Notation to the hologrpahic universe, T & V


Epochal Historian
Please note that within this board there was the posting by a Chris, asking if all frames of reference within the universe are in motion, plus the said supposed sphere of the universe itself, then what would that direction be?

Please note Chris @

I feel that the answer to this question, in partiality lies within distant field lengths, of what would be deduced by sonic quality of field sound resonance, combined with the oldest known galaxies observed on the Hubble Telescope.

This postulate concerns simple mathematics proposed as such.>That where-by a field shape of the universe being expressed as One+1 as opposed to the travel or non-travel of this sphere, equaling 2, then the quality of 2 will always express travel of 1 at any one time.

This statement simply means, that if the universe we known housing all possible dimensionary travel, then this distance may be at any length, or at or within any nature.

>A central local that is the center would always be expressed within simple Euclidian geometry, as the relative place, within any coordinate sphere, which may also be expressed as the shell of the universe.

These postulates are attributed to Chris's question, what is the direction of travel of the overall universe in the destrictption of a tensed field?

AND the secondary question, if the universe is defined at any shape, NOT NECESSARILY ANY SORT OF SPHERE, then what are the locale coordinates in geometrical configuration, of this proposed shape?

Two coordinates must always appear, if both a shape and method of travel appears.

>On holography as said by Creedo 299>There are two positions that one can enter into space and time.

These two entry points are expressed as view history lengths, also referened to as measured in steped astral lengths, (any defination), as view by the Hubble or any other large telescope.

Two the limitation of the next form of presentation is also an equation expressed by where, what is the relative important or relativity of a time localed distance, to any one viewed star field, which makes the observation of that star field relative to its viewer?

This is where A views D at what length, where D is of relative value concerning A's relative time entry concern to A.

>The on time travel board question of a vested time oriented particle gives a key of entry into these near or distant galaxies always.

Please note that within the classical Keplerian field of analysis of astronomical bodies as only a viewed source, then the time particle postulate, has no keyed at any time value?