Not claiming time travel but...


Temporal Novice
I am not claiming that I time traveled but I did have a strange experience that is along those lines. A couple of years ago I had a very weird dream that has never went away. I have had weird premonition dreams before and deja'vu but I usually chalk it up to coincidence since I usually know that I am dreaming when I am having the dream. This one was very different though. My dream started out with me getting sucked into a worm hole like thing (think Stargate) that seemed to go on forever. When it stopped I was standing in the middle of Washington D.C. (I have never been to D.C. but a Google map satellite view the next day showed that the locations of the monuments in my dreams were fairly accurate.) I was looking around and buildings were on fire, there was rioting in the street, and chaos ensued. I was scared, I had never felt fear like this before. I was standing there frozen before I heard gun shots and I dropped down to a ball and started to cry (I wish at this point I would have turned into a bad ass that tried to save the world, but unfortunately not; I became a wimp.) A man grabbed my arm and drug me behind a car. I felt a sharp pain in my foot and looked down to see a piece of glass in the bottom of my barefoot (I was wearing what I wore to bed which included no shoes). I yanked the piece of glass out and the man handed me a band-aid from a small makeshift first-aid kit. I looked up at him to say thank you and realized that he had been talking to me but I couldn't hear him because of all the noise around me and the shock. I leaned closer and shouted that I couldn't hear him and he yelled back what looked like for me to follow him. I was so lost, scared, and confused I felt like I had no choice but to follow; so I did. We ran inside a building that was occupied by people that looked like they had not had a shower or a good meal in a few days. They seemed determined but miserable. There was chatter between them and I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't concentrate but I picked up words and phrases like "Resistance" "Don't know how much longer" and "We can't give up". My mind was racing and I was feeling dizzy, nauseated, and sick. I sat down on a couch and leaned over a coffee table with my head in my hands. Trying to calm myself down I stared down at a TIME magazine that had a picture of a man who I assumed was a pope based on how he was dressed. I kept trying to get my eyes and mind focused on one thing but I was struggling. My eyes landed on the date of the magazine and I don't remember the day but I remember seeing October 2023. The last thing I remember is throwing up on the floor between my knees and passing out. I felt a violent jerking before sitting up in bed and realizing I was safe in my bed. A lot of the details have faded away but I will never forget the strong emotions and extremely real senses.

Look at the current pope because popes usually go until they die, and that old beater has a few years in him yet
And see if they match


The NSA is watching everything, The US feels it has imperial might to plice the world and wage war as it wants, People lose health care for health Meat gets more expensive.... The second dip of the depression is starting up... 23 doesn't sound like it could be so far off... but I hope reality plays out differtly...

I am praying for our leaders to come to their sense by themselves or by outside influence
Hi Jenny M your description falls squarely into the catagory of a "lucid" or "waking dream" which is a common is when your brain wakes up slightly before your body does, the body is still paralyzed by sleep chemicals and the brain can get anxious and starts to race...the two giveaways are that you said you know you were dreaming, and you had very great fear... the dream can take any form , your brain is creating it out of concerns you may have or fears about the future.
Thanks vodkafan, I was thinking it was a lucid dream since I have had them before, it just through me off since I had strong emotions and was unable to control the dream. Since I have never had one that I couldn't control before I wasn't sure if that dream could be considered as one.
Thanks vodkafan, I was thinking it was a lucid dream since I have had them before, it just through me off since I had strong emotions and was unable to control the dream. Since I have never had one that I couldn't control before I wasn't sure if that dream could be considered as one.

They do sometimes get out of control that's when the anxiety starts to increase exponentially and you wake up with your heart hammering! The emotions are extremely real.