note on genetic variants


Epochal Historian
Please note on genetic variant, for time travel historians:

I have tired to piece together a train of change, which might reflect a jump in evolution, in how man might be proceeding as of now.

This is with respects to an increased in height, quality of fabric of mankind, as well as other variables.

I have found a few new social trends, such as the new danger factors experienced in mankind, might be related to being with less?

In the surveys of variants of females, in looking for a lutinization index, where a hormone output, can be tied to a new genetic traits, I could not find a marked index.*I was looking for one particlar quality key, which might have paired the data set from the phenominon, known as the star, indigo and crystal children.

What I had found instead, were social indicators.

These were such as, where some domestic differing ethnic races and social ethnenticities get along better and have this in their learned social patterns, there is still not an overall reflectance of these values held within the source data's, provided by erotica pan, sources?

What is odd here, is that social writing, in some cases, also affects the genetic materials, of how beings at this time are put together.

The two way visual look, cast, which would be held nerves in the gluteus's of females and feelings held by males, that they are being noticed, was the traditional impetus of how postures were formed, with respects to genetic matter.

The factors of overtechnolgies, taint this once pristine process.

The natural foundance of how people are put together, was held in high apes.

This was with respects to the Jane Goodall studies, that only some Bonobus Chimpanzees, prostitute themselves for such treats, as bananas.

There is a marked difference in the sociologies of the 1950s and 60s, as opposed to the 2000s.

In otherwords, there might be a short circuit in the lutinizational values, concerning the length of time, where a prime female might come into estrus, with respects, to the amount of time to cook, these hormal values.*i.e Pineal cooking of larger secondary sexual characteristics, late teens early twenties??

So an overall mean, is not derived, due to the easiness of sexual conquest, which is expected as part of the sexual play, due to the advent of the internet, eletronic medias, in the 2000s?

At this time, overpopulation, without relief, is noted widely.

Because of subversion in the wanted relocation process to other nearby worlds, the realization of a potential type of blight, plus such diseases as AIDS becoming airborne, and totally decimating the population, are not realized.

The prime set of numbers for candidates which are of near natural perfect breeding, might be held in certain boarding schools, as well as industry?

I am not referring to a genetic's program that is purposeful, however am referring to the process of natural selection, as it relates to nature herself, achieving prime outputs, in the species, that are superior in breeding.

There is catastrophe, predicted, in the time to come.

This data of course, might be lost to various means.

This is why I have recorded it here.
Re: note on genetic variants 2.

Extra notation:

Please note that what had changed from the 1960s to the 2000s, is the methods of communications which may have affected lutinizational processes, with respects to technologies, in a pervasive way, contaminating mankind?

The Zeta Reticulans had warned that their past Reigilian identities, in 1990's information had been contaminated by both over technocracy, overpopulation and technologies innervating into the process of both lutinizational processes, as well as traditional intimacies.

In this society of which I write, the process, of relaying social information, which was of a semi-traditional value, had become contaminated by the use of cell phones, personal computers, and newer stiles of hand held i.p. linked devices.

So therefore the core traditional values in normal anthropology, had been replaced by a kind of in-air social chatter, which seemed to steer man away from all traditional intimacies?

The mating process itself, just as the Reticulans had warned in the 1990s, had become affected by the process of high technologies innervading into the traditionally kept private areas, of mankind.

This new feature, may, or may have not affected the maturation hormones, as it related to pineal?

What is found here, is that leakage of social content, even for a time blended with classic erotica, as a money making source.This influence allowing many younger, to enter into the traditionally kept from the young, erotica areas.

This bizarre new twist, is a definite variant on Theodore Wilhelm Reich's, now famed, (sex economy. This is as the participants could remain mobile and allow their anthological sex patterns, to become part of a more fluent communications system.

So the singular imperative, of that one or selected prime group of anatomically perfect candidates, by the process of telo-lutinizational process, traditionally held true by the male, were starting to diminish.

On more established worlds, this process, by authorities sake, may have greatly been augmented, to lean more towards normalcy.

At this time, in the hidden underground alien situation, is was told web wide, that many captured youth, were kept solely for breeding purposes.

I'm not sure of the off-shoot output of these breeding programs, other than a clear result is not forthcoming, in relationship to traditional behavioral prose, say as' last posted in the 1950s and 1960s.

Prime classical pineal lutinization programs were classed, from per chance mathematical elements of chance as per nature's selection and not as any held captive test, in any said underground laboratory.