept of time travel. If the probabilities of something is one in a billion and you've got 300 billion universes then it's happening billions of times over in the multiverse.
I believe one of John Titor's mission parameters was to plant the seed of the possibility of time travel so the cascading effect of this new idea will flourish over time to where 30 years later N-more universes will be exploring this possibility as a practical application, perhaps also to help Titor land back in a universe that does have time travel (cognito ergo sum).
Personally, I don't believe that Titor was a real time traveller- there are too many unanswered logical questions and contradictions within the words themselves. I have my own theory about that but don't want to offend the people on this board. But at the same time I believe that if we all sit here and talk about John Titor and the possibilities that by 2038 time travel WILL become a reality and therefore John Titor will at that point become a real person who really went back in time to 1975 and 2000- at that point, it will be a true story.
I believe this is how non-time travelers percieve real time travelers in their midst- this is the only way a snake eating its own tail makes sense to the snake: first it sounds right, then it kinda doesn't make sense, then it makes no sense, then it starts making sense all over again and by the end, it makes perfect sense. In that regard, I believe that when you read John Titor's words in 2038 you'll get a good laugh because by then, he was exactly right all along- even though there never was a John Titor in the first place!
I would like to have a discussion about the universe- how it works, how it could work and how we could make it work.
One thing Rainman disagreed with me over was the possibility of time travel itself. Time travel exists- time travel is a natural part of the universe; time travel is happening everywhere in our universe all the time.
We are in the Milky Way galaxy, about 2/3rds out in a spiral arm rotating around the SMBH at about 2.5 million miles an hour. To our solar system, one "galaxial year" is equal to "the amount of time it will take for the entire solar system to rotate once around the galaxy" and this number is 250,000 light years.
If we were a lot closer to the center of the galaxy, one "year" would be far less time- the closer you are to an object, the smaller the orbit will be, the less time it takes to traverse that distance.
So imagine getting into your magic spaceship and plotting a straight line through the Milky Way close to the SMBH in the center. In the time it will take the solar system to traverse a half-circle around the galaxy you're plotting a straight course from A to B. In short, you end up at point B waiting for "the solar system to catch up with you". In other words, you just traveled time.
The floor's open-
Greetings to all board members. My name is Joe. I started posting a year ago in this forum and immediately ran head first into a wall known as Rainman. Reading TTA_01's posts, I see his story is much the same as mine.
I compiled "Words for the Future by John Titor" which is a compilation of everything John said into one paper.
I immediately hit the wall with Rainman who called it "a revisionist's tactic most often used as a form of propaganda to further one's own agenda." I then took "Professor" Rainman's own postings and compiled them into "Words for the Future, by Rainman". This "revisionist tactic" took everything Rainman had said for the past few years about his Massive Spacetime theory and put it all into one article verbatum- the resulting article made Rainman sound nuttier than a fruitcake.
This immediately led to the "it's either him or me" showdown by Rainman just like this recent one by TTO_01
Rainman then went to the Cal Poly computer room and voted for me to leave over and over again on different computers. I am glad he did not do the same trick on TTA_01, but then again he's not working at Cal Poly this year for some reason.
I am glad Rainman has moved on with it. He was always too scientific for this board, in my view. He had his own unique perspective of the universe that made sense to him, but he was unable to ever write it down on paper. So instead, he decided to shoot down everyone else's wacky nutjob theory instead for entertainment (and intellectual vanity) reasons and suddenly this became a time travel forum where you can't talk about time travel without getting attacked.
Rainman's theory ultimately boils down to metaphysics and this is where he and I butted heads- I could never get Rainman to agree we all co-exist in the same tangable universe- Rainman's theory ultimately states that everything boils down to one conciousness- "yours"- and we all have a unique view of the universe. As such, we are all "gods of our own universes". I flatly disagree with that and have the whole of science to back me up.
I said to Rainman- the proof we all co-exist in one universe is the fact that if I wanted to, I could get into a plane, go to your house and shoot you. If you are "god of your own universe" this would not be possible but the fact remains- I could get into a plane and do it and you couldn't stop me. If you were "god of your own universe" you could, but we all co-exist in the same one universe and as such, your Massive Spactime theory is invalid. This was too much for him to accept.
Looking back at the past year's boards I see many people coming to the boards, running into Rainman, then high-tailing out, never to return. Since time travel does not exist, how could ANY scientist espouse the laws of time travel to us? They can't- they're equally in the dark.
My interest is time travel- the concept of time travel. If the probabilities of something is one in a billion and you've got 300 billion universes then it's happening billions of times over in the multiverse.
I believe one of John Titor's mission parameters was to plant the seed of the possibility of time travel so the cascading effect of this new idea will flourish over time to where 30 years later N-more universes will be exploring this possibility as a practical application, perhaps also to help Titor land back in a universe that does have time travel (cognito ergo sum).
Personally, I don't believe that Titor was a real time traveller- there are too many unanswered logical questions and contradictions within the words themselves. I have my own theory about that but don't want to offend the people on this board. But at the same time I believe that if we all sit here and talk about John Titor and the possibilities that by 2038 time travel WILL become a reality and therefore John Titor will at that point become a real person who really went back in time to 1975 and 2000- at that point, it will be a true story.
I believe this is how non-time travelers percieve real time travelers in their midst- this is the only way a snake eating its own tail makes sense to the snake: first it sounds right, then it kinda doesn't make sense, then it makes no sense, then it starts making sense all over again and by the end, it makes perfect sense. In that regard, I believe that when you read John Titor's words in 2038 you'll get a good laugh because by then, he was exactly right all along- even though there never was a John Titor in the first place!
I would like to have a discussion about the universe- how it works, how it could work and how we could make it work.
One thing Rainman disagreed with me over was the possibility of time travel itself. Time travel exists- time travel is a natural part of the universe; time travel is happening everywhere in our universe all the time.
We are in the Milky Way galaxy, about 2/3rds out in a spiral arm rotating around the SMBH at about 2.5 million miles an hour. To our solar system, one "galaxial year" is equal to "the amount of time it will take for the entire solar system to rotate once around the galaxy" and this number is 250,000 light years.
If we were a lot closer to the center of the galaxy, one "year" would be far less time- the closer you are to an object, the smaller the orbit will be, the less time it takes to traverse that distance.
So imagine getting into your magic spaceship and plotting a straight line through the Milky Way close to the SMBH in the center. In the time it will take the solar system to traverse a half-circle around the galaxy you're plotting a straight course from A to B. In short, you end up at point B waiting for "the solar system to catch up with you". In other words, you just traveled time.
The floor's open-