Remember people, it is not for the lack of available knowledge, or technology available in many forms to us in this year of 2000 to really "discover" the right elements necessary to make Time~Travel a reality, by constructing a workable Time Machine!,... (and I do not say this lightly.)
It may depend on a certain numerical outcome of chance & probability, but none the less if it were to become as such, if at all, it will primarily depend on the most forthright common denominator of "Applied Action" and I do not speak of just any ordinary action as one applies to use a hammer & a chisel too!
Let me elaborate from a copy of a posting from Project X's website.......
(F)- Back to on-purpose action. What does on-purpose (o-p) action have to do with the point or spiritual freedom?
(SC)- To arrive at the point or spiritual freedom, the correct actions must be taken. That is the connection between the two.
(F)- If we are spiritually suppressed, then what does that have to do with the physical?
(SC)- You are getting ahead of yourself. That answer will come later.
(F)- I sense that you want to 'talk' about the difference between o-p action and ideology.
(SC)- That is correct.
(F)- What is ideology?
(SC)- Ideology is sort of a philosophy. Ideology is separate and is useless on its own. Ideology must be combined with action, or it has no actual use. Adolf Hitler had an ideology and it was useless until he combined it with action. The action was not good for 'our' fellow humans. I use the word 'our', because I was a human on planet earth during that time. Notice that I used the word action, not o-p action. His action was based on what he thought was the truth, but it was only the apparent truth. Dangerous thing, that apparent truth.
(F)- What about o-p action and ideology?
(SC)- Let me talk about action. Action is any physical manifestation of any idea. Now, with that known, let me say this:
ACTION IS SENIOR TO IDEOLOGY. Any action is senior to any ideology. Ideology, alone, is meaningless. The action of peddling a tricycle, based on the ideology that a four year old child must travel over there and then turn around and travel back, is senior to any other ideology. Ideology is nothing but, if it is written down, words. Words are nothing but a grouping of letters. Letters are nothing but symbols. Symbols are nothing but a representation of an idea, and now we are back to ideology. Meaningless unless put into action. Now, with that known, let me say this: O-P ACTION IS SENIOR TO ACTION. O-p action is senior to peddling a tricycle.
(F)- Tell me an example of an o-p action.
(SC)- This interview is an o-p action
<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 12 August 2000).>