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Please add these notes to the follwoing claims concerning my past statments on both time travel and extraterrestials.

Movie FIRE IN THE SKY, concerning the Travis Walton abduction expierence.

The remake of the Travis Walton abduction, was totally inaccurate and did not adhear to the storyline origionally shown from the NBC past series, Unsolved Mysteries.

Note that Walton was abducted within spacecraft by more than one race.That some of these beings were blond humanoids and that most of the storyline as shown within this movie is uncorrect.

The movie, THE MOTHMAN PROPHACIES, a movie adaptation made from Writer John Keel.

Please note that the real happenings had involved a lot of UFO activity, centering around a dynamite storrage area, in West Virgina and did not settle upon only the Mothman charicter, as shown in the film.

Note that certain aspects of Keel's book had also centered upon the collaps of an Ohio River Bridge, in which the books tell of probable extraterrestials drtessed as human workers, who had walked upon the said bridge, at impossably odd angles.

FOR CONTROL THE MOVIE ABOUT MOUNT SAINT HELENS AND GEOPHYSICIST DAVID JOHNSTON:Note that this story about the charicter, is again wrong.

They had Johnson socially painted as a rebel, when the truth was, he was a quiet and reserved person, not at all the rebel as shown within this film.

On myself, Dan Blatecky, the would-be pro-bid Earth ambassador for Earth, if a movie should ever be attempted about me anywhere, please note the following.

I did mentally know that the physical Pleiadeans had landed here in 1975, but could not tell what country.

I also felt like these beings were relatives, but could not figure the rest of this relationship out.

I had picked up on Semjase's telepathy, however had confused her friend Asket, with Semjase, (the photograph of Asket), due to bioproximity, of both of them.

It was only in 1981, after seeing the Steven's outakes on Group Westinghouses P.M. Magazine, that I went into a light state of shock,, this is physically and socially speaking.Date September 1981.

In April 1982, I went through a period of death-like sleeps, where I had derived my personality from a memeber of the Billy Meier set of Pleiadeans, known as Semjase.

This was a process of death, that I had recognized in the Fall of 1981 and at this time, I had thought that I was dieing.

In 1982 April, can not remember the exact date, I became bed ridden and went through a further process of death, which were a series of death-like sleeps.

After these series of sleeps were over, I had trouble with my own identiy.

No drugs or neurological conditions, to indicate that these series of sleeps were anything other than a type of metamorphasis.

At this time, durring these sleeps I could only get up and go to the kitchen for water.It was at this time, that Semjases time traveling with Billy Meier earlier, had hit me and via some sort of prion link. I had gone back to the time of the dinosaur, physio-mentally, with Semjase.

It took me one whole year, to learn this society all over again, as I had almost eighty percent of both my memeory and personality erased.

The first day after these sleeps had ended and I felt better, I had ventured to the local post office, which I remembered how to get to.

All people that I did see, had reminded me of very mean apes, as I was seeing everything through my twin sisters eyes, the Pleiadean Cosmonaut, Semjase."Everybody had looked like mean apes, driving cars and what-not".

Due to my link with Semjase, I had bid for the written by law position of an offworld ambassador.

This was by letters to at least three presidents, in past offices as well as letters to both congress and the U.S. Senate for the bid position of alien ambassador for Earth.

By Andromedia Council Law, this position must be by approval, from both the president and the U.S. Congress.

I did recive one letter back, explaining to me, that NASA is very concerned about these possabilites. However at this time I view NASA as both crooks and bumbeling inept breauacrats.

*Please note in closeing, that this is a hoistory marker and to no-one of my gneeral time frame, nor concern.

I do not want a movie in the future tense, telling something to the effect, that I shead my skin like a lizard, or flew through the air, like a mythical superman?!

I have faults like anyone else and which some aspects of my relayment tellings here to reflect this.

Other notes, I only knew how to say Semjase's name properly, which is pronounced within the Austrian Sem-ya-zee, within the year 1989.This was after a conversation with an Aluti Francesca, of White City Oregon, the only American that I know of, who had sucessfully channeled Pleiadean Cosmonaut Semjase.

I only had sightings of Pleiadeans ships, however for some reason, no actual contacts, even though I had strived to know all that I could about the Pleiadeans, after 1985.

I had at one time supported nuclear weapons, for the recond, however learned at a later date that these weapons do effact the long term operation of this solar system's central sun, which is a known mild varible star.

Note at this time, I would be my future wish, not to have anything more to do with Earth and relocate to another star system.

Note additionally, that I do not necessarily adhear to either the origional, Pleiadean, or the Atlantian sected Pleiadeans political retorical phylosophical line.

I'm having a greeat deal of trouble with Pleiadean Ptaah, (Semjase's father) saying that Barbra Marcinack's work is incorrect.This is when I have found over ten features of her work, that are exactingly correct, expressly the information concerning this sun to be a mild varible, which has been verified over three times via other sources.

This is for personal functional reasons and has little to do with Earthlings, not being very wise about how their solar system operates.

Thank you, this is again a nonreacitve time marker for accuracie's sake, if my story should be retold in the future tense.

I feel at this time, socially that Earth society, due to both the problems of overpopulation and compaction so affecting socitial processes, that Earth is in very big trouble.

All sources sworn, creedo299
Creedo, you said:
<<On myself, Dan Blatecky, the would-be pro-bid Earth ambassador for Earth, if a movie should ever be attempted about me anywhere, please note the following.>>

Oh man, I cannot imagine a world were you are it’s representative and speak for us. I do honestly hope you reconsider taking the position, before you piss off Ptaah anymore and blow us all up

<<It was only in 1981, after seeing the Steven's outakes on Group Westinghouses P.M. Magazine, that I went into a light state of shock,, this is physically and socially speaking.Date September 1981.>>

I knew it, this proves my point about you all along
. You read something without being critical of what your reading, and take on this superstitious persona.

<<In 1982 April, can not remember the exact date, I became bed ridden and went through a further process of death, which were a series of death-like sleeps.>>

You know what Daniel? I think I know exactly what you went through. I felt just like that; until I got my lazy ass out of bed and found my self a job after high school

<<By Andromedia Council Law, this position must be by approval, from both the president and the U.S. Congress.>>

I know that if you want to take a government job they will investigate your background. Aren’t you afraid that they might find your posts here and determine you mentally unstable for the job

<<I do not want a movie in the future tense, telling something to the effect, that I shead my skin like a lizard, or flew through the air, like a mythical superman?!>>

No, but someone who is 2 faced and makes threats to get your Aliens friends to do your dirty work if they do not do as you say.

<<Other notes, I only knew how to say Semjase's name properly, which is pronounced within the Austrian Sem-ya-zee, within the year 1989.>>

Good job, you learned how to pronounce her name properly. Do you want a cookie?

Your not the only who has trouble pronouncing some words. Even I, the TTA still posses my Spanish tongue at times
and mispronounce words like Ricky Ricardo would.

<<Note at this time, I would be my future wish, not to have anything more to do with Earth and relocate to another star system.>>

You want nothing to do with Earth, but wish to be it’s ambassador. Doesn’t make sense Daniel.

I know you may feel a little indifferent with Earth, perhaps alienated and at times exiled. But your not exactly doing anything to help that, are you?

You have difficulty coping I know, but why hold on to an idea that is counter-productive to you and your future? You should learn to co-exist and take charge of your life here and now, then to be like those who resort to a selling out means alternative to life. I.e. for example, the late Heaven’s Gate members who really sold out and believed about starting over in a new world. I am troubled that you are not to far away from believing, if not already, to this possibility.

<<Thank you, this is again a nonreacitve time marker for accuracie's sake, if my story should be retold in the future tense. >>

And this is the TTA commentary, as told by someone who at the same time listened to your Alien Crap over and over again, and is able to counter it and expose the real truth behind you’re your misinterpreted assessment of history to your own favor.

<<I feel at this time, socially that Earth society, due to both the problems of overpopulation and compaction so affecting socitial processes, that Earth is in very big trouble.>>

Oh I know Earth is in very big trouble. But not so much by over population. But by bull shiters who try and manipulate and exploit the minds of this world. It would instead be prudent to teach them how to reason logically, then telling them what to believe. Perhaps that’s what we really need. We would then be more knowledgeable in the future decisions we end up making. Then buying into anyone’s crap and falling for it.

Part 2, the proposal for a better interface:

One of the proposals that I had intended for this society, was within the area of proper social alien interface, or protocols and or liability.

I have to date, had only two alien encouters.

One was with the Pleiadeans at a hover distance in 1989 and the second was with beings, that were out of frequency beings and I had origionally initeaited this contact.

My proposal to a number of congressmen in writing, for this globe, was to by negocieations, try to end the hidden alien base syndrome by completely opening up this society to full alien contact now.*This was within the past decade relative to time, from this posting date.

There is approximatly sever hundred trillions of dollars spent each yerar, on the prospect alone, of the facade of exploring space, however this is not ment in any sincear mode, of ever accomplishing this task.

My early proposals, were that of fashioning a large series of half way meeting centers, where aliens and humans could arrange busniess contacts and exchange technologies, openly, with full public knowlege, without the spectre of any wrong doing.

There is a very strong liklyhood, that in time, a full scale nuclear war could proliferate.If this would be the case, please be remineded as an after-product of such a full exchange, that a lens effect is formed in the upper stratosphere, which may remain there for years to come.

This raidoactive holding layer would radiate every living being, held to the surface of the Earth, for approximatly two to three years afterwords from the date of nuclear exchange.

The problems of being able to secure acceptable farm products and growing crops that would not be isotopal by their natures and this condition would be of massive proportions globbally speaking.

If full alien contact as my earlier proposal had stipulatied, would allowed to occur now, rather than at a much later time, then it may be very possable that such a full scale nuclear exchange would not occur.

My letters to the many congressmen that I had proposed, would have been to reproduce my abilites, within carefully chosen canidates, who would want to work as culturial exchange ambassadors.This would be for the intrests of Earth's many affiliated intrest communites.

This would have been in the areas, of the arts, sciences, industries, both heavy and lighter phased industries, as well as the health professions and health scinces.

These modern and safely disgned centers, would have worked as half way houses, in dealing with cultures that are in many instances strange to Earthlings.

I have found through the many differing phases of employment stiles that I have been through, that there is always a one or two people within any large orginization, that have certain flairs for handeling certain situations.

It may be within this society, regardless of what may occur after my post on this board, in time to come, certain indivduals who would accel at areas of off-world contact, where others might not be so sucessful?

These culturial centers were proposed to have an openly co-ordined area, where that certan type of alien could land without interfearance at a specially designaited landing zone, within the exchange park.

Once this being would have landed, he would have been appointed a culturial understanding companion, who would make sure that both the potential Earthbased client as well as the extraterrestial.
Within the context of this new proposed situation, each party would be explained certain caution areas, would have been in dealing with respects to social intercourse profiles, which may have included the many areas of intrest formentioned.

I feel that with this central sun being a mild varible, that it is almost required to at least attempt reaching a halfway type of meeting center, instead of letting events snowball, to where other events may occur, which could make life unbearble here on Earth.

Dr. Steven Greer is one of these people who have openly and publically within the political sence have moved in this area. Be it noted again, he has been met with a disbelief system.This is said within the U.S. Congress, even when the black budgets allociated to hidden alien bases, as said by many authors, has been in the trillions upon trillions of dollars.

It has been made mention of, in a very public way, that many of the half breed attempts that aliens have performed, have ended up with the newborn child, held within these said cobase areas, dieng as it cries, due to a nonunderstanding of humans and how they work.

It seems that many of the alien attmpts at furthering replication using humans, are now ending within certain failure.

This may be due to a vast series of biological population mechanics, which is not only not well understood by the Earth based heiarchy, but by the some said seventy hidden alien bases as well?

My proposal, which would have been a massive effort, would have assembled the potentials of the many differing facits of this society, to understand itself within the contrast to a greater cosmose.

This is a step towards maturity for this Earth based society and should not be a measure of placeing a fragile band-aid upon deeper problems by organized government, telling the people that this perilous situation we now find ourselves in, has something to do with either over-nationism, or not met production quotas failures.

I did not keep a letter register, however do estimate that I had sent some five proposals of this nature, to all sectors of government.

I did so, knowing full then, what we are faceing now.

This is the overcentralization and gradual decline of civilization as we know itThis is due to mass,social-biological functionism problems, which can only be corrected by the process of translocating large segments of this population, willfully, to other reaches.

I have not been then, am now, nor will ever willfully be a proponent of trying to rescue large segments of the population from its own self made disasters of government, when these eventualities could have been headed off decades ago.

Please note for the time travler historian's records, that this was my real and valid effort in trying to reach out to other off-world civilizations.

Please note also; for the record, that I do not fully agree with the Pleiadean heiarchy, within the realms of their doings.

This is by the glairing inequties that are being published now, such as Ptaah, the Atlantian sected head of the Pleiadean contingent, has no idea what author Barbara Marcnieack is saying within her text as being valid materials.

I know now that at this level of time, some of the Grays race is also dieing off, with the many attempts at grafting reproduction efforts, ending is failure.

Thank you, creedo299 6/1/2002
Creedo, you said:
<<I have to date, had only two alien encouters.
One was with the Pleiadeans at a hover distance in 1989 and the second was with beings, that were out of frequency beings and I had origionally initeaited this contact.>>

So let me get this straight. You were making threats to me for weeks, saying that your going to sic these Aliens on me and that they were really going to kick the TTA’s @$$? When you your self, have only seen them twice? Give me a break man. And you tried so hard to convince everyone of this, especially me…
I won’t hold my breath on their reliability of contacting you. As if I was even taking your empty threats seriously anyways :P haha.

So what’s the time gap between each visit, 10 years?

I on the other hand have had multiple dreams and experiences involving Aliens. Just last nights for example, I had this 16 hour long dream/coma, and I saw images of creatures and Aliens, and their architecture. I was being used as a consultant against my will, working in this cloning laboratory where they were manufacturing strange Alien beings, even humans. Apparently they needed my expert opinion on how to create beings that can fly at will and transcend reality.

But hey, you don’t see me getting all preachy about them, do you?

My point is this. You have had only 2 experiences with them, to set you off in motion to be like this. Leading to you being superstitious and fanatical, to want to be an ambassador off of earth. Sorry Creedo, but your behavior doesn’t seem to be balanced out by your pathetically low experience with them. You must of read every book on the subject of Aliens I’ll bet
. I guess you gotta do something while you wait for the next 10 years they show them selves to you

<<My proposal to a number of congressmen in writing, for this globe, was to by negocieations, try to end the hidden alien base syndrome by completely opening up this society to full alien contact now.*This was within the past decade relative to time, from this posting date.>>

I think I am beginning to understand now. So after your first 2 experiences a decade ago with the Aliens, you were sold, hook -line and sinker. And you wanted more visits from them ever since? Geesh, talk about a longing for reuniting. Just curious, where were you during Heaven’s Gate?

As for the rest of your post, *Yawn*
. What’s your point in all this historical marker crap? What’s the topic even suppose to mean? Don’t you know by now, that you can’t force or even tell history what to believe about you? They will see everyone’s posts, and make their own judgments on how people were. Not on what you or anyone else says.

If it’s clear to see that someone is completely full of $hit, and you try hard to tell them it’s not so. That won’t guarantee you anything unless you can be sincere with them, not to mention your self. But I see you rather keep bull $hiting people and the situation. Spend some time in reality, and prove your case. Then just bombarding us with things that you plagiarized out of the many Alien books you own in your study

Bytheway, your living in yesterday, <<creedo299 6/1/2002>> today was June 2nd.

i could not help but to ease drop into this topic a co-worker of mine had the computer opened to this place,

its so sad about the alien babies, they yearn and reach out in their development for the feelings of love. some if not most die from this neglect if they cannot be weened. the elders shun this behavior it is consider it to be a weekness of survival.
Editorial note, Chris:

Note that as said some of the alien babies dieing, is due to spent DNA compatability profiles, not neglect.

Thank you Creedo299