Epochal Historian
By Amy Neamora, staff reporter:
During an interview at his Huntsville residence the infamous Creedo 299 of the now famed TTI posting board, was involved in a brief scuffle, during an interview.This was durring and interview over him taking leave of real wimen pics and engaging in virtual reality babes.
Creedo gave a brief interview while exiting from his work related condo and had accidentally pushed this reporter to the ground due to crowding, during the interview.
We now have a reply of this interview.
Creedo:Well yes' I've given up looking at real wimen, due to the problem of pop-up switching.Popup switching gives subject matter that is either illegal, or untasteful to the viewer. I'm now going to view cyberbabes./
Amy attempts to speak to Creedo and due to the crowd, reporter shoves microphone into Creedo's face at which point Creedo refers to reporter as an unamitable bit*h.
Reporter then refers to Creedo as a nonreal doll lover.
Creedo then feels bad, helps reporter to feet and apologises.
The interview continues.
Mary with the New England Sun>Then you feel that by sporffing in.front of your computer terminal, that you're not breaking any moral codes?
Creedo>No' quite the contrary Mary.I feel that virtual cycberbabes, done in high quality web formats, time has come.
Mary of the Sun>How is that Creedo?
Creedo>Well Mary, there is almost no danger of disease, little attachment after viewing. And the web hoster does not have to worry about the viewer ever calling the website, asking for such things as phone numbers, or e-mails.
Amy>Who is your current flame, Creed?
Creedo>I really like the girl who is pictured center in the Final Fantasy game.
She somehow resembles Jennifer Aniston, but much more athletic.
Amy>You care for her then,... Creedo?
Creedo>Ahhhh' it's nothing serious, but I am an admirer and have gotten to know her quite well.
Mary>How serious is it?
Creedo>I don't know on this one.
I mean I look at her, but when I look into her eyes, it's as if she's not there or something..?
Almost as if she's not real; a creation or something?!
And there you Have it, Amy Neamora, JEN-5 News, Huntsville
Sources for artifical love-sporf;
By Amy Neamora, staff reporter:
During an interview at his Huntsville residence the infamous Creedo 299 of the now famed TTI posting board, was involved in a brief scuffle, during an interview.This was durring and interview over him taking leave of real wimen pics and engaging in virtual reality babes.
Creedo gave a brief interview while exiting from his work related condo and had accidentally pushed this reporter to the ground due to crowding, during the interview.
We now have a reply of this interview.
Creedo:Well yes' I've given up looking at real wimen, due to the problem of pop-up switching.Popup switching gives subject matter that is either illegal, or untasteful to the viewer. I'm now going to view cyberbabes./
Amy attempts to speak to Creedo and due to the crowd, reporter shoves microphone into Creedo's face at which point Creedo refers to reporter as an unamitable bit*h.
Reporter then refers to Creedo as a nonreal doll lover.
Creedo then feels bad, helps reporter to feet and apologises.
The interview continues.
Mary with the New England Sun>Then you feel that by sporffing in.front of your computer terminal, that you're not breaking any moral codes?
Creedo>No' quite the contrary Mary.I feel that virtual cycberbabes, done in high quality web formats, time has come.
Mary of the Sun>How is that Creedo?
Creedo>Well Mary, there is almost no danger of disease, little attachment after viewing. And the web hoster does not have to worry about the viewer ever calling the website, asking for such things as phone numbers, or e-mails.
Amy>Who is your current flame, Creed?
Creedo>I really like the girl who is pictured center in the Final Fantasy game.
She somehow resembles Jennifer Aniston, but much more athletic.
Amy>You care for her then,... Creedo?
Creedo>Ahhhh' it's nothing serious, but I am an admirer and have gotten to know her quite well.
Mary>How serious is it?
Creedo>I don't know on this one.
I mean I look at her, but when I look into her eyes, it's as if she's not there or something..?
Almost as if she's not real; a creation or something?!
And there you Have it, Amy Neamora, JEN-5 News, Huntsville
Sources for artifical love-sporf;