O RLY!?!?!??!

maybe I'm missing the point, but the link in your post is about tax evading folks in the NE. Whats the connection to JT?

I'll take a stab at the reference:

Its a Weekly Wacky Waco incident in progress...or at least NKS thinks so.

Problem is that even if this became a full blown Ruby Ridge incident the "prediction" is "long time dead". They were supposed to start in 2004, increase in frequency and become a weekly event by now. So far, there have been zero since 2-NOV-2000.

By this time, mid-2007, we are supposed to be having weekly Waco-type incidents and involved in a building US civil war that be full blown by 2008 ("obvious" to everyone).

"And so it begins" ignores the actual prediction. It was supposed to have begun long ago. This period is supposed to be the Omega - not the Alpha relative to Waco-type incidents.
I was reading at Wikipedia on the talk page of john titor and someone posted a list of failed seiges and raids that have been happening for a long while now but not getting any press. Sorry I don't have the link.

Also Seebee the jerk won't let anyone edit the page and leaves out things like the Iraq prediction, the 2009 male/female president coment, and the Z machine creating artifical blackholes.

Basicly anything on the postive side that lends credibility to titors story he delets and labels vandilism.

Where did Titor say that the Z Machine would create the black holes?

This is what he actually said on 3-13-2001 on Post-2-Post

The “machine” with the energy to do it will come on-line very soon. The “method” for doing it has already been “mostly” perfected in the Z machine at the National lab in New Mexico.

He also said on 2-1-2001 that the collider at CERN, where the technological breakthrough is to be first created, would come online "within a year or so". That was in early 2001. A bit more than 6 1/2 years later is not "a year or so" by any calculation.

And the LHC still isn't online. During its first low power shake down a few months ago it had a rather serious power "excursion" that melted down a large number of its magnets. It won't be online for at least another year - and then it will be for low power testing (and they'll probably take a lot more time to test it next go-round). Plan on 2010 before they do any real experimental work.

The source of power for the C204 that allows it to distort and manipulate gravity comes from two microsingularities that were created, captured and cleaned at a much larger and “circular” facility. The dual event horizons of each one and their mass is manipulated by injecting electrons onto the surface of their respective ergospheres. The electricity comes from batteries. The breakthrough that will allow for this technology will occur within a year or so when CERN brings their larger facility online.
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Your right. I'm not trying to scam or misquote purposly here. The post in question was:

03/13/2001 08:46 am
((?but how did you manage to overcome the problem of gathering sufficient power to artificially create a micro-singularity in such a short time (sometime prior to 2036))

The ?machine? with the energy to do it will come on-line very soon. The ?method? for doing it has already been ?mostly? perfected in the Z machine at the National lab in New Mexico.

....More than that according to "seabee" at wiki I was wrong about the Z machine even createing artifical singularities. He says that the paper mis-quotes the scientists.... .....

I do wanna be right. But I wanna be honestly right. I know not everything titor said was on target... But the small things sway me too, like Hawkings changeing his mind and the he/she comment reguarding 08.

Four years is a long time to put into a hoax. If your gonna fax Art in 98 wait two years and start posting online...with that much investment of time and energy you would think the eleaborate hoaxer would go the distence to dot his Is and cross his Ts.. But he didn't.... The story is chaulked full of flaws and inconsistences that lead me to think he was posting like any other average person not someone with a grand scheme.

One more thing to quote the man at CERN

“The low-energy run at the end of this year was extremely tight due to a number of small delays, but the inner triplet problem now makes it impossible,” said LHC Project Leader Lyn Evans. “We’ll be starting up for physics in May 2008, as always foreseen, and will commission the machine to full energy in one go.”

So I am gonna look to the schedualed date rather than 2010 or later.