Notes on harrasments and protest:HIST BOT


Epochal Historian
Note on harassment and protest.

The tree hugger movement came out of some peoples need to protest the harvest of the red-wood forest.

There are other groups, such as Earth First, which I have no affiliation with, nor adopt their philosophies.

These groups promogate change, from the statis quo, by promoting a return to a simpler population style.

This credo, might be from classical religious beliefs?

On this board, I was determined that I should use this board, so that some level of time travel philosophy, would be inherent in a search light situation.This so that some who might have troubles, in their understandings of time travel, could understand themselves, or their predicaments.

My goal was not to create or change the timeline at all.

These people who harass in one way or another, are trash-heads, primarily because they neither understand the principles of time travel, or other right to free expression.

Secondly they, the harassers had existing made files place upon me, even before I came to TTI, which is an egregious offence.

The idea of making a time travel board, an oligarchy, is similar to constructing homes made out of ice-cream, in the hot sun.

They simply do not hold up and neither do these types of harassers.
The reason I made this post, is in seeing a special on protest, to where the tree hugging people were taken away.

I am based in design drawing, as one of my affiliations.

So their needs would have to be procured to a board, which would review their request; then an alternative determination, for these redwood trees, could be determined.

*Note with reference to Steven Hawking, he is also promoting that people should be transferred, by colonization, into outer space, because of population glut.

I am not a hippy, a couterculturist, or any kind of radical, such as this.

If the design utility is there and proper decisions are made on these issue, as to the potential alleviment of certain groups of people, then this asking should be made to a board.

* Note also, my math's skills have changed, so to break into ones private educational records and say, that your stupid, because you did this at such and such an era, would be trying to capitalize on someone's private educational record.

Descriptive geometry should have nothing to do, with the compression ratio, of some sport car.

My private file was searched for someone else's private benefit, which is termed as piracy and stealing.

Secondly these types of people, do not make any sence?