objects in the sky


Chrono Cadet
I see what looks like faint stars moving through the sky at night, (Arizona) they seem to be moving at amazing speeds though i cant tell how far away they are, no one else in my family can see them except my younger brother, (we both have 20/20 vision, everyone else has poor vision} so they are hard to see with the naked eye for most people, but they have no tail and they don't flash but they go all the way across the sky in less than 2 or 3 minutes and they look just like stars, I can spot them with Peripheral vision by staring at any other star, anybody know what they are?
I don't know what they are, but there are people who use night vision optics to look at things in the sky. Mention is often made of this at the Coast to Coast AM radio show and George Noory has reported seeing them with such optics. There are others who see "rods" moving through the sky at a rapid speed.

Years ago a researcher, Trevor James Constable, wrote a book entitled "They Live In The Sky," in a similar vein. (I just Googled "Trevor James They Live In The Sky" and there is a good deal of information about "plasmoids" and "sky critters.") James also did private research into the work of Wilhelm Reich and orgone energy.

Happy hunting.

PB /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Those would be called satellites. Non-geosynchronous ones to be precise. There are a lot of them up there and on any clear night you can pick out a whole bunch of them. This is a favorite night pasttime of myself and my backpacking buddy as we lay out under the stars in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Oh also: The International Space Station is now more than big enough to see with the naked eye, and it will appear much bigger than these things you are seeing. It will transit the sky in just about the same amount of time. If you google the space station you ought to be able to find a site that will tell you its ground track so you can look for it the next night it comes over your area.

Thx RMT, and PB, I looked up the I.S.S schedule and looks like it passed over last night around 4am lol just missed it, will be back on the 27th.
RMT: On careful rereading I have to agree with you about the satellites.

I guess that means no cake and ice cream for me. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/cry.gif