Null & Void


Quantum Scribe
I propose that we live in the past. What clouds this reality is the key is corrupt. As it should be? That's a matter of view.
Upon reflection this forum seems to want to sort through the guise of mysticisms towards the understanding of a 'new science'. In many ways one in the same.
All of the answers have been here since the incarnation of vibration on the physical plane.

So are we searching for what we've lost? (much like the analogy of Mr. Titor's story) - or as many take for granted it seems - something newly birthed as an idea?

This forum certainly has many of two types that are aggressively opinionated;
- the masters of memorization (claiming understanding of the label of science)
- the masters of devil's advocate psychology (those whom would question on angle to the extent any idea to the point of self doubt).

We live in the age of information I find, but as well the age of misinformation.

Perhaps the masters of memorization should speak to an artist, for the new material to memorize.

The key is in us all, as I originally stated - we live in the past as I propose, so if indeed more control over these elements is desired, control of oneself must be paramount. As well as an open mind.

An old adage that comes to mind is;

The key to true wisdom is to master the ability to learn, unlearn and relearn.

I welcome any comments.
Have you ever heard the term "bumper-sticker philosophy"? I recall that Feynman termed it "cocktail party philosophy". Fascinating subject. At the right party a philosopher of such profounditites, given "two down and 2 am", might even get laid...but probably can't get a degree in philosophy.

All in all, though, getting laid might be better than getting a degree in bumper-sticker philosophy.

Just a thought.
My first reaction was to be offended, but upon speculation I get the point lol.
I'd love to accomplish much more but taking on the role of being a step parent can be very side lining and emotionally tiring at times.
I'm sure you can relate as a male, we tend to focus too much on one thing, unlike our female counterparts that with a nuturing instinct seem to be able to juggle alot more at once (compartmentized vs. swirl thought patterns).
However, you have reminded me that I could be doing some more reading. I have some reference materials for the Greek language that I was meaning to study as it's a great foundation language (not to mention Linear A & B still hold unknown messages from antiquity - how fascinating?).
Sorry for the rant, but thanks for the reminder.
