Please note in the thread that events predicted to happen, are being told by a doubly parallel timelines.
MEM in this thread, has even predicted that volcanoes would go off.
Where there is a problem is that if the John Titor telling are true and relayed to us by Pamela, then they because of the mechanics of how timelines are put together, would always be another timeline.
This would be similar to holding a mirror to a mirror, with yourself, in-between.
The image is projected in continuing frames, ad-infintitum.
However in reality, if one tells of a story from a timeline, then because of the mechanics involved, that next timeline, is always changed.
So let's say a simple items, such as a toy would be in one frame, standing, the next at an angle, the next probably not even a toy, but a doilies.
There is the second factor that Pamela was imbued with said John Titor.So, from a sheer technical standpoint, would have lost a great percentage of her technical veracity, in being able to remotely deal with the subject of John Titor and what he was about.
Darby, a number of times fought openly with Pamela on centrin issues at Anomalies. and I feel that it may been her involvement with Titor as a friend that yielded these fights?
Also, Darby is with Homeland Security, so a simple FOIA submission would entail as to whether the entire John Titor affair was a fiasco, or some special type of operative.
What this mentioned thread is due, in sheer technicaility, outside of our knowledge of time travel, is chasseing lateral replicabilities, not a singular truth.
I don't know the relations said between John Titor and Pamela, other than she apparently consoled him, in her private discussions?
If this Titor telling was true, then emotionally there would have been this chance for some form of association attachments.
This was shown at anomalies.