Nuclear Afterburn


Temporal Novice
Fact: Maralinga Australia British soldiers injured by falling molten substance when sent into blast crater.

Nuclear afterburn is part of the fusible material of an above ground nuclear explosion. It appears out of thin air at the piont of detonation three hours after the explosion. It travells through time. Time travell is a natural phenomna which has been understood by the nuclear powers for many years. What a great gift to humanity. Your kidding they can send analogue radio transmisions through a simple magnetic accelerator and find out what next years stock market results are. Others use it to chase imortality from future technolgy. It has exposed the ugly and evil side of humanity and there is no turning back. I have a story to tell but whats the piont when the truth in this world gets hidden or abbused. Synchronised magnetic coils aligned with the earths magnetic fields can tranmit electromagnetic and light waves at faster than light speed relative to universal zero. A lead crystal ball on an isolated pedastal and statically charged can do the same thing. The trace lines are visible on a doppler weather radar modified for that perpose and anyone that does it that is not in the club will have military personal pay them a visit. They are all growing old and dying. If enough people want to know the full story about time travell and the monumental conspiracy behind it I would like to tell the story. I have suffered enough because I refused to sell my soul to those creeps. But can you be trusted with the technolgy or will you bet on next years stock market as well. Lets see how many on this site want to hear the full story.

One other thing this web site is inudated with people who may be described as psychotic lunatics. Your medical records are confidentual IE. no one can get them. It is in your best inerest that you do not know you are being treated for mental illness and opposition to the program is also an illness. I dont know how many of you used to be normal but psychiatric treatment programs are the weapon of choice and if your not sick when they first get you they can turn you into a blithering idiot claim your illness is hereditary and thieve all your assets and life in the process. Hitler had a social behavior controll program and I can assure you that the brits packed it up after the war and refined it. That famouse British PM whom was a chemist added to the program and also recently lost a court hearing to care for a psychiatric patient. That patient was one of the scientists at Maralinga. You will only get to see these things in newspapers only once. There are rules to time travell and fortunatly they cannot be broken. I write this post in hope that the subjects I raise will be investigated so the entire conspiracy can be exposed. Only historical fact and scientific data will do this. Time travell is also a form of Partical matter Energy transfer. (Scotty beam me up) It can also be used for compound hybrid crossbreeding. I will get to that part of the story later but first I need to know how nany out there will support me if I tell the story. Pyramid support tell your freinds to tell thier friend to tell their friend the conspiracy to hide the truth by authorities is over. I was a good friend of the late Sir John Gordon Ex Prime Minister of Australia. He was also a victem of the prgram. My piont is not even the PM of this country is safe. But thats how big and how important it is to bring these bastards down and expose the conspiracy. Time travell is just one of the areas being abused. Almost every part and facit of your life is effected and it is only word of mouth and an effort kept out of the media (which they also controll Which will win this war and time travell can be used to warn us of natural dissasters rather than create human ones.

Form the pegasus clib for truth. I will reveal my identity later you will be surprised

first I need to know how nany out there will support me if I tell the story.

I think that, first, you need to define several unfamiliar terms that you use in your original post - and support the initial premise that you label as "Fact".

Where can we find the information relative to the falling molten matter that injured the soldiers?

What is "nuclear afterburn"?

What evidence can we find that some mysterious material appears ~3 hours after a hydrogen bomb detonation (you used the specific term 'fusible' in your premise)?

What evidence is there that this involves time travel?

What evidence is there that any of these processes involve FTL actions?

I was a good friend of the late Sir John Gordon Ex Prime Minister of Australia. He was also a victem of the prgram.

Who is "Sir John Gordon", your "good friend" and when was he Prime Minister of Australia? I can only find "Sir John Gorton" 1968-1971 and "Sir Robert Gordon Menzies" 1939-1941 & 1949-1966. But I find no reference to an Australian Prime Minister named "Sir John Gordon."

