Notice How Calm He Stays


Quantum Scribe
The truly faulty part of your description of your device involves the Hawking Radiation. You can’t overcome it and you can’t ignore it. Its not the size of the singularity that matters - its solely the mass involved that determines the temperature of the radiation.

Titor's response:

You seem to be quite upset and I understand your argument. I do however think it is important to gather the facts and probabilities before expelling emotional energy on them. Please keep in mind that I have not shared all the technical details of the machine with you. So an easy out would be for me to just make something up.

However, and as I’m sure you are aware, Stephen Hawking admits that his own equations support the “possibility” that microsingularities may not totally disappear as they evaporate in a sea of virtual particles and in fact may leave behind a very stable naked singularity. I’m sure you can look that up. I suppose the difficult part is believing that we’ve taken advantage of it, not that it’s impossible.

Just pointing out some of the hostility that Titor confronted when he was posting. I doubt that the current discussions would surprise him.