Please note to time travlers and historians only, the only contact that I have had with time travlers, within the vocal range, are a series of robotoid time travlers, "that I'm guessing are Gray stiled machines".
They had contacted me when my time travel intrest was in its infancy, and had said, to me, "We think we know who you are"?!
A memeber of this time travel posting board, had called me, using a voice disguiser and his phone intrusion into my home was not welcomed, as I had threatened to notify the police.
My contact with these beings, was not the end result of a human disguised by a voice augmnetation device, but I feel real robotoid Grays.
Again, I honestly do feel, that within the future tense, that events may have turned so bad for the Grays, that their only surviving vestage, are highly inteligent Gray stile androids.
I know and understand automaited androids and robotics systems, as a result of both my advocation within advanced forms of technology and my computer training programs.
In some measures, I fully trust lower animals as well as advanced forms of robots better than I do most humanoids.
Not mentioned here, was technical assistance given to a probable John Titor, in order for him to return to his dimension.
Due to time travel safty protocols, this task had to rapidly be done.
This was by past i.p. link.
Thank you Sworn Creedo299X9
They had contacted me when my time travel intrest was in its infancy, and had said, to me, "We think we know who you are"?!
A memeber of this time travel posting board, had called me, using a voice disguiser and his phone intrusion into my home was not welcomed, as I had threatened to notify the police.
My contact with these beings, was not the end result of a human disguised by a voice augmnetation device, but I feel real robotoid Grays.
Again, I honestly do feel, that within the future tense, that events may have turned so bad for the Grays, that their only surviving vestage, are highly inteligent Gray stile androids.
I know and understand automaited androids and robotics systems, as a result of both my advocation within advanced forms of technology and my computer training programs.
In some measures, I fully trust lower animals as well as advanced forms of robots better than I do most humanoids.
Not mentioned here, was technical assistance given to a probable John Titor, in order for him to return to his dimension.
Due to time travel safty protocols, this task had to rapidly be done.
This was by past i.p. link.
Thank you Sworn Creedo299X9