Okay perpetual motion


Quantum Scribe
Is it really that hard?

Kinetic energy + magnetic repulsion x self driven electro (*see end note)

Let's take something that works in nature and resimulate it with mechanics - something that can be housed in a structure and the motion never stops, thereby driving a turbine and creating electricity.

Water. Let's try to simulate that.

Take a water wheel. Now make it slotted. Have a series of magnetized large ball bearings that would fit into each slot, with enough empty slots to not have them interact inadvertantly.
Next, make a track to bring them back around that is NOT of course made of metal (say wood, rubber, whatever - idea being of course no magnetization playing a part for the "most" part - we'll come back to that).
Now have a series of large "non-elctro" magnets using the spherical velocity already being generated in motion after the ball bearings need to "loop back" along said track - to give them "just the push" they need to continue around and around forever.
Try to once again take a water wheel, and replace the water with magnetized ball bearings, and when the sphereical velocity of motion ebbs, give a push using gravity as well to always continue them along their way with a repulsion from the magnetic field. I believe that whatever material is used for the "track"...a rail-road idea of having the material as "thin" or non-existant as possible would be paramount for reduction of friction which takes away from the spherical motion.

As well if the magnetic field for a large enough ball bearing to travel to form a substantial generator does not seem to give enough push...the timing and quantity of ball bearing could be increased for collision (magnetic repulsion + kinetic energy)

-Of course if you could produce "electricty" from the first few "goes", a fraction of that electricty could be cycled back to THEN produce a larger magnetic field - and hence then an electromagnet could varily be used in a 'true perpetual motion' mechanic as no outside power source would ever be required.
This would reverse the common problem of kinetic energy eventually "dwindling" or becoming unreliable at any given point - and further only increasing the power/motion...especially if the electromagnet was able to be fueled by battery cells charged from initial kinetic motion.

Quantum thinking - forget the barrier of 98% efficiency - go for 200% +

(So - end of all this mess, of all just an analogy painted to a metaphor? Get something going, get the initial energy stored, cycle it back, increase kinetics, introduce elements not readily accepted as "true perpetual motion" - as that would only be required until the point of energy storage to be self-sufficient; IE; as noted above - start with regular lower powered magnetic fields until the aparatus can sustain itself forever and be regulated).
One of the early fall down points is- if the machine enters a new state of motion, then by definition it isn't "perpetual" since it was once not in that state of motion.

Also perpetual is a big word, long before some of the machines I've seen would "run down" their components would simply wear out. And that would end their motion.

It's a lovely scientific alleyway though, and some of the science in some of the proposals I have received have been HARD science- really seriously thought out.

Some robotics research is getting into this type of exploration, so that we can have "living" machines that maintain a high level of function through homeostasis.
One of the early fall down points is- if the machine enters a new state of motion, then by definition it isn't "perpetual" since it was once not in that state of motion.

I can see your points. One thing I'd like to point out however - if the state of motion never changes, and the energy is only drawn from said motion, then if that motion can be contained and utilized to only strengthen the original motion - I don't see how anything "changed" ... in a way it only got stronger from the "cycle" that is continuing.
If only a marble spinning in circles could be true perpetual motion, then there's not much to talk about...

So again, the idea was just to have something self-contained produce it's own energy to basically regulate by itself...nothing required - everything there from the beginning. But - ya there's alot to take into consideration - people have asked my thoughts on it before and this was an hour or so of imaginative boredom. There's other things that fascinate me much more.

Like robotic water
now that's cool.
Cool- but what if you drink it without realising? It can be programmed to absorb other elements and form new molecules. For example it can set you on fire that way, from the inside or out. Or do benevolent stuff like incorporate vitamins and minerals more easily into fizzy drinks, juices and mineral waters.
Doghead, this is for you ^^

For being somehow 'on the same page' so to speak.

Me - 02/06/09 09:53 AM
You - 02/06/09 07:00 PM

Coincidences are just coincidences right? :D (stridely speaking one cannot drink a robot
^^ )

Odd that stuck in my head...analogies can be weird like that