If you can explain time travel in a manner we can replicate reliably, we will listen. Conspiracy tales seldom find a sympathetic ear, though.
Darby Veteran Thanks for your srcutiny. Sir John Gorton is the correct Name he was voted out of the party leadership when he refused to cast his own vote in a three all draw. Evidence of afterburn is hard to find and I have only senn two cases of it. 1) in a library book on nuclear explosions and the book had no explaination for it. I cannot recall the book but it did have a photograph of it. That was in 1970 and the book was even older 2) I write papers for the Aus Government X files dept. a division of the defence forces. they are self funding and officially don't exist. several civillians are given information on bizarre events some information is false some real we are never told which is which and asked to give scientific explaination. ie was christ ressurected. He was probably still alive when taken from the cross. dead bodies dont bleed. For obviouse reasons no information can ever be released to the piblic. There was video footage of maralinga afterburn but as it relates to time travell it is classified. my concern is that those whom have this knowledge classify those who inquire of it as pschiatric patients. and without knowledge or permission of the persons involved give drugs that effect your short term memory.

If you need to prove time travell is possible it is simple to do. Take laminated steel plates similar to that found in an electric motor and wrap wire around it to create an electromagnet with a hole in the middle about 10cm place the electromagnet 90 degrees adjacent to the earths magnetic field it works best if you pulse the current at greater than 25 Hz using hot valve controll not solid state place a analogue transmitter in a shielded metal box open to the magnet and transmitt. the reciever will not pick up the tranmission if placed west to east wait ten minutes or so and you will pick up the transmision. you need to be outside on a high place. the electromagnet accellerates the transmision which theoretically is travelling at light speed (in a vacuume) as it breaks light speed it travells through time the around the plannet untill the extra energy is dissapated. the best transmitters for this also use a ground plane. Put a large electrolytic capcitor in the circut and with the right atmosperic conditions discharge the capacitor with your hand in the magnet and your a time traveller. I would not recomend that you do that though but I can assure the technology is refined and abbused.

You may recall that people have claime to recieve transmions from televisions shows aired back in the fifties the official explaination is that satilites picked up the transmiaions replaying them back at a later date. Satilites of the early sixties had no capacity to record video. early televison transmitters experimented with secondry acceleraters to increase thier range.

Its all about getting the transmission to brake light speed its all ready travelling at light speed you dont have to do much to push it past

Regards Pegasus
How does one control where to go in time? Is there temporal divergence? Are you from the present or a future time?
IVth has a good point there.

I ask this. Not when you land, but where? How does one control where he lands during time travel?

Think about this, The Earth is also moving around the Sun at about 67,000 miles per hour. How could you land somewhere on the earth traveling that fast? If someone time traveled from NY 2007 to 1965. How would you be able to land on the earth in 1965? You would most likely land in Space and die.

Darby Veteran Thanks for your srcutiny. Sir John Gorton is the correct Name he was voted out of the party leadership when he refused to cast his own vote in a three all draw.

Thank you for the clarification.

But you may have somewhat missed the point of my having highlighted the names and "scare quoted" your reference to his having been your "good friend".

Generally speaking, one should probably find it rather odd that a person would not know his "good friend's" last name - especially if his good friend was the Prime Minister of one of the great Western powers like Australia. Therefore I really do have to ask you whether Sir John Gorton was simply your nation's Prime Minister or was he actually a close and personal friend of yours? If he was a close friend how did it come to pass that you got his last name wrong?

I also have to add that the terms that I asked you to define for us are important. You used them in a context that suggested that you are familiar with them and that they play a part of some importance to your thesis. If you really don't know what they mean, how can we assign any weight to them within the context of your story? Actually, now that I think of it, how can you place and weight on them if you don't know their definitions?

Its all about getting the transmission to brake light speed its all ready travelling at light speed you dont have to do much to push it past

If you look at the equations of both Special and General Relativity you have to conclude that not only do you have to do a lot more than "push" to accelerate past the speed of light - you have to be in a tachyonic universe to exceed the speed of light. But in that universe you can't accelerate to less than the speed of light.

The speed of light isn't a barrier equivalent to the sound barrier. The speed of light is a boundary that divides space from time. The math is hugely complex (and in fact to date is is still unsolved) but stated simplisticly (in the extreme), if you could exceed the speed of light space and time trade places and the signitures of each switch (positive becomes negative, and vice versa). You enter a tachyonic universe. From our perspective that universe appears to be very weird. You add energy to slow down and reduce energy to speed up. But the signitures of the energy is switched. You add negative energy to slow down. In our universe that translates to reducing energy. You reduce negative energy to speed up. In our universe that translates to adding energy. In that context the weirdness disappears. People in each universe perceive reality equally. It also means that the speed of light cannot be exceeded in either universe.

There's another item that is usually overlooked. That we consider ourselves to be living in a tardyonic universe and that "the others" live in a tachyonic universe is relativistic. The people that we consider to be living in a tachyonic universe can equally take the position that they live in a "normal" tardyonic universe and that it is we who live in the tachyonic universe. Their laws of physics would be the same as ours. We arbitrarily assign the signitures "positive" and "negative" to mass,space, time, energy, momentum, etc. In their universe they can assign "positive" to the same items and their experiments would verify that their math is correct. In that sense its just a matter of perspective as to whether one assigns a + or a - sign to mass, space, time, energy, momentum, etc. just do long as they are consistent.
If you need to prove time travell is possible it is simple to do. Take laminated steel plates similar to that found in an electric motor and wrap wire around it to create an electromagnet with a hole in the middle about 10cm place the electromagnet 90 degrees adjacent to the earths magnetic field it works best if you pulse the current at greater than 25 Hz using hot valve controll not solid state place a analogue transmitter in a shielded metal box open to the magnet and transmitt. the reciever will not pick up the tranmission if placed west to east wait ten minutes or so and you will pick up the transmision. you need to be outside on a high place. the electromagnet accellerates the transmision which theoretically is travelling at light speed (in a vacuume) as it breaks light speed it travells through time the around the plannet untill the extra energy is dissapated. the best transmitters for this also use a ground plane. Put a large electrolytic capcitor in the circut and with the right atmosperic conditions discharge the capacitor with your hand in the magnet and your a time traveller. I would not recomend that you do that though but I can assure the technology is refined and abbused.

Now that's what I'm talkin' about...

However, since I'm a little stupid when it comes to written instructions, could you draw some pictures (or better yet: take photos) and make circuit diagrams? That would simplify replication for me & others. Thanks.

hank you for the clarification.

But you may have somewhat missed the point of my having highlighted the names and "scare quoted" your reference to his having been your "good friend".

Generally speaking, one should probably find it rather odd that a person would not know his "good friend's" last name - especially if his good friend was the Prime Minister of one of the great Western powers like Australia. Therefore I really do have to ask you whether Sir John Gorton was simply your nation's Prime Minister or was he actually a close and personal friend of yours? If he was a close friend how did it come to pass that you got his last name wrong?

Normally I don't like to be nit-picky, as I am not the world's best speller myself. However this posters posts are simply littered with mis-spellings including "travel". Either the OP does not speak English as a first language, or again, there is something to the "conspiracy" that alleged time travelers are horrible spellers. Im not certain but maybe the part of the brain that functions mathmatically is not the same part that functions linquistically? As you can see, I can't spell either. However, I do try to write a paragraph that is not a complete run-on sentence.

For me, it's simply more difficult to take seriously any claims of tt when basic writing skills are not intact. So I think he may have simply mis-spelled his friend's name as opposed to not known it. I guess I just figure that if you are smart enough to tt (and it is my assumption-perhaps, presumption and could be erroneous for all I know)-that you have to be smart to tt and as such, can post about it in a way that doesn't come across, well......uneducated.

I know, spelling is the first tool in the "debunkers" tool box......shame on me for being so petty