New to TTI? Introduce yourself here!

Hello there fellow forum mates. Its been long since i've last been active here , from before the site collapse. Im a whovian, needless to say, so holler if you are too.

Hello everyone. We are a plural system that goes by the collective name of The Hotel and City, based on our Closed Space layout. Wr have over 2,000 system members but only a handful actually care to front. The current main fronters are Samari, Asher, Galaco, Ekist, Jackdaw, Jacob, Jenffa and Xexas.

There are many people here who are interested and deal with things pertaining to this site; all ranging from the Butterfly Effect to The Multiverse Theory to The Morphogenetic Field. So we decided to join this site so that everyone can join in discussions about those type of things.

Each of our posts will be signed by whoever was the one to respond or make it.

Its a pleasure to join the site :)


Wow, very intriguing. Welcome to the Time Travel Institute!

Can you elaborate a little on what you mean by being a plural system, collective, etc?

Well, to be blunt and simple, there are many people who share this body. We are all complete and separate people with our own dislikes and likes and interests and personalities, and we all reside in our "headspace" or "closed space" when not fronting. To front, we have a "fronting room" that is currently the shape of a Lighthouse that we use to gain control of the front( body).


Well, to be blunt and simple, there are many people who share this body. We are all complete and separate people with our own dislikes and likes and interests and personalities, and we all reside in our "headspace" or "closed space" when not fronting. To front, we have a "fronting room" that is currently the shape of a Lighthouse that we use to gain control of the front( body).-Samari
I can't help but think of some kind of Being John Malkovich situation... Is that somewhat accurate? You know, with the exception of crawling through a weird tunnel and getting shot out somewhere above the New Jersey turnpike.How did you come to be a collective?

Lol, after looking it up, I can honestly say its nothing like that lol. The only way its at all similar is that sometimes new people come to the system by portal type things.

I hate to compare it, but plural systems are actually more like MPd/DiD except that we are NOT trauma based, Not alters, not imaginary friends and Not the same person. Just the switching aspect and many people bit is the same, everythig else is not like us at all.

EDIT: forgot to mention how we became a plural system. Actually, we were born plural. There started out with just 4 people in the system who were born into it when the body was born. Then once we discovered we were a plural system others somehow got here and we figured we were a type of Gateway system.


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Well, you can think of it as you please, but we are not personalities nor do we have multiple personalities. I am my own complete person, as is everyone else here.

Also, I have no idea what that Borg Collective is...


The Borg Collective

