Epochal Historian
Taken from GLP web site
Historical note, are Earthpeople farm-bunnies?
Historical note
Please note the following in this time allotment.
In the 1980s Barbara Marciniack said via her book The Pleiuadean Keys, that our sun was a variable and subjected to periods of expansion.
At God-Like Productions Forum, it was noted by Kent Stedman, as well as an anonymous poster, that there were devices, said by some alien, said by some our own tessla weapons to have been hitting the sun.
This said device, was in response to another say, that too strong of nuclear waste were deposited into the sun, during the Reagan Gorbychev eras?
Other odd occurrences said, were by author Gary Kinder in his book (Light Years), via the paperback edition, that a troop of ambassadorial Grays, had accompanied the Pleiadean to Earth, near Billy Meier´s home.>Since have changed their name to Plejarians??
It was also shown that a large footprint, was left in cement at the Meier homestead, possibly being that of what is known as an Alpha Draconian.
When the father of said Pleiadean Cosmonaut, Sem-ya-zee, spelled Semjase was asked about the presence of Grays on Earth at all, through the Meier group, Ptaah answered, that these were delusional p[people and there were no such things.
The secondary question was asked in the Meier web site forum, how do were know that the Meier based Pleiadeans are separate from the Antarctic based Pleadeans, in either their political ethos, or motives?
They could not and refused to answer this question.
The FIGU web site, is in-part funded by grants from many organizations.
So since the Alpha Draconian claim they engineered mankind up and the Grays say that they engineered mankind up and the Pleiadeans say they engineered mankind up and the Procyioninas also say they engineered Earthbased mankind up, then who engineered mankind up?
Also is Earthbased man, a farm-bunny, or by his constitutions, (plural), does he as was promoted by then President Jimmy Carter and his not knowing that the space shuttle was not a deep travel space ship, but still promoted this idea, do Earthpeople have if they want now, the right of space travel?
Also´ as told in the web site, universepeoples,com under pictures and photos intended, is there a rescue plan for Earthpeople who want to leave Earth, or are the people entering these shown saucers to take us away, really euthanize Earthpeople, as they walk through the door?
Is another words what we are being told, all fabulous bullsh*t?
Historical note, are Earthpeople farm-bunnies?
Historical note
Please note the following in this time allotment.
In the 1980s Barbara Marciniack said via her book The Pleiuadean Keys, that our sun was a variable and subjected to periods of expansion.
At God-Like Productions Forum, it was noted by Kent Stedman, as well as an anonymous poster, that there were devices, said by some alien, said by some our own tessla weapons to have been hitting the sun.
This said device, was in response to another say, that too strong of nuclear waste were deposited into the sun, during the Reagan Gorbychev eras?
Other odd occurrences said, were by author Gary Kinder in his book (Light Years), via the paperback edition, that a troop of ambassadorial Grays, had accompanied the Pleiadean to Earth, near Billy Meier´s home.>Since have changed their name to Plejarians??
It was also shown that a large footprint, was left in cement at the Meier homestead, possibly being that of what is known as an Alpha Draconian.
When the father of said Pleiadean Cosmonaut, Sem-ya-zee, spelled Semjase was asked about the presence of Grays on Earth at all, through the Meier group, Ptaah answered, that these were delusional p[people and there were no such things.
The secondary question was asked in the Meier web site forum, how do were know that the Meier based Pleiadeans are separate from the Antarctic based Pleadeans, in either their political ethos, or motives?
They could not and refused to answer this question.
The FIGU web site, is in-part funded by grants from many organizations.
So since the Alpha Draconian claim they engineered mankind up and the Grays say that they engineered mankind up and the Pleiadeans say they engineered mankind up and the Procyioninas also say they engineered Earthbased mankind up, then who engineered mankind up?
Also is Earthbased man, a farm-bunny, or by his constitutions, (plural), does he as was promoted by then President Jimmy Carter and his not knowing that the space shuttle was not a deep travel space ship, but still promoted this idea, do Earthpeople have if they want now, the right of space travel?
Also´ as told in the web site, universepeoples,com under pictures and photos intended, is there a rescue plan for Earthpeople who want to leave Earth, or are the people entering these shown saucers to take us away, really euthanize Earthpeople, as they walk through the door?
Is another words what we are being told, all fabulous bullsh*t?