Not interested any more


Chrono Cadet
I have had enough of the RMT and Creedo show.
This place used to be fun. It isn’t now.

I'll drop in if anything interesting happens to see what going down here but this place has lost its appeal now.
I'll post in the TT claims area only, but for the TT discussion area ... Poo Pie! ... So seeya.

Hey, it isn’t just me.

Take care!
See ya nitescott!

I definitely understand. But as my record of posts clearly show, I have at least attempted to discuss theories (grounded in existing science) that may prove fruitful to achieving time travel. However, it appears to me that most people come to this board to debate Titor, so I pledged long ago that if that was what they wanted, I would debate the hell out of that hoax if that was all people wanted to talk about.

I think my point is also being made for me, because as 2005 ended and as the Winter Olympics begin without the events that Titor predicted coming to pass, people are not showing up here... since they are now aware Titor was a hoax. What more (about Titor) is there to talk about?

I find it a sad state of affairs that people are more interested in fantasmagoric hoaxes than they are in real-life science.

Take care,

I find it a sad state of affairs that people are more interested in fantasmagoric hoaxes than they are in real-life science.

Yes, everyone. Except me. I suppose there are a few others. But from what I have observed, most people would rather be spoon fed information rather than go out and aquire it on their own.
I'll come out of my daily trance for a minute, and stick up for RMT.

I would say him and a about 2 or 3 others, are pretty much holding the board together in terms of offering interesting topics and information to debate.

If you can't see that then, then maybe this board is not what you are after. Maybe you should try, they're always looking for keen new saps to take avantage of with ther general nonsense.

Olly made a suggestion. You're welcome to come over to Anomalies. Einstein has a "sticky" thread that we feature on the TT forum.

But he also made a subliminal point (that's well taken). Don't just rely on one site. TTI may, in your view, be at a low point, but hang in there. Someone will come along with a topic that catches your eye and you'll be right back in the mud with the rest of us. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks Olly,

I would also point out how few people really join-in on the technical and theoretical discussion topics that I, or others, have started. Einstein is usually in the thick of some of them, and Newbie has taken an interest in my "Information Subsumes Physical Energy" thread. But the Titorites and the blatant trolls avoid technical discussions like the plague. A good set of threads to see this effect are the three "Spiral" threads I started. These threads are making some pretty large correspondences between the geometry of the spiral and several elements of our physical existence. Either people think it is "ho hum" or perhaps they don't see or understand the importance of these deep correspondences.

Given that the human body is a defacto time machine (albeit only travels in one direction), one would think people could understand that before we can understand the broader subject of Time and how we might travel through it, that we should try to understand how our bodies and physical senses work to represent the flow of time to our minds. I think this is important, but I guess plenty of others who come to this board do not.

Einstein wrote:
But from what I have observed, most people would rather be spoon fed information rather than go out and aquire it on their own.
I tend to agree, but at the same time I know there are many modes of acquiring information. Certainly physical interaction (i.e. experiments such as you like to do) are one of them. Mathematical investigations such as ones I like to do is another way. While I certainly agree with (and have an entire thread on) the fact that Information is a key to our existence and our ability to progress, what I have not yet begun to address is how CORRELATION of different pieces of information is important for establishing the link between information, physical energy, and our reality. Indeed, once we make this link from the MUCH larger realm of information to the limited realm of our physical senses, we can then begin to posit about other physical realms wherein the same information could be expressed with different physical laws.

Hi all,
in reply to:
I have had enough of the RMT and Creedo show. This place used to be fun. It isn’t now.

Now, I'm new to this forum, and the whole time travel debate, but from my short time here I can see that RMT & Creedo have to be a certified genii.

Stop complaining and use the informatino that they can supply to learn something and better yourself!

We do have a choice of selecting what to read and what to respond to in these forums. There is a wealth of information that is contained within these hallowed halls. RainmanTime takes alot of his time to contribute to this site, and I know he is a very busy person. Also, having met him personally, I know what insights and focus he has on the subjects as they appear here in TTI. He is a very valuable contributor.

Silence from many contributors in these forums would be terrible, and quite a loss to all of us. Creedo is good man and I look forward to reading his posts. We all communicate differently. We all are able to share a collective thought process, no matter how strange or difficult or seemingly off subject the information may seem to be on the surface.

I dont know how many posts have information that are of "gemstone" quality, it isnt up to anyone else to locate them in these threads, that is each individuals responsibility.

In the God? Thread, there is alot of data that is contained sub-surface, that has to be extracted from what is first read. Many posts are that way. You can even read an arguement between Myself, RainmanTime and Trollface about information contained within the text. Sometimes it is easy to realize the import, some times it takes some thought to understand exactly what the post contains.

I have rarely posted extremely technical posts, since my technical skills are not on par with Darby, RainmanTime and some others. However, some of us do share similar ideals on time travel potentials, and I believe our discussions have led to some progress.

I do find it amazing that the best threads seem short lived and vanish into obscurity.