NSA - Anagram Contest - New Meanings :)


Rift Surfer
We have a new contest... The NSA anagram contest... New Meanings... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Just like our NASA contest...

The winning entry "Nazis Always Screwing Americans..."

Our first suggestions for the NSA anagram contest...

Is "No Suckers Anymore"... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

And this meant for the "Evil NSAer's" and "Pretend NSA evil people"

Because how do you verify employment of a "Super Secret Agency" or "Agent"

The same goes for "Evil CIA" people or "pretenders"...

how about nice shiny a... ahem!!

no stupid a$$holes?

nicuragua shapes anacondas?

ned shakes april?

ned sticks april? :D

ned soothes april muahahahahaha!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
We have some entries...

Always a favorite...

"Nazis Screwing America"

"No (Government) Spies Anymore"
(Everyone is a spy with a camera cell phone, pda and access to the internet...)

"No Sex Anyone"
(We hear these "nsa people" are kinky freaky weirdo freaky deekies. Mostly because they are GERMAN.)

"Nuts Serving Amerca"
(People with SUPER SECRET TECHNOLOGY can't be trusted when you can't verify their employment.)

"Not Saying Anything"
(About What? An American Civil Covert War against the Illuminati, New World Order and Evil Elements of the U.S. Gov't?.. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

They are endless... Please keep sending in your entries... They are "very entertaining"... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

naughty sinful aryans? :D

not so adjacent

never say alimony!!!

now see america...

no safe alcahol :O

man, im wayyy too bored...