Obamacare is horrible


Rift Surfer
I pay as much as my mortgage for my Obamacare and my deductibles are so high that I still can't afford sugery or major procedures. Deductibles are in the thousands and now, most places in Florida require payment up front instead of billing. I do not have credit. At any rate, the worst part is that there is no law making doctors accept this insurance. In fact, I've had to replace every doctor I've been seeing for 14 years. Every. Single. One. Also, premiums and deductible go up every year, so every year I have to choose new insurance and guess what, the doctors are never on the list. I have to get new doctors every year. I am running out of Oncologists. I have to drive farther and farther to find out who accepts my insurance. I LIKED my original Oncologist, but he dumped me when I bought Obama care. The insurance companies misleadingly leave the doctors on the list, so when you research before purchasing the insurance, you think you'll be fine. But what happens is that even though they are on the list, you call to make an appointment and they say that they do not take your insurance. So, basically, there is only 1 local Oncologist on my list. After that, I don't know what I'll do, travel 2 hours away? It's the same with the primary doc, gynecologist, etc. I do HAVE to have the insurance, though. First, my fee for NOT having insurance is $1500. (This varies per household). Second, I always have to think about my cancer coming back. (The radiation bill alone was over $100,000 but I did have insurance at the time).

I just had to vent. This is so frustrating. There are no laws PROTECTING the patient/consumer, and I think it's SICK that people PROFIT from ILLNESS. ALL insurance should be non-profit.

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Well here in England, we have social health care for all, and many people in power have been slowly privatising areas of our NHS. This has pushed the cost higher and higher, and soon, we may not have it any more. It startles me that we want to be a united civilisation, yet can't put the well being of our population at the front of all we do. Education is another area. If people are not sound of mind and body, then they are not productive to society. Capitalism truly sucks as a social model.

Capitalism truly sucks as a social model.
That is because capitalism is not a social model. It is a market model. It is intended to allow MARKETS to see their own balance between provider and purchaser. And the history shows IT WORKS. The problems creep in whenever the GOVERNMENTS think they can "make the markets fairer." The reality is, they cannot. ANYTHING a government ever does to pass laws intended to make markets "fairer" has consequences to the relationship between buyer and seller, and the worst ones are the unforseen/unintended consequences. Socialist models always, eventually fail. Just look at Venezuela, as only the latest example. Socialism fails because in this model, GOV acts as a full and complete barrier between buyer and seller which distorts the value of any good or service. 99 times out of 100 it artificially inflates that value because people think "the government is paying for it" and as such they never apply economic thinking to their usage of the good or service. Price controls are the worst kind of interference by the GOV in the markets, even though shallow thinking would believe them to be the best. Price controls limits what suppliers can make in the markets (but note, they NEVER limit what governments can make in taxes or fees on market goods). As such, this is a disincentive for sellers and providers to sell and provide in the market. Fewer sellers and providers, the cost of the good or service goes up.
Health care is especially pernicious. The most important thing a GOV can do to drive down prices is to first, GET OUT OF THE WAY, and second implement policies that ENCOURAGE providers (doctors and nurses) to enter the profession, thereby driving up supply. Economists who study and adhere to the theories of Ludwig von Mises all, uniformly projected that Obamacare would fail to constrain prices. But everyone fell for the unfounded promises of Obama. And so there we are.

People should note that not a SINGLE idea of the Republicans ever made it into the eventual legislation that the Dumbasscrats (errr Democrats) eventually forced thru Congress. Republican ideas were geared towards limiting liability awards for suing doctors and increasing competition between health insurance providers and doctors. As a result of none of these policies being permitted in, not a single Republican voted for Obamacare. The Dems own this mess lock, stock, and barrel.


ALL insurance should be non-profit.
If it was, there would be no insurance at all.
I have said for MANY years that the insurance risk model is absolutely the wrong model for health care. Our country made the mistake of going on this model in the 60s and that is when things started going downhill. If you spend a little time comparing the risk models associated with home (fire) and auto insurance, you see they are based upon the high probability that NOT EVERYONE will need to use the insurance. People with good driving records are lower risk BECAUSE the odds of them getting into an accident are low. People with existing accidents and tickets are higher risk, so they get higher rates. Same goes with home insurance.

But health care is NOTHING like this. People get sick ALL THE TIME. And the things that destroys the risk actuarial tables that drive insurance companies completely fall apart when you understand that EVERY SINGLE PERSON is going to need to use health care in their lives, ESPECIALLY after they cross 50.

I mentioned in my reply above that things that get in between providers and consumers in a market cause artificial inflation. This is what insurers do in the health care market because of the fact I just pointed out above. The best thing would be for there to be NO insurance whatsoever between doctor and patient. Allow patients and doctors to meet equally in the market, and then the ONLY thing GOV should do is regulate doctors to ensure they meet minimum standards and provide INCENTIVES (read tax breaks) for people to become doctors and enter the market. The rest will take care of itself and prices would come down.

The more a GOV thinks it can control a market, the more it ruins it. Every. Single. Time.


The Obamacare we got was not what was promised and advertised.
Obama started it all but he got lazy and didn't follow through working out the problems. He just let it fail. Obama should have copied all of the existing healthcare systems already working in Europe.
The Affordable Healthcare Act website was not even created by web developers.

We didn't even need any of it. All we needed was an improvement of Medicare and Medicaid started by LBJ. We needed to improve "public" cheap healthcare for the poor. We should have let existing healthcare plans remain an option for people.

I complained about this when Obamacare first became news. I was for it as it existed on paper. But I knew it would become the FUBAR ClusterTruck that it is today.

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We didn't even need any of it. All we needed was an improvement of Medicare and Medicaid started by LBJ.
That wouldn't have helped me one bit. The government believes lower middle class can afford insurance. We get zero assistance. They think we have $6000 sitting around under our beds, cash, ready to pay. The rich can afford it. The poor get it all free. Middle class is told to take is up the a$$.

Obama Care is a Tax on the healthy to support the unhealthy. Robin Hood Healthcare.

What ever happened to the concept that natural selection might be a good thing?
