

Temporal Novice
I recently saw a programme on time travel and heard a possible explanation about the phenomenon by Dr.David Deutsch from the Oxford University. He states that time travel tekes place at a quantum level. COuld someone help me get some details on this train of thought. thanks!
ok let me get specific. the theory states that there exist not one but many universes...........a multiverse if u will. each universe is similar to every other universe barring certain differences; these differences maybe as small as the fact that the computer on ur table is slightly towards the right or as big as the fact that u r reading someone else's post and i m Dr David Deutsch! now according to Dr David Deutch, when we eventually do travel in time (non-linerly) we do not go back in time in our universe but appear in the past of another universe. now if that is the case, then the TIME PARADOX does not hold true as i m pretty sure the death of my grandfather in another universe will have little impact on my universe and thus will not result in my non-existence.
Now wat i m really looking for are alternate theories or rather theories that either support or contradict this proposed theory. Thank You for ur responses.
Ah.................well the reason i posted that was to get some idea about what ur opinion was about the theory in the sense as to what do u think of the phenomenon of time travelling in this context! pls dont tell me how much u know abt the proprietor of the theory.......gimme some input about ur view on the possibility.
I believe the quantum nature of the universe proves that all possibilities exist however conscious thought determines the world we live in and perceive.

yup that about sums it up.