Oh look theyre going to save us!?


Epochal Historian
Taken from GLP web site

Historical note, are Earthpeople farm-bunnies?

Historical note

Please note the following in this time allotment.

In the 1980s Barbara Marciniack said via her book The Pleiuadean Keys, that our sun was a variable and subjected to periods of expansion.

At God-Like Productions Forum, it was noted by Kent Stedman, as well as an anonymous poster, that there were devices, said by some alien, said by some our own tessla weapons to have been hitting the sun.

This said device, was in response to another say, that too strong of nuclear waste were deposited into the sun, during the Reagan Gorbychev eras?

Other odd occurrences said, were by author Gary Kinder in his book (Light Years), via the paperback edition, that a troop of ambassadorial Grays, had accompanied the Pleiadean to Earth, near Billy Meier´s home.>Since have changed their name to Plejarians??

It was also shown that a large footprint, was left in cement at the Meier homestead, possibly being that of what is known as an Alpha Draconian.

When the father of said Pleiadean Cosmonaut, Sem-ya-zee, spelled Semjase was asked about the presence of Grays on Earth at all, through the Meier group, Ptaah answered, that these were delusional p[people and there were no such things.

The secondary question was asked in the Meier web site forum, how do were know that the Meier based Pleiadeans are separate from the Antarctic based Pleadeans, in either their political ethos, or motives?

They could not and refused to answer this question.

The FIGU web site, is in-part funded by grants from many organizations.

So since the Alpha Draconian claim they engineered mankind up and the Grays say that they engineered mankind up and the Pleiadeans say they engineered mankind up and the Procyioninas also say they engineered Earthbased mankind up, then who engineered mankind up?

Also is Earthbased man, a farm-bunny, or by his constitutions, (plural), does he as was promoted by then President Jimmy Carter and his not knowing that the space shuttle was not a deep travel space ship, but still promoted this idea, do Earthpeople have if they want now, the right of space travel?

Also´ as told in the web site, universepeoples,com under pictures and photos intended, is there a rescue plan for Earthpeople who want to leave Earth, or are the people entering these shown saucers to take us away, really euthanize Earthpeople, as they walk through the door?

Is another words what we are being told, all fabulous bullsh*t?
Hi creedo,

I tell you what is most likely Bullsh*t, and thats Universepeoples.com.

It is a site that i have been to, and tried to read whilst remeaning in an open mind a couple of times now. suffice to say, it hasn't worked yet. I find the site lacking in consistancy and of anything interesting to say. It seems to me they jumped on the Billy Meier Bandwagon and clung to the sides for dear life. They also seem to support his claims. But also support other things he has claimed as fake.

The Billy Meier case itself is an interesting and if read properly very hard to debunk, if possible to debunk.

From my understanding the Pleideans or however it was spelt? where a negative sub group of the Plejarens - who brought us here thousands of years ago in an effort to held us escape termination. The Plejarens where here to try and put right some of the wrong doings by this sub-group in regards to certain events. More so, biblical earth religions. They also claim that Earth human-kind originated from their ancestors which created us genetically for War purposes. Which is one of the reasons why we age quickly and have at times vicious natures about our genetic personalities.

As for them saying the Greys don't exist, i personally don't remember reading this. I do remember him (PTAAH) saying something about 3 main groups of aliens visiting earth, and that the whole abduction thing was nonsense. Later however he stated that they were taking people for scientific reasons, but that it was not 'abduction'. Taking people against their will? seems like abduction to me. Lets no also forget a small amount of naivety on their part. They are not perfect. For one they didnt understand about 'Lies'. It was apparently Foreign to them, and they were caught out easily on a couple of occasions. There was also a hell of a lot of stuff that seemed to be talked about away from the contact notes, this mainly seemed to be subjects pertaining to the Military.

I will however state that the Billy Meier case for a contactee claim is exceptionally strong. That there are many things about it that have been impossible to debunk, despite claims. Also i havent read any transcriptions of conversations with with Greys, Lizarans or any other race thats claimed to be trying to take over the world. The Plejaren contact notes, do seem to have some very interesting and wise things to say. That i do know.

Its actually interesting the bad press FIGU has recieved. In many ways there is more evidence to suggest that Billy Meiers story is true than Mantauk and related activities.
...Billy Meiers story is true

I put his name into the search engine and it brought up sites with his photos.


Interesting pictures, indeed. However, I increased there size and tried to see if the shadows matched the path of the light.

The first thing I noticed was that there seems to be an absense of any reference shadows on objects on the ground. Some of the crafts seem to be showing incorrect shade on the surface of the craft. This could be due to the higher altitude of the craft as compared to objects below.
However, the shadows would still follow a tragectory of the rays of light from the sun.

One photo has a tri-pod object in the fore-front of the picture. The picture seems to be altered as far as refraction of light and shadow. It is difficult to tell where the actual light source is from the strange areas of illumination on the tri-pod device.
It seems as though all traces of shadow has been removed, to make it difficult to tell if the UFO is truly present at the time of the picture being taken.

Also, one UFO is in a frame that would place a shadow of it on the ground below. I don't see its shadow on the ground anywhere.

The only time when shadows are in line with the objects is at high noon, when the sun is directly above. There still would be a shdow below the craft. And, it seems unlikely that ALL the photos would be taken at exactly the same time, everytime.

Does anyone else find that unusual?
Hi OvrLrd,

Firstly, Let me state for the record that i didnt say that, "Billy Meier's story is true". I said as a contactee claim it is exceptionally strong. And there is in fact more evidence to suggest that this story is true than Montuak for example.

As far as the photos go, i think there are a few 'black sheep' - even Billy admits this. However most and there are hundreds if not thousands of billy photos in existance - are of very good quality. Many people (lab wise) have analysed the negatives from some of his films. Pretty much all of them came back as not 'being faked'. This is not including the extensive film footage he has taken. some of these films are over 3 decades old and taken by Billy himself. He only has one Arm don't forget and filmed all of his stuff without computer touch ups. Computer touch ups on film footage back then was reserved for million dollar movies, such was the limited technology. Analysists have said alot of them would be very hard to fake today, let alone with a guy with one arm and an old camera in the 70's when computers couldn't do this. There's also a funny story (this may well be a FIGU joke, though) that Steven Speilberg rang up billy meier (in the 70's - even hollywood was inpressed by them!) to ask him how he made his UFO films look so real. Billy's reply in broken english was, "Well, they tell me when they are coming and i just point the camera at them...".

Thats not to mention the sound recordings he took of 'plejaren ships'. These have also been investigated with computers and have not been able to re-create the sounds.

There have also been metal samples. Most of which have been lost (ie stolen) but there are still official documents saying that they are of unknown origin. Some of the metal compounds contain large amounts of very rare and expensive metals. Again for a farmer with no money (at the time) to his name, this is impossible to fake.

Over all, the case is so hard to dismiss, that no-one has really. MUFON claim that they have - then again MUFON as a paranormal/UFO organisation is a total joke. All their investigations in the end have no evidence and purely comes down to their own personal speculation. They have supported many UFO contactee claims that have been since exposed as fake, and have supported many other low quality cases that have little to totally no evidence at all. Most of what you read in regard to 'exposing' meier is either MUFON or related to MUFON 'investigation'.

As far as your comment on shadow's. I think on the internet its hard to examine this. You need the negatives. It's also better to view them and the film footage, also some of the things billy has said.
...I didnt say that Billy Meier's story is true

Hello, OllyB.
I know, I took the sentence out of context to merely reference my reply. I am glad you posted his name in the forum, since I have never had known of this man, nor of his photos. I think the pictures are stunning from the beauty of the landscapes alone, regardless of spacecraft being included. Billy certainly had a talent for photography, as some of the ones I saw would be great works of artistry, even if the alien vessels weren't in them.

I would certainly need to research the Billy Meier's story a tad more than what I have done so far before reaching any conclusions.

I was also curious if anyone noticed any unusual qualities in the photos.
Billy Meier

This story is classic, I first remember hearing about it in the 80's while watching an old TV show called "In Search Of", hosted by Leonard Nimoy (Spock), that show rules, they should bring it back. It's the original paranormal show as far as I know, I think the show started airing in the 70's.

Anyway, I saw the Billy Meier episode, in it the In Search Of investigators investigated Billy, as far as I know it was not the MUFON people. The In Search of people told Billy's side of the story, then they showed lots of the photos, mentioning that there were many, and they even showed one of his Videos, the video to me was un-impressive, it was of one of the beam ships flying around in a circle, it was obvious to the eye that the movements of the ship model were the same as being attached to a string. If I were to see other ones I might have a different view, but it was clear it was a model being dangled and spun in a circle hanging off fishing wire, yet the wire was not seen in the video, it was like watching a movie of a frisbee with a wire connected at the top, you could see the jerking reactions the object had to the limited swinging space of the string.

Anyway that video aside, the In Search of people obviously thought the story was a hoax, but a very well done hoax, which to this day nobody knows how Billy was able to stage so well. This was their point of view they gave 3 other examples of it being a hoax.

1. Ship model, the crew gave Billy a ship model and later on these models began showing up in his crisp ufo photos, I think these may be some of the "black sheep" photos mentioned. After asking Billy, he claimed the photos were of real craft, when it was obvious that they were of the created model. After this though, even the crew admitted these fake photos were only 7 or so out of the thousands of others, which they never found models for.

2. Super model, Billy showed them some new photos of the blue eyed blonde haired aliens, which appeared to be models, it was later proven they were photos of two models living around the same area. When told about this, Billy was surprised and said it must have been the Men in Black that took the real photos and replaced them with these photos of the models, who apparently look almost exactly like the aliens, so Billy never noticed. (This claim alone is extremely out there, you have to admit)

3. Fake trees, The In Search of crew proved that many of the trees in the Meier photos did not exist. They visited the various sites that had large evergreen trees, trees which the various "space craft" would be behind or next to or in front of. Almost as if the UFO models were being supported by the trees, they proved the trees didn't exist in many locations. Their conclusion was that Billy used the fake model trees close up to the lense with the ship models to help the illusion.

It is obvious that a camera of that type could take pictures of models so clear and yet not show the fishing wire, all of this has been noted as an elaborate task for an old man with 1 arm. If it is a hoax, Billy would have needed an associate to help him hold the fishing wire in different occasions. I did notice that the In Search of people were slanted towards him being a fraud from the start. The only explanations for Billy admitting the toy model and the super model pictures were not authentic would be A) Billy is Senile or has Alzheimer’s, B) He doesn't have good vision, C) He can't tell fantasy from fiction.

A b and c are easy possibilities considering Billy isn't exactly a young guy, even him being senile wouldn't prove him to be a hoax, but I personally think that the story is too fishy to be legit, that's my opinion, that show I saw was from the 70's, or early 80's, and they didn't have any computer technology back then to prove anything. I haven't seen in depth shows like that since, and I hear Billy rarely allows anyone to visit him anymore, so to reproduce that investigation with high-tech equipment would be nearly impossible now. Billy has a spokesman that goes on the Coast 2 Coast AM radio show, his obvious motivation, to sell books.

The Billy Meier story is such an old case that there isn't much interest to continue its investigation, has anyone else seen any good shows or documentaries on this subject?

I happen to have a good memory for useless information, so I tend to lean towards this case being a hoax, , otherwise how could I have remembered a TV show I only saw once in the 80's so clearly? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
I don't claim to have debunked the story though, I simply saw a TV show about it.

- Razimus
Re: Billy Meier

I hate replying to some of Raz's posts. Trouble is i agree with a lot of your comments. But I feel that i present the self image, that if you waved a piece of dog sh*t in front of me and said it was a UFO i'd believe you.

Like Montauk, i'm never 100% believe anything. But the Meier case is one of those things that i find is very hard to dismiss. I do take your point on that Film footage - i remember that one too.

There is alot more. I have to remind you that alot of these programs like 'the best UFO evidence caught on tape' etc, contain Billy footage. Usually its some of the best you'll see. Especially the one where he has 3 objects dancing around in shot. Alot of his 80's film is actually scarily good. Many people that have seen them have said that the objects are of relative size (ie not models) and would have needed hundreds of metres of rigging equipment to create. Infact this was one stupid argument against him. Trouble is many of his films are not near trees or any other objects. Just the 'ufos' themselves against a Swiss landscape back-drop.

The whole Model thing regarding one of the aliens - i also found quite strange/hard to accept, i'm with you on that one.

I believe myself that some of the photos (possibly a couple of films --possibly--) were faked and may have been faked by Meier. Meier also had a breakdown at one point of his life - due to the stress of the whole thing (i believe it would also be around this time he might have faked limited things). Still he always maintained that he was for real before, during and after his illness.

me personally, i believe that much of the film and photos are for real. His story in general. I totally agree. Its purely down to the idividual. Theres no proof what so ever apart from the metal samples. The only thing i will say is that much of the contact notes are actually very well done if they are faked. And do have a lot of profound things in them regarding global/social/political subjects.

Kind of reminds me of the 'Wingmakers' story. You might not believe it, but theres a scary amount of important information contained in the whole thing, that is very relevant.
Re: Billy Meier

Olly, I heard some of his video footage was very good, I just haven't seen any other footage. I'd like to see it though.

I know Billy wasn't out to make money, I remember his spokesman who sells books about Meier Case on the c2cam radio show said that Billy isn't doing it for the money. Basically what he was saying was he gets all the profit for the books and Billy Meier himself gets no money. Which is why I would consider his spokesman to be slanted on the truth, but it does make Billy look more beliveable.

About aliens giving us humans a super important message (Supposedly the whole reason they visited Billy to begin with). I am of the opinion that if super advanced aliens wanted to give us a message, they would give it to the public in masses. Not nessicarily land on the white house lawn. An example though would be Moses the prophet. He was a respected well known figure when he delivered the super important message of the 10 commandments. Case in point, the message got out, and it's not a secret. The way these "aliens" are working, if they even exist, are far too "secret" for me. If their advanced enough to have time-travelling beam ships, they are advanced enough to get their point out, and even someone like me, who has been exposed to the Meier case, still has no idea what their important message is. If they don't choose a spokesman that is well known and respected their message will never get out.
Re: Billy Meier

Kal Korff later came out and recanted all he said about the Meier case.

Meier did construct some models, however it was found out later, that he was trying to mimic them, due to his interest in the case.

The said saucers that were Polaroid and burnt, in partiality, were not any of the ones placed on film.

The saucer plastic model halves, shown in the Kal Korff's book, are by Testor's manufacture and not in any of the Meier films.

The first reports of Pleiadeans came out in the fifties even before Meier was settled in Europe.

The first reports were in middle USA, by a guy by the name of Lyle, who was abducted by said Pleiadeans, subjected to a planted in-saucer said U.S. government agent. The abductee was forced to shoot a pleiadean, playing government agent with blanks in a pistol.

After this was done, of course a beautiful woman came out, a seductive lotion was applied to the abducted, or something like this and they had sexual intercourse, to beat the band.

Lyle was given a tour of the sauce and then shown the front door.

Steven's second text, UFO Contact From The Pleiades, book Two.

From http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=UFO+Contact+From+The+Pleiades%2C+2&sp=1&ei=UTF-8&cop=mss&fr=FP-tab-web-t&SpellState=n-2450256668_q-xzUz3oLPHo17AZ2.ZHJzTwABAA%40%40


UFO Contact from the Pleiades
by Wendelle Stevens

Ten years after his initial investigation (September 1976), Wendelle decided to publish one more book on his research findings. This supplementary investigation report was published in 1986 and is even more rare than the first version. The initial printing of this book was only 1000 copies.
Availability: Very rare
(553 pages - Hard cover)
Re: Billy Meier

Razimus says,

"About aliens giving us humans a super important message (Supposedly the whole reason they visited Billy to begin with). I am of the opinion that if super advanced aliens wanted to give us a message, they would give it to the public in masses. Not nessicarily land on the white house lawn. An example though would be Moses the prophet. He was a respected well known figure when he delivered the super important message of the 10 commandments. Case in point, the message got out, and it's not a secret. The way these "aliens" are working, if they even exist, are far too "secret" for me."

Yes i agree. But this was not why they came here. There main reason was to do with a sub group of plejarens. They were here to stop them messing about with humanity. Much of this has to do with religion. They also came to spread about there presence - secondary 'obligation'. But did this purely in a way that didn't take away people's rights to decide for themselves. They really had no interest in sticking around other than that.

As for creedo's comments. I'm not sure what you are getting at. The plejarens that were in contact to billy wouldn't have been behind such an event you just spoke of.

kind regards,
Re: Billy Meier

Just a thought on this saga. One of the pictures on a website of his photos, there is a tri-pod with a U shaped fixture(?) attached atop of the tri-pod. This has me wondering if Billy slipped up by perhaps accidentally catching this piece of equipment in the photo. The images could be projected ( or even attached ) onto a clear piece of glass or other transparent material and then by pointing the camera lens through the glass, it would appear that the objects were in the distance. As I mentioned previously, the shadows on the UFO's dont line up with the angle of light.


Just a thought.
Re: Billy Meier

That i think (i could be wrong) is a still from a film. I think. There are moving films of 3 ufos. He claims that often he left sometihng in sort to allow for scope of distance etc. You could argue that they are attached. But this can't be said about much of the later film footage.
Re: Billy Meier

If there is film on this, I would like to see it.

Creedo is a good person

Razimus is a good person

Mikebo is drinking beer