Non-scailular people, beings


Epochal Historian
Non-scailular people, beings

There is an era coming, to where some said constituents of nano-ceullular technologies, could possibly reference into time travel.

This technology stems from the now medical and industrial needs, of Earth's societies.This to be able to utilize, extremely small sized bots, so to speak, that have controlled access into as areas that are not formerly privy to any other sort of technology.

These bots register in the nano-meter form of process, which make them almost virus sized, which is incredibly small.

The areas of concern, since I know that there is a form of nano-DNA, is that either by self intention, or accident that nano-colonies, might be injected into humans or labourtory animals.

The concern might be, that these nano botted creatures, might in some way, subjugate neucuelosynthasis and take over the animal in question.

If nano-DNA were to be present in humans, then a rapid blending might occur between human and nano-replication.

The outcome might be a human capable of ruining at sixty mile per hour speeds, have the ability to jump over fifteen foot walls and lift machinery, weighing tons; if that particular nano-colony had been injected into the test subject.

*Note, concept not secular, to males only?

The theory would be, that in time, the combined nano-human would perceive that they are wholly superior and therefore other forms of humans, would have become exisitn.

This is the rationalization, for a planned extinction.

I wonder, if any or these proposals for a very advanced form of human, have occurred already, or would the morality factor surface and bot man combined, would have developed a morality, to where other beings, in other times, would be held in respect?

I know for a fact, that Windows platforms self intelligent since 1986, recognize mankind.

So the extension of the Xerox PARC philosophy of emergent self intelligence for man-bots, would be, are forms of emergent intelligence, with reference to nano-bots, coed with man, adherently adaptable to greater moralities? > T in inception is a primary factor, as T realized as youth syhtasis, or the terserary period, is always factored.