Truly free socieities live by innovation.
Within the stores of information as held in Dr. Anderson's Time Travel Institute, you will find reference to how the Philedephia Excpierment had degraded the quality of mentality of humans here on this Earth.
This may cause problems in some humans being accepted into the greater cosmose, as part of the plan.
One of our resident gene, which is one of the many past old line genes is Andromedian, which is dualy posted in the VHS film (Alien Autopsey), as well as Col. Steven's book (UFO Crash At Azteck, A Well Kept Secret).
Because of this past blended genetic influence, we as a human race, are of great intrests to many offworld species.
However due to the virus rejection factor, of our underlying baselog, "I'm sorry", we are not a salvation plan for some of these alien races.
I have noticed that when people generally tell the truth, that they are attacked.
I myself have been attacked twice now, for telling the truth and consider the information as told on Dr. Andreson's web site.
I am on recorded as saying that in many respects the now present Earth bound human race, is dieing out.
When those who are in control are despratly trying to achive a heiarchial stance of total dominace, the words phrased, (dieing out), is probably not what they want to hear.
An intresting conundrum indeed?
I wish nobody any harm, however tranplace space as well as time traveling man against the other races of the cosmose within his current behavioural stance and these races in some case are thousands if not millions of years in advancment of Earth based man; then I'm sure that you will see problems.
Do you see a problem Mr. Richard 18, or would this be noted as a cosmic quantum bubble of nofactual perception